Crazy to hypothesize that it is solely the “Hispanics” that have caused political demographics to change since 1980 where a Reagan-like landslide is impossible. I mean, just 16 years before that, LBJ won in a landslide.
Did you learn mathematics at Vanderbilt? 1984 was the Landslide.

Where did anyone post solely?


How can we not take Pro-Hamas protestors on American soil straight to a plane and deport them to Gaza?

I bet the White House tipped off Hamas that a raid was coming.


California was not a predominantly Hispanic state in 1984. The moving left of the United States coincides with the mass immigration. I don't know how that can even be argued.

I guess I'll get called racist but go watch American Graffiti, and do you think it looks like that today?
Yep. California was red for nearly 40 years. The state voted Reagan- Reagan- Bush in three consecutive elections. Think about that! Demographics matter. This was an intentional population replacement for power and has been done to western countries intentionally.


Its easy to forget he should have two more titles already if not for saban. 42-2 with only two losses coming to saban. Unreal.

Its insane what Kirby already accomplished and hes only 48! He could conceivably do this another 20 years. He doesn't seem interested in the nfl. He didn't take the bama job and even if he did that only shifts him instead of getting him out of the sec. So I guess we

I don't think Kirby will be coaching 20 more years, 10 maybe. Just puts so much into it.
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Mark Stoops vs 3rd and long is a case study of incompetence!

They have other options Waller and the freshmen Nichols are really good but both not 100% right now.
At any rate I'm not sure why Hardaway plays field. His strengths are his size and length which would make him more of a boundary. Harrison can obviously play anywhere.

We always have one really good cb so he plays man in the boundary. Boundary in college is a much shorter throw so thats a really tough cover.

In college to the field is a very long throw. We put the weaker CB there and play zone to that side due to the longer time to react.

We just can't find that 2nd man cb. Haven't been able to since echols.

If UK wins their 1st three games (all at home) over S. Miss, South Carolina and #1 Georgia

I recall HH saying we would beat Georgia like the past couple years, all of them were routes. Sorry but saying we will make a playoff in the SEC is just insane. I hope we have a magical 10 win season again but the odds are not good especially now that we have to play Oklahoma and Texas some years now.
It’s almost as if the current coaching staff has plateaued and the program needs to invest in its future.


How can we not take Pro-Hamas protestors on American soil straight to a plane and deport them to Gaza?


‘25 is in Athens Grump.,it wont happen in your Dawg house. Its this season. Van has got something to prove as does Dumas.
We have the defense to limit you guys and the offense to score on you. Ky will be sky high and Georgia will come in flat as a pancake.
Gonna be a thriller but UK prevails:

I can't say that doesn't happen. Those 2 ex UGA players know UGA's schemes and tendencies. But the flip side of that is UGA knows the strengths and weaknesses of those 2 players. JDJ will find himself having to cover a back pretty often and force him to chase on runs. BV is a good QB, he was too young when Stetson took over and Beck has turned out to be pretty good. I am not predicting a UGA win, just that 25 is a better opportunity. Not sure why you think UGA comes out flat.

If UK wins their 1st three games (all at home) over S. Miss, South Carolina and #1 Georgia

How high would UK be ranked in the Ap?
Top 5?
Exactly what did you see last night that makes you think that is even remotely possible? I mean, other than an act of God, do you really believe we have a chance against Georgia? Maybe I am grossly underestimating how strong Souther Miss really is.


What I really liked was his pocket awareness. That was the biggest difference I saw between him and Levis. Levis had little to no pocket awareness. Brock slid all over the pocket avoiding the rush, while keeping his eyes downfield. It was impressive. Many times he found his third option.

He’s got a cannon, too. Fleet of foot. Nifty QB. I think he should end up better than Levis.

We Are A Bad Match Up for South Carolina

And we will; its hard to get up for Southern Miss. They will be ready for SEC play.
Oh come on!! It's the first game of a 12-game season, they are completely up for the game! Maybe there'd be an argument if this was the 10th game of the season but with the opener?? Absolutely not!! If anything there are first game jitters, how are you going to do against competition, but not up for the game, no way!
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Mark Stoops vs 3rd and long is a case study of incompetence!

First 3rd and long we had a guy there to make a tackle and he didn't.

Second 3rd and long (3 and 8) we played man type and jq got beat while bringing 6 guys. That was an extremely aggressive call that everyone constantly pines for. They converted and everyone blames the coaches even though its the very thing the fans want.

After that we started playing zone that everyone hates and shut them down.

As usual with the defense my complaint is with the players and recruiting. Max is going to play man on boundary side which is fine. You could tell they tried to see if jq could play some man tonight but he was beat most times i could see. We are always one cb short and this year is no different.
They have other options Waller and the freshmen Nichols are really good but both not 100% right now.
At any rate I'm not sure why Hardaway plays field. His strengths are his size and length which would make him more of a boundary. Harrison can obviously play anywhere.
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I simply don't understand the lack of information regarding the game.

Let me add to the griping above. I walked over about 7:45, because even on the pregame show, Dave Baker and Tom Leach did not have any real information about when the game might start. Probably reached my seat around 8, at which time the $20M video boards showed about 20 ininutes to kickoff. Which of course did not happen. Not a single announcement on the scoreboard or via PA until 9:35. Meanwhile we sat on our hands, listened to music, watched Notre Dame v. Tex A&M, etc.

Yet . . . every time UK takes the field/court in any sport, I get blasted by UK via text, app notifications, and email for me to buy tickets. But at the game, with 50,000 fans sitting there, they can't be bothered to give us some kind of update every 10 or 15 minutes? I understand the safety concerns, and have no problem with it, but at least give us some damn information. And like others have stated, internet and cell phones are nearly useless inside the stadium, no one in our section could get a decent signal.

Kudos to those of us in BBN who sat there for two hours, could not believe how many of us stayed all the way to the end, which mercifully came shortly after halftime. Also, thank you to TV, seemed like the TV commercials were greatly reduced, as was halftime.
