Otega ansley and andrew talk mark pope

I have had the same concern, that he hasn't had great success before. He'll have better resources here, he'll have more talented rosters here - but it's yet to be seen if he can be a FF/championship level coach. I AM confident his teams will at least be good. He was good, not great, 3 out of 5 years at BYU (two 6 seeds, 2020 would have been a 5 or a 6) and, again, he's just going to have more talented rosters here. Can he turn those better rosters into title contenders? We can hope, but not a given. He's gonna work his tail off chasing it, he's going to play efficient basketball, so he definitely has a shot at it. But still has to do it.

Looking at BYU before/during his tenure, he definitely did NOT regress compared to his predecessor, David Rose. Pope's first 2 years had a better W/L record than Rose had in the previous 6 (I went back 6 because 2014/15 were two of Rose's better years in his later time there) and last year had a step up in SOS with a still good W/L record. Looking at computer rating of the teams over that span, Pope's teams were on the whole better than Rose's:

His last 5 years were better than Cal's. 😂


You forgot the part that says the army now considers this case closed as the employee was not pressing any charges. But you keep on crowing about this all you like as this is still some being ongoing scandal. Good lord you need help but you’re beyond being helped. At least you have something else to talk about on here now other than J6 and 12 year old rape victims.
So the Army issues an official rebuke of Trump's actions and an Arlington employee decides not to press charges out of fear of MAGA nut jobs so it's all good with the cult?
Reminds me of Jan 6th.
Trump was right.
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Not only is it completely absurd its totally unworkable. Your point about unrealized loss deduction is the biggest. Guarantee they wont want to allow that but i can't think of any other current concept that lacks the balance of the deduction in the event of a loss. Without that deduction opportunity i don't know that its constitutional, but admittedly i don't know much about constitutional issues as applied to tax or revenue law/code.

Also - are you taxed on it once? Or every year till its actually realized? Who even placed value on such items or investments?

Its a gigantic boondoggle from every angle except political pandering to the insane far left.
If Kamala wins I'll bet that they will try to seize retirement accounts. This has been a left wing wet dream since the early 2000's. Billions of dollars held by responsible people and the avg American has less than $100k in retirement funds. I think the avg for people over 55 is only like $150k. So those of us who have maxed out and actually done homework to improve our retirement funds are going to have to pay....


It’s always so predictable.

Any movie that doesn’t portray conservatives badly is a zero. But if a movie is filled with gays and blacks or has some female lead with one of those combos then it’s “OMG! 100% perfect score! See how virtuous I am?”

Go look at the difference in critic scores of the Star Wars stuff like Last Jedi or Acolyte. 😂

Last Jedi: Critics 91%, audience 41%

D’Souza’s Death of a Nation: Critics 0%, Audience 88%

Acolyte: Critics 79%, Audience 18%

Ghostbusters 2016: Critics 74%, Audience 49%

Soul Surfer (Christian movie about Bethany Hamilton): Critics 45%, Audience 75%

The Star (animated talking animal movie about the animal leading Joseph and Mary to give birth to Jesus- national release) Critics 44%, Audience 70%

I could do this with so many films. If it’s “woke” and ideologically driven that aligns with the dogma of the left wing critics then it’s “awesome.” If it’s anything short of that with the slightest humanization of someone different than them then it’s terrible to critics.
Even stuff like House of The Dragon... You can tell how good an episode will be by looking at who wrote it and who directed it. Certain people on that show just can't keep their politics out the show and their episodes suck. I've had to quit listening to director commentary post show because it makes a bad episode even worse. ASOIAF is actually a left leaning world view by a guy that is a very liberal guy... but it's not far enough for some people so they just shove scenes down your throat to make sure "you get it" . LOL.
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