Reasons for Optimism - Tourney edition

1. We are The best team in our regional. We are the most talented team in our regional.
2. We will have a great home field advantage.
3. Pooser is pitching great. Cleaver and Hogan are looking good coming out of the pen.
4. Waldy, Lopez, Nicholson, and Pitre are on fire at the plate.
5. We have a lot of players on this team with super regional experience. Leverage it to help us win.
6. Indiana state won a regional at home last year, but they played Iowa. Once they went on the road to TCU for a super, they were outclassed.
7. Oregon state is not what they used to be. We can win a super against them, especially in LEX.
8. The SEC meat grinder is over. No SEC teams in our region (obviously), nor are there any in Oregon state regional. So, the earliest we see an SEC team is Omaha. The only one that truly scares me is UT and they're on the other side of the bracket.

OUr trend line hasn't been great lately, but I think we'll see a rejuvenated team. The SEC meat grinder is over (at least for a few weeks). Let's do this
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Basketball Roster - Long Highlight Videos

Wanted to post these all in one place for the people interested, long highlight packages of 30-40+ minutes, shows the whole play leading up to the guy scoring, gives a better view on how the players were used and their skillsets. Amari Williams missing for some reason. Included Robinson and my takeaways:

Jaxson Robinson
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Much more complete game than being a 3&D set shooter. Crafty finishes and a very nice handle, knows how to use his length. Could be an elite scorer if he adds some more muscle in the offseason IMO. Reminds me of a shorter college Brandon Ingram.

Koby Brea
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Stupidly high level perimeter shooter and shoots off the bounce and on the move. He's like having a really really good deep threat WR that the defense has to constantly double team deep. I want him taking 7+ threes a game, will be Kellan Grady on steroids for us.

Otega Oweh
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Strong and lengthy, finishes really well through contact. Had to drive a ton in isolation scenarios at Oklahoma, he's gonna get alot of easy buckets from cutting and slipping screens in Pope's offense. Kind of like a more wing version of Cason Wallace but not as good of a shooter.

Andrew Carr
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Strong post scorer but I'm more interested in his perimeter shooting and straight line drive ability, which I think Pope will tap into more. Got the sense watching that Wake Forest didn't have very many good passers, Carr could've shot 1-2 more threes a game if he got more perimeter passes when he was wide open.

Kerr Kriisa
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Going to be a deadly shooter when he's off the ball, another guy I want taking a HIGH volume of threes. Still don't love his decision-making as a distributor but won't be asked to do anywhere near as much of that this year as he did at WVU or even Arizona.

Lamont Butler
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The tape and his efficiency stats just don't match up with this guy. You watch him play and he's an athletic, lengthy, strong guard who seems to score at ease and has a smooth stroke but his numbers are bad. Maybe it's the offense or how he was used, not sure.

Brandon Garrison
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He is going to be awesome in his second year here, and could very good next year if he just follows the same improvement track. Moves super well, big enough to hold his own down low, has good instincts and good hands (thank god). Can score down low on cuts, post moves etc. but also has a nice mid-range touch that he likes to go too.

Super Regional Game 1 Thoughts

Man, what an atmosphere. Understatement to say that BBN is excited for baseball.

-Can't say enough about Pooser. Just a big time performance. One-hitter? Are you kidding me? This was an all timer of a night.

-Pitre! Nicholson! These guys are on fire. We survived an off night by Waldy.

-How in the world did we not top 8000 fans last night? We had 7304 against UT and that was without bleachers, and people were five deep in the outfield last night. I would have thought we 'd have close to 9000 based on eye test.

-Not complaining (I promise), but last night was not a great game for UK from a fundamental "UK baseball" standpoint...poor bunting, not being able to get runs home from 3rd base, etc. I was nervous up until our 7th inning explosion b/c we left a lot on the table up to that point. I say this mostly b/c A) it could have easily been a 15-0 or 18-0 type of score, and B ) there is plenty for the coaches to harp on to keep these guys laser focused going into tonight.

-Moore or Niman tonight? I could make an argument for each, but biggest game in school history tonight. Part of me thinks we'll beat the record crow again and the other part of me thinks that the late start time might scare some people off. Either way, it will be electric.
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Official Steph Curry is GOAT thread

After his fourth game of 40 points or more by the end of the third quarter, and his 6th game of 40 or more points, Steph Curry is playing at a level which no one has ever matched. He had 5 quarters of 20 or points; he shot 10-11 from the field, and 5-5 threes (three of which were 30 feet or further) in the third quarter. This is also his FIFTH game with eight or more threes. He is averaging more than 5 threes per game; he is averaging more than two steals per game, and is shooting at a stupid 52.4 percent rate. He will hit 15 threes in a game this season....if the other team is close enough. I predicted 74-8; they might go 79-3. Not even Jordan has matched this level of efficiency, and the 72' Bulls didn't match this start. Wow, Steph is GOAT right now.
