I asked my UC fan husband if he would kick Brian Kelly in the dick if he could and he said hell yes before I could finish asking the question. I always liked Miles and O LSU but with Kelly, nope.

Having said that, USC’s qb has one of the most punchable face/name combos I’ve seen in FB in a minute. He looks like a 80s hotshot Wall Street broker with a penchant for roofieing girls to make them listen to nonstop bragging about his portfolio.
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Chad, no talk of the Walter Payton tribute?

Seems like SC jr fans are not confident while we may overconfident. Never take anything for granted UKFB fan.

Brock seemed like he was lacking touch, zoned in on receivers. Sounds like Levis, more agile though.

Big week.

Yeah- was pretty cool. Eddie was very chatty and emotional. Think Jarrett Payton may have been the only black person at Wrigley lol


Liberals that do the right thing instead of what makes them feel warm and fuzzy will vote for Trump and Vance to represent their safety in the situation room instead of these two bumbling boobs.
CSB: It's an oxymoron for Libs to do the right thing over warm & fuzzy. As a conservative, I'm even stooping to vote for Trump.
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VH70 —Absolutely we used to catch those WEBN Labor Day fireworks. We’d always stake out a spot right down on the river on the Kentucky side very near where we knew the barge would end up from which the fireworks were launched. Party all day. In my memory they started that tradition in the early-mid 1970s, about the end of my high school years. We’d make a day-long party out of it.
I think it started in 75 or 76 as we took our 2-3 yrs old son to the Newport Floodwall to watch. No one knew what to expect. People were blown away by the size and show length. Nothing like it ever before. The finale noise & light was awesome. It went on for several minutes. Because what it would be was unknown, relatively light crowd that first year. That quickly changed.

It was a wide open event in the early years. Very little police presence, traffic control (Getting out could be a nightmare.). Recall sitting there and a group of 20's aged guys (Us still then too.) climbed up with a 1/4 barrel !! Laughed my tail off, but nobody thought anything as everyone had brought their own. Took 3 years or so for the authorities fully realized what a huge event it was & started putting in controls - reducing the fun of course. My Mom loved it. Several years we took her and sat practically on the riverbank.

For those that don't know, the concrete flood wall is 30-40' tall with grass covered embankments on both sides that are steep/tough to climb up. Installed after the record 1937 Flood. Ate up Newport's First Street.
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Maybe the biggest off-season move…

We're finally getting back to physical football and getting away from the nfl wide zone.

Wolf is an ok coach but a dynamite recruiter. Unfortunately he'll probably leave again first opportunity.
He may have been a dynamite recruiter at Bama but there was multiple draws there that had nothing to do with him. He hasn’t shown that he is a dynamite recruiter at UK. He gets credit for DW and he got UK in the door but it was his relationship with Stewart that sealed the deal and has kept him at UK. He hasn’t been able to get a quality LT to UK. Hopefully he changes that quickly
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Football ***** Stoops Monday Press Conference Notes - South Carolina Week *****

Greetings HOB. Hope you’re enjoying your Labor Day extended weekend. We’re still on schedule here in the football media world, so there will be a normal Mark Stoops Monday press luncheon today at Noon ET. Stay tuned for the latest news and notes…

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* Looking back on Saturday, proud of the team for the way they handled everything. Played hard. Played relatively clean. More props to the fans for hanging around and giving us a lot of inspiration. Hopefully a better experience this week for the fans, big game. Competition increases greatly.

* Did some good things Saturday, but so many things we can do better.

* South Carolina is a team that we always seem to have good games with over my years here, evenly matched.

* I’m a DB guy at heart, and a couple of times we got caught “watching the game,” no room for that.

* Unfortunate that we couldn’t get some reps for guys we wanted to see on Saturday. With such a big lead, that was disappointing to miss that opportunity.

* Special teams were really good Saturday. Need to build on that. Knew there was likely no chance they’d kick to Barion, and we tried to exploit that with Willie Rodriguez on the nice KO return.

* OL was getting into a good rhythm when the game got called. Liked how they mixed things up in the run game.

* On South Carolina’s Sellers at QB… Dual-threat guy, big and strong, can throw it downfield. He’s going to get better with each additional rep he gets.

* On SC edge rushers… They have a really good combination with No. 5 and No. 6. One is a very mature, older player, Kinnard, and Dylan Stewart is a 5-star freshman, very disruptive. They get off the ball well, attack.

* On Jager Burton’s play… He did well. Getting better. Getting pushed by Coach Wolf. He’s growing. Still a play or two that he needs to finish cleaner, but likes what he sees.

* On tough loss down at SC last year, does he bring that up to the team… it’s always a new team, new year, but you try to learn from games like that.

* Offense has to deal with a lot of pre-snap stuff. Really have to be dialed in and focused to play as clean as they did on Saturday.

* On BVG’s first college start… Made very good decisions. Thought he played like I thought he would play. Had a lot of confidence in him. Was he perfect? No. He’d be first to admit that. But his presence was good. Ability to buy time and scramble throw in rhythm, on time was good. He may not be as comfortable this week with SC’s front and the way that they pressure, so we’ll have to have a plan for that.

* On the defense maybe being one of the better groups that he’s had… Not ready to anoint them yet. Still a lot of improvement that needs to be made before we can get into that.

* Loved seeing the deep shots that Bush Hamdan was taking in the opener. May not do that as much every game, but you have to mix things up and take your shots.

* Told what Alex Raynor’s numbers have been and asked if he’s been ever than he ever imagined, Stoops jokes, “Are you trying to jinx him?!” Admits he’s been really impressive.

* On SC running it twice as many times as they passed it last week… Sellers will put it down quite a bit on pass plays like we did with BVG. I’m sure they wanted to be more balanced.

* With BVG’s ability to keep plays alive, guys have to be ready to stay in the play longer and realize he can do that. They’ve been working it all the way back to the spring, but it is an adjustment with a guy like that.

* On BVG being a coach’s son… You can tell. Definitely liked that when they recruited him in the portal.

* On JQ’s play and the corners opposite of Max… Trying to get DJ Waller healthy to give us some depth. Was hoping to get Addison in there if the game hadn’t ended prematurely. Thinks they’ve got a chance to be improved at that spot.

* The ILBs on Saturday really played well, really popped on film. D-Jack really made a nice play to force the INT. You can tell Dumas-Johnson can turn it up for games. Rayner has some quick twitch ability.

* Rybka has shown some growth, maturity. He was disruptive.



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