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I’m sure this has been posted… but it is so horrifically bad/embarrassing, it needs to be posted again.
Trump led an effort to overthrow an election that turned into an assault on the Capitol.

Trump has claimed the right to terminate parts of the Constitution.

Trump kept Defense Department docs on a stage at Mar-a-Lago. He had no right to the documents. He had been repeatedly told he had no right to them. He lied to the people who came to retrieve them. Multiple times. He hid the documents when the authorities came to retrieve them. He induced others to help him. He displayed them to others. He has confessed to this: The FBI planted the documents and I want them back. He has been charged with espionage.

Trump claimed absolute immunity to steal the music of Eddy Grant. (Hundreds of thousands in royalties.)

Trump has been found by a jury responsible to sexual assault.

Trump has been found guilty of over 30 counts of felony fraud.

Trump raw dogged a porn star after his newborn son had just come home from the hospital.

Trump had an affair with a hooker -- and this is important to see how poorly he sees people -- he tried to pay her when she was screwing him -- believe it or not -- willingly.

Trump returned to the White House while still shedding the COVID virus that had almost killed him because he was afraid being sick made him look weak. But being utterly indifferent to the health of the people required to work around him would make him look strong.

I’m sure these have been posted… but they are so horrifically bad/embarrassing, they needs to be posted again. And again. And again.

I'm sure JStaff2187 feels that a candidate changing their accent delivery to suit an audience is just the worst thing ever, but it seems like straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel to use the Biblical phrase.


It only takes one thing to "brainwash" someone. They have to have low self-esteem, and that might as well be the calling card for the Democrat party.
GIves them meaning in their lives...

~Liberals ate a lot of crow over the weekend at Trump's appearance at Arlington (discussed on here so I won't dive into it)

~Obvious by Rex Chapman's twitter feed, he is still a deranged idiot. He should have stuck to frequenting Apple stores.

And atonement.

NASCAR thread

Damn. Bubba has had absolute shit luck this year
If only he was as good of a driver as NASCAR makes him out to be. All of their promo photos and things have Larson, Chase, Hamlin, Truex and Bubba. When they are showing 3 champs, a 54 win driver and a guy with 2 wins it would seem the guy with 2 wins, and one of those being a rain shortened race, doesn't fit in as the elite of the sport.

I used to pull for Bubba to succeed but after the whole "noose" on the garage door that Bubba and NASCAR tried to make into a racial issue when it turned out that the rope was used to close the door and that it was tied that way a year earlier, I have just soured on him. He and NASCAR should have came out and apologized to the rest people in the garage that they accused of being racist and instead one of the announcers, I believe it was Rick Allen, doubled down on more than 1 occasion and called it a noose for several months afterward talking about what Bubba had to endure and the noose. I'm sure Bubba has dealt with some stuff from fans in person and on social media but I highly doubt the ones in the garage have ever treated him differently and NASCAR threw them under the bus to prove a point of how diverse they are.

Dead man walking if FSU loses to Boston College

So will they hire Deion or Stoops as their next coach?

Stoops said no to them before but who knows. Surprised they didn't hire deion last time but this time the cries for him will be even louder. So i expect that will be their first offer IF they decide to make a change.

The man was undefeated last season and didn't get the nil funding for the qb he wanted. Not sure how much of this you can blame on him.


We've had this argument several times already and there's no need to rehash it because you're arguing a semantic difference, not a material one. Whether you say it gives "protection" to rights that already exist or that it actually grants those rights itself, matters none at all. In every practical, material way they are the same. The legal protections our people enjoy exist because of the Constitution(and would not be enjoyed otherwise). Whether protecting or granting.
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~Liberals ate a lot of crow over the weekend at Trump's appearance at Arlington (discussed on here so I won't dive into it)

~Obvious by Rex Chapman's twitter feed, he is still a deranged idiot. He should have stuck to frequenting Apple stores.

~Still waiting on the resident dolts on here to list Kamala's platform, analyze it, and tell us how it will MAGA......and do so w/o mentioning The Donald's name. compound on this, the liberal blowhards on the national scene can't tell us either, as it is all TDS magnified.

~You have stupid, and you have liberal stupid, which is exemplified by this dolt...


The city of Chicago is fine.

Yep....$1B budget deficit, crime and murders still an ongoing problem despite Beetlejuice leaving, CPD is 2000 officers short, massive illegal immigrant problem which is causing homelessness to increase, cost of living way above national name a few. Sure, great bars and such, so fine for the intellectually challenged......but throw in the liberal ignorant and there you go.


Amazing how many times when someone is making a good point they lose the feed...actually most of the time they claim they lost the audio even though we can hear everything fine. Libs can't compete in the marketplace of ideas, so they have to do sh-t like this:

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Or -- just spitballing here -- they're being professionally polite.
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So the Army issues an official rebuke of Trump's actions and an Arlington employee decides not to press charges out of fear of MAGA nut jobs so it's all good with the cult?
Reminds me of Jan 6th.
Trump was right.
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your TDS is out of control. Trump took a picture with Gold Star families at their request. If you want to be outraged about that go right ahead. If you feel vindicated because a spokesperson for the army said he should not have done it so be it. You are only proving to everyone here how unhinged you truly are.
