Easy money bet 2 weeks ago: took the over at 6.5 wins for UK for the season. Largest bet I’ve ever made boys!

I mean..6.5.

3 easy non-con’s plus Vandy. All easy wins.
South Carolina should be called the limpcocks, not the gamecocks. They’re very pedestrian. Florida is an absolute disaster. They don’t get over 3 wins this year.

Auburn, Louisville both should be wins.

I’m looking at a 9 win season with an upset of one of the big 4 of Texas, UGA, Ole Miss and UT.

I’ll take the over every damn day!

Grab a cigar and a splash of Weller and enjoy the ride.


Well...there's literally videos (multiple of them...even posted a bunch of times in this very thread) showing that to be true. Even the mayor said he was gonna clear the apartment out.
You MAGAs are the most gullible fools on the face of the planet.
You believe anything you see on these far right fake news sites... Most of which are put out by Russian bots.
Try checking legit news sources before going full blown Forrest Gump.
Trump and his Russian buddies are going all in on fake news to scare the ignorant right now.
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And you just proved his point.

I have Liberal friends but none are as dense as you.
They have probably never been to Arlington or have family who are Army Rangers/Marines like I do. Ya either get it or you don't.
The ignorant just can't comprehend how sacred and hallowed Arlington is unless you've been there and witnessed how people are supposed to behave there.
Nah dude... You prove the point every time you say it's a great place for a F'ing political Tik Tok photo shoot. 🤡🤡🤡


Well...there's literally videos (multiple of them...even posted a bunch of times in this very thread) showing that to be true. Even the mayor said he was gonna clear the apartment out.
Go read the mayor’s statement for yourself. It was one property owner having a dispute with the city over his complexes getting condemned. Created a media firestorm to obfuscate. All intentional manipulation for racists like y’all to feed on.
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You realize by your constant slamming of Trump you are also slamming the gold star families who invited him there for which this sacred ground is where their children are buried. The gold star family members are also smiling in the photos so **** them too correct? Your not unhinged, your just an evil asshole!!!
Lots of you guys do that whole "If you do X then it means Y" thing. Is that a holdover from Rush Limbaugh or do you just think you can make things so by claiming it's so?

Fantasy Football

LOL at not thinking Tyler Boyd won’t produce.

1- Dhop is already hurt with nagging injuries and at his age that doesn’t get better in season.

2- Burks would be the comp for 3rd WR, or 2nd across Ridley and he can absolutely handle that role.

He's ranked where he is for a reason. He's just not fantasy relevant at the moment.

DHop, last I checked, is actually progressing ahead of schedule and should be good for week 1. And yes you still have Ridley, on a team that really doesn't seem like it's gonna be an offensive force.

This feels like Rival's resident Bengal fans simply being fans of Boyd. He's not fostered in any of my 3 leagues, one of which is a 12 team.

I said for months UK had no chance for Darryn Peterson

Don’t make me post the screenshots where you told smash if Peterson came here you’d Venmo him $500… I’m trying to stay out of that as it’s between you two, but you’re forcing my hand.
I think you have me confused for someone else. I do not Venmo any FN body, much less a recruit. By all means, please provide that screenshot.
