I saw a commercial this morning about monitoring your blood pressure, which was fine. We all should do that regularly. However, it must have been a regurgitated commercial from covid days because all of the approx. 20 people in the commercial were wearing masks. If I was to wear a mask right now, my BP would go up, and that would be contradictory to the message.

I guess when you go full bore tin foil hat, then it is hard to break that habit.


Strawman. Its always hilarious to watch libs flail about trying to debate issues because they can't actually debate issues on the merits because the merits dictate they lose every single time.

If they thought trump was so bad, they would've never joined him to begin with. That said i am very vocal in here at criticizing trump on his ability to select good fits. So far hes terrible at it. Generally speaking trump is terrible at delegating in general which is not a good quality in a president.

Jmo but his poor delegation skills come from the fact he runs a super small business. Most dont realize how small it actually is because the perception he exudes is hes running this massive company which just isnt true. His business model is genius and he clearly made a vast fortune but its never been large in terms of actual employment.

If I thought Trump was Hitler and was president for 4 of the worst years in American history, I’d definitely put a lot of weight on the judgment of the people who were serving with him and helping run the country during those terrible, terrible 4 years. Their backing of Kamala is definitely a well reasoned, intelligent move. After all, they’ve never shown poor judgment.

Direct tv issues

My point exactly. You had a Direct TV account. And the app knew that. That's why you could watch it. Without that, you couldn't. I'm 100% positive on that.
It let me choose which one to log in with and watch the game. I have watched them using just the ESPN + account. I fully admit that maybe it has changed but I know I have done it in the past. Maybe due to a glitch or some other reason.

Aggies to the Big Ten?

I don’t understand why people keep falling for Greg Swaim articles. He’s the guy on twitter who said UK scheduled a press conference to introduce Scott Drew as our new head coach, and that A&M had hired Dan Lanning.

He’s also been dropping a conference realignment bombshell every couple of months for the last 10 years, and not once has he been right. The guy consistently makes things up.
There is NO WAY that Texas A&M nor any other school EVER leaves the SEC. Leaving the SEC for the Big 10 would be like leaving Major League baseball to play Triple A baseball. A&M just like Kentucky wants to be in the best most prestigious, most successful conference in college sports. THAT'S THE SEC!

What is happening at Memphis?

Whoa. Nothing says stable environment than moves like this.

Penny is in over his head, even at a basketball wasteland like Memphis...... Remember when he said that other coaches were jealous of him?..... What a clown
