Easy money bet 2 weeks ago: took the over at 6.5 wins for UK for the season. Largest bet I’ve ever made boys!

Wins against Vandy, Louisville, Florida, South Carolina, Southern Miss, Ohio, and Murray state. Losses to UGA, UT, Texas, Ole miss, and UGA. Auburn is a toss-up. This years sec schedule is brutal. Just so happens Texas is good the first year they're in the sec...go figure.
Wow! You have to play UGA twice…that is a tough schedule! 😉


The whole Venezuela gang takeover thing is BS fake news for the right wing chicken littles to cluck about. 😂😂
All those stupid videos of Hell's Angels heading there and whole Apartments controlled by Venezuelans is Russian and right wing fake news. You gonna believe a meme or the Aurora police fool???
You idiots believe anything Trump tells you. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

The Dumbass doesn't even bother to fact check ANYTHING.
English hard, is it G-School?

From your link:
Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman announced Friday the city is starting the process of clearing the apartment buildings where transnational armed gang TdA has taken over.

The Hell's Angels thing was an old story and lasted about 30-seconds.....about the length of time Willie Brown lasted on top of Kamala Harris.

As for your stupid take....there is no one denying that it is true. Is this another Deep Fake or cheap fake? Do you even read or look at the video? Where they undercover police? And by the way, can illegals own weapons? And you post the Newsweek (LOL Newsweek) OP_ED (you do know what an OP-ED is do you G-School).


Funny how that works.

Don’t show their face or mention race when they kill someone but blast “white” in the headline if it’s white perp, or in the moment they’re killed in a situation the press can make racial, blast their photo from kindergarten.

I’m glad to see “Man” arrested because if he had got away, this type of description would’ve made it hard to find him.

“What did he look like?”

He was not a woman and he wore a shirt.
My favorite was when that rogue, oppressed SUV snapped & plowed thru a parade, killing several saltines, in Waukesha. They literally blamed the SUV. 😂🤬

Aggies to the Big Ten?

It would hurt them in the long run.

More travel costs. Games on both coasts rather staying in the South. They will travel twice the distance to play a game against Rutgers as they would a game against Vandy (and the competition would be about the same on average).

They also lose some big ratings games.

More eyeballs on A&M vs. Texas and OU than will be for A&M vs. Michigan and OSU.

Regardless, the SEC will never miss them. Texas is the prize program in the state.
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One loss Clemson

FSU didn't drop after their first loss because there was no poll. There was the preseason poll and today's poll. FSU went from #10 with 971 poinst to out of ranking with 10 points.

LSU dropped 5 spots to #18. Clemson dropped 11 spots #25.

LSU played another ranked team in a barnburner. Clemson got routed.

Fantasy Football

He comes from the same offense that coming to Tennessee. We will throw it a lot more than we did with Henry/Vrabel.

But, it's still a staff change, it's a team that's not going to be very good, with a raw QB, and two WRs seemingly ahead of him in pecking order.

Idk, just doesn't seem like a guy you draft when he's ranked outside the top200. There's no real upside to him as he's almost 30. I think I'd rather dart throw on some of these younger guys with my last draft picks. Boyd will be there waiting for me on waivers if I really want him.
