We Are A Bad Match Up for South Carolina

Unless the WRs can throw to themselves, I’m not sure SC has a prayer.

This is a game we should absolutely win but so was the game last year. Thats why i really just have one concern.

That said imo you cant discount how much sc and beamer gets up for the UK game. They have issues but were also absolutely looking ahead. This is a game that insufferable little pr*ck circles every year.


Went back and read it again just to make sure. Here it is:

Have y’all read it? He doesn’t endorse jack squat. He says, “Whether people like it or not, this will happen…so it must be done correctly.” And then calls on the state legislature to pass laws restricting the will of the voters. While complaining about the smell. I don’t know what you read, but that’s definitely bashing. It’s like your takes are from twenty years ago and you’re amazed and delighted he didn’t just rant about locking users up.

So you think it’s the will of the Florida voters that medical marijuana use can be restricted in public places, but personal recreational consumption cannot be restricted?

Or do you think a reasonable interpretation of the provisions specifically addressing public use, and authorizing the legislature to pass laws consistent with the section, would be that congress is authorized to restrict open use of recreational marijuana consumption, not just medicinal use in public places?
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We Are A Bad Match Up for South Carolina

Here is my major concern: sc has a stud wr and we play our cbs based on field/boundary instead of matching up. Jq was once again not great in either man or zone. In man he got beat and in zone he was way too easily influenced by routes in front of him.

So sc can dictate very easily by formation what theyre getting. They can either bet their beast is going to beat our man cb in the boundary or run levels at jq to the field for some easy first downs. He already showed himself susceptible to that concept last night.

We badly need another cb to step up.
Unless the WRs can throw to themselves, I’m not sure SC has a prayer.


Hey!! Let's get together and do a TikTok with thumbs up and giggles over Arlington National Cemetery graves!!!
Maybe a keg party next week.
F off disrespectful M Fers.
Your media overlords are getting ready to tell you to let this one go Sam. You and Harris’ tweet writers are picking fights with Gold Star families. It’s a losing issue big time. I’d listen to them on this one.

I simply don't understand the lack of information regarding the game.

Yeah if you home setting on your couch with a strong cell signal and working WiFi the communication was dandy - for those of us at the game it was atrocious. Always is — you can’t get a web page to load so there is no info flowing . Hard to look forward to an event for so long then have it delayed because of storms “ around “ Lexington. I say around because that’s what they were - I was there til 930 or so when I saw the first sign of bad weather around the stadium — and it missed .
