No Cult Boy. You're the F'ing loon. Ask the US Army what happened. 🤡🤡🤡🤡

"A statement from the Army’s public affairs office said that the Trump campaign had been made aware that federal law prohibits filming for political purposes in that part of the cemetery, and it criticized the campaign for publicly insulting the official in a statement after the fact.

“Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds,” the statement said.

It continued: “An A.N.C. employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside."

You forgot the part that says the army now considers this case closed as the employee was not pressing any charges. But you keep on crowing about this all you like as this is still some being ongoing scandal. Good lord you need help but you’re beyond being helped. At least you have something else to talk about on here now other than J6 and 12 year old rape victims.

Direct tv issues

They do this every year with the various carriers.

I recently got a new fire stick and it runs Kodi much better, and it’s been very very good for free streaming. It’s kinda silly on how I’m install the right extension but if you’re decent with computers it’s not bad. If you have a newer fire stick you can mail it to me and I’ll do it for $5. F*** Disney.


A few posts ago, a sheep was railing about Trump stealing from Eddy Grant.

These people are equal parts clueless and shameless.

Self-awareness and introspection are not skills nor attributes of the left. They're too wrapped up in their own wants and feelings, and focused on the actions of others. If they would take the time to see what they hate in others may actually be their own projections of dislikes about themselves, they would be taking steps in the right direction. INSTEAD they RUN AWAY because it is uncomfortable, and they've been taught and conditioned to avoid pain and stress.

I can't tell you the number of weak character people I've met because if their parents and educators telling them it's ok not to look at and evaluate themselves and their role in their outcomes.

Dead man walking if FSU loses to Boston College

If you’re talking about that 4th down conversion attempt, that was incredibly stupid. I don’t know how you justify that.
Maybe but Norvell is a moron for going for it on his own 45 early in the 3rd in a 1 score game for 5 yds.
He is not ready for prime time. Needs to head back to Western Tenn.

100% agree. DJ also has the habit of throwing 5 yards short of what you really need. There were rumors about him coming here, very very glad he didn’t. I’ve been watching him suck for 5 years now.

Awful ways to die

Alzheimer's would have to be a horrible way to go. Both for the patient and loved ones. Slowly slipping away.
Positive thing is the mental aspect of the person with it is gone, so it doesn’t effect them personally as much as it does family. My dad had dementia and passed a couple years ago. He was happy as a clam most of the time.

As @JDHoss said, ALS has got to be the worst for the person that has it. More than any other disease imo.

Both severely suck, but ALS impacts the individual more than Alzheimer’s imo.
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