Starting PG looks to be locked up according to Kerr

Starting Oweh at SG makes it a defensive dominate team, I just looked and Oweh was 49% shooter and 37% from 3 last year. So that's not going to hurt you much on O and raises your defense in tournament games. I wonder who's the best defender amongst our shooters Brea, Kirisa, Chandler, Perry. My guess would be Brea. I do think we have enough shooters to bury teams and our best defense could be an offense that beats the other team to a hundred.
Thing I like about Oweh's shooting is that it has taken a leap each of the last 3 years. He didn't shoot a ton last year and would sometimes pass up open looks, but wouldn't surprise me if he takes another leap and goes something like 37% on double the attempts.

This team is going to be the best shooting team we've maybe ever seen here

Who are some of your favorite Kentucky players from the past

Big Dan Issel. In 1972 Jan 11th, our wives had baby girls born at Baptist Hosp in Louisville. Dan was playing for the KY Colonels at that time. Our wives had 9 hour labor and Dan and I sat in the waiting room talking mostly about B-Ball. Sherry (Dan's wife) had numerous visitors inc Louie Dampier, Carrier and Artis Gilmore-and more that I don't remember. Was he tall, I felt like a midget. I met the gang of Colonel's players and friends of the family. What a memory that provided. Later on Dan became a customer of mine as we owned he old Ice House in St. Matthews and Dan, Artis came by and ordered a Load of Firewood to be delivered.

My fav of al time.
That's a great memory to have. I wish the Colonels could have made the move to the NBA. I can just barely remember them.

Starting PG looks to be locked up according to Kerr

Starting Oweh at SG makes it a defensive dominate team, I just looked and Oweh was 49% shooter and 37% from 3 last year. So that's not going to hurt you much on O and raises your defense in tournament games. I wonder who's the best defender amongst our shooters Brea, Kirisa, Chandler, Perry. My guess would be Brea. I do think we have enough shooters to bury teams and our best defense could be an offense that beats the other team to a hundred.

Any baseball card collectors here?

You lucky duck! Even the common cards are worth a bit.
Yea, Mom didn't throw the small tool box full of them out. She asked several times if I still wanted them & I said yes. Finally took them from her when bought first house in '74.

As for lucky, I don't know if I won more or lost more flipping. Used to play 20 match touch in friend's basement. Had to stand on bottom stair and flip outward.
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The teams that care will eventually hire a full on NFL style front office to handle raising and distributing NIL moneys. Watching Hard Knocks and seeing the front office staff stress out about shit while the coach occasionally pops in with a coffee and looks chill as hell has to make all the college coaches jealous.

Starting PG looks to be locked up according to Kerr

Respectfully ... I reject your implication that Butler was promised that he would "start" as a condition of transferring to U.K. I agree with your literal statement that Butler "wasn't going to come here to not start", but I choose to accept that statement on the premise that Butler knew he was good enough to start and came to U.K. with the determination to work as hard as he could and put forth his best effort, trusting in himself that his best effort would win a starting position. To me, there is a vast difference between those two concepts ... and I don't believe that Coach Pope promised anything to anybody !
But, whatever ... Go 'Cats ! ! !

You just typed a giant paragraph to refute something that was never implied in the first place. Smh.

Mods: set up a system where new posters have to wait a week before they can start posting.

Things like website and app UI has to constantly change so the designers and engineers justify their jobs. Spotify seems to change the layout of things on a monthly basis and the app keeps getting worse and worse because the high paid engineers have to work on something, so they just tinker.

Unfortunately you just described like 80% of industries. What’s ruined the general effectiveness of government agencies.


Those that were pushing vaccine mandates don't agree with 'us', anyway.

So, gfy, NetCat.

Never forget. Never forgive.

You coronabros are vile despicable human beings.
Typical of those driven by emotion over knowledge. You'll never find anything where I supported vax mandates any time anywhere. But that doesn't get in the way of your false labeling. Your continual venom shows you actually need some mental health treatment.

Still think the initial vaxxing was a good idea. Saved way way more than they cost.
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If you want to see cheating in an election , those ballot drop boxes in Democrat run cities is all the evidence you need. It’s like having a 24/7 polling place wide open with no one working where you can stop in any time and cast votes as many times as you want. Those video of people stuffing them multiple times did nothing to get a court case going.
If they allow them, they should only be open for dropping off line 7 am- 7 pm . They should be strictly watched, video taped and everyone should have to check in before dropping off their ONE ballot ONCE. You want to drop family member ballots off then it needs to be registered and documented. Completely unethical to even allow any of them without oversight.
Maybe a group of people could set the boxes on fire. Daily. From the inside. Fight fire with literal fire...or drop gallons of water in their, destroying the fake ballots.

Not saying I would do ANY of that...but the left's reaction would be pretty funny.
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Starting PG looks to be locked up according to Kerr

Not really a surprise. He wasn't going to come here to not start.
Respectfully ... I reject your implication that Butler was promised that he would "start" as a condition of transferring to U.K. I agree with your literal statement that Butler "wasn't going to come here to not start", but I choose to accept that statement on the premise that Butler knew he was good enough to start and came to U.K. with the determination to work as hard as he could and put forth his best effort, trusting in himself that his best effort would win a starting position. To me, there is a vast difference between those two concepts ... and I don't believe that Coach Pope promised anything to anybody !
But, whatever ... Go 'Cats ! ! !
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Starting PG looks to be locked up according to Kerr


That bench could potentially burry their opponent's bench with the three point firepower.
As long as everyone transfers to this level of play it will be nice. I like that bench depth. I can definitely see Garrison starting as well at some point but as long as he gets plenty of PT it won’t matter.
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