Do you go to Church?

I can't believe grown ups buy into all this. Either love me or burn in hell? Either believe I exist or burn in hell? Tell me how awesome I am or burn in hell? I own u but we have a relationship??

What you are describing is not a creater of the universe--you are describing the episode of the twilight zone where the family is scared of the little boy who has magical powers.

You are giving too much power to men who lived 1000s of years ago. You describe it all like children. Are you?

I believe in live and let live but this crazy hard line church stuff is a little creepy. It's like the hard line Christians have decided to out looney the Muslim terrorists.

And the sad part is you all don't even see it. You are so grain washed in it from such an early age that you can't even step outside it for a minute to see that you are exactly like the hard line Muslims sans bombs(but it really looks like that's coming)

I went to church as a kid and it was NONE of what some u all talk about.

Ps-when are u true believers going to stone all those people working on the weekends?

Were you forced to go to church by authoritative parents/caregivers who thought you should be there every time the church doors swung open and used the Bible to strip you of your identity and free will? Did they hang out shaking hands til the last car was gone from the parking lot and you missed the 12:30 NFL kickoff? Did they drag you to church picnics and Bible school every Summer and not let you see PG movies and go to the pool with friends because of the sin of the flesh? Lord, they didnt make you go to one of them snake handlin churches did they? Something happened to make you hate Christianity as much as you do.
1. Are you saying that 2000+ years of Jews who rejected Christ will escape hell, while 2000+ years of everyone else who did so will be shit out of luck?

2. To your second point, you are married to your religion's teachings and won't "concern yourself" with others; just like Muslims and others who show no concern to Christianity. That's what I've been saying all along. People are born into their culture's dominant religion.

1 No Im telling you what the Bible says and I gave you references to look it up. It says in the last days they will accept him. Any one else who accepts him will escape hell too.

2 Matters of faith are not wholly dependant upon cultural surrounding. I could have just as easily converted to another religion or simply become an athiest. Accountability rests on man not God. Its the evil heart of man that is granted free will then blames God for allowing evil that they choose.
I believe we are having a disconnect with being empathetic in relation to others born in differing societies and localities.

Place yourself in the shoes of a baby born into a devout, radical Muslim family in any war torn Middle Eastern country. You would be brought up only knowing the Koran to be the truth while any other religion or non religion was false.

These countries typically don't allow free thought. In addition, being able to sit back and ponder the religious and philosophical aspects of life would be a luxury that could not be afforded because you were trying to survive against hunger, pestilence, infidels and true believers.

"Jesus is not walking through that الباب."
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akers, make up your mind. Either we're possessions or we're god's children, with whom we can have a relationship. You can't have it both ways.
What I was doing was trying to see if anyone one here had not only read the bible but studied on what was said. I posted bits and pieces of verses or ideas.

Your response here answered clearly that you haven't.
The rest of the possession comment was that God's children were his purchased possession, purchased with the blood of God's dear son.. Any Christian should feel special.

Not being rude either, just plain talk.

Also I haven't tried to convert or change anyone's beliefs nor have I said anything against any other reliegn.
Honestly, there are a lot of Christians who want an image and aren't true, but there are also some "non-Christians" that are very much living christian lives.

Believers and non-believers have a lot of the same basic core values/morals that depending on how life goes change and get manipulated. Staying strong is very hard and ultimately I think that is what the true belief in Jesus/God is all about. Admitting a powerful being higher than us is due credit for being our strength in times of weakness to keep us going forward, and forward is different for everyone.

Believe or don't, it's your game to play.
If this thread reaches 20 pages, it will have eternal life. Have faith. Speaking of faith, you children throw that word around like it has substance. You actually seem to think faith is a goal to be attained. Faith is willful ignorance.

How stupid do you have to be to quote the bible to someone like Beavis, or me? We KNOW, beyond the shadow of doubt, that the bible is 99% BS. We KNOW there isn't an evil SOB watching over us deciding who gets raped, maimed, or killed next.

I have absolutely NO respect for your religious beliefs. None. I wouldn't respect your opinion if you told me to have faith that what goes up stays up either. Same level of disbelief from me.
I know it's been touched on (no GYERO) already, but one of my biggest questions is about other religions and countries.

How can someone that never even had an opportunity to learn or study about Jesus and God be sent to hell? That one has always baffled me. Plenty of other questions in this ole noggin besides that one.
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If this thread reaches 20 pages, it will have eternal life. Have faith. Speaking of faith, you children throw that word around like it has substance. You actually seem to think faith is a goal to be attained. Faith is willful ignorance.

How stupid do you have to be to quote the bible to someone like Beavis, or me? We KNOW, beyond the shadow of doubt, that the bible is 99% BS. We KNOW there isn't an evil SOB watching over us deciding who gets raped, maimed, or killed next.

I have absolutely NO respect for your religious beliefs. None. I wouldn't respect your opinion if you told me to have faith that what goes up stays up either. Same level of disbelief from me.

That's very arrogant. You don't know that. You believe that just as much as someone believes everything in the bible to be a fact. Also, you have faith that tomorrow the sun will rise, correct? Is that willful ignorance?
Ok fine, no. Even as a stranger I do not think sending anyone to be tortured is an act of love, but I will say you e not painted a very logical picture here what so ever so I'm very intrigued where this goes.

God gives us and IMO insists upon our having freedom to choose. I believe He loves us and wants a relationship with us. I believe He is good and anything that is holy/good is from Him.

If we choose not to have a relationship with Him during our lives, essentially that is our choice to be separated from Him for eternity. Hell is the absolute absence of God and anything good including comfort, peace, hope, etc... IMO, He does not send us to hell. He gives us what we wanted...separation from Him. A logical consequence.

I don't believe that's what He wants, thus His efforts to redeem us.

Many of you put forth arguments that prompt questions even for believers. I perceive many have been exposed to unloving, Hell focused Christians (those that seem to find joy in saying " You sinners , whores, etc... are going to HAYLE" ... Yelling, screaming, accusing, spewing slobber to everyone in earshot. I don't fact at the risk of being criticized for saying it....I know that's not the way the Lord wants us to represent Him. .

1 No Im telling you what the Bible says and I gave you references to look it up. It says in the last days they will accept him. Any one else who accepts him will escape hell too.
I know what the Bible says on that matter: I have since I was 5 years old. I would think most everyone in this thread does. That's why I posted that if hell were a real place it will be full of all of the Jews who have died in the last 2000 years who didn't believe Jesus' divinity. You replied there will be no Jews there and that I should read the Bible. So thanks for making me waste my last 4-5 posts.
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That's very arrogant. You don't know that. You believe that just as much as someone believes everything in the bible to be a fact. Also, you have faith that tomorrow the sun will rise, correct? Is that willful ignorance?

False. I believe that MORE than a person believes everything in the bible to be a fact. I believe that more than any of you believe there is a god.

I don't require faith that the Sun will come up tomorrow. Hell, I'd bet my bottom dollar it will. Come what may. Faith is required in the absence of evidence and there is plenty of evidence that says it will be here. Experience says it will arrive too soon.

Willful ignorance would be for me to claim the Sun won't come up tomorrow, and then profess to have faith I am correct.
I'll agree with your stance on faith, but you don't KNOW whether or not the bible is fact or fiction. Parties on each side are guessing as much as the other. No one knows and no one will until there is or isn't an afterlife.
It amazes me that so many non believers get bent out of shape and freak out because there are people that actually believe in God. For some odd reason, some act like christians are running around lopping off heads, when clearly they aren't harming anyone.

It would be like me having a cow because group of wrestling fans believed that crap was real.
It amazes me that so many non believers get bent out of shape and freak out because there are people that actually believe in God. For some odd reason, some act like christians are running around lopping off heads, when clearly they aren't harming anyone.

It would be like me having a cow because group of wrestling fans believed that crap was real.

Don't be dense. You know full well there are many laws in this country that are a direct result of a nonsensical belief in a god. My nonbelief leads directly to more freedom. Pretty sure your religious beliefs harmed some gay folks along the way.

Your belief that wrestling is real isn't what prevents people from buying a skillet on a Sunday in South Carolina.

I'll agree with your stance on faith, but you don't KNOW whether or not the bible is fact or fiction. Parties on each side are guessing as much as the other. No one knows and no one will until there is or isn't an afterlife.

But yes, I do know that no one was swallowed by a whale and then spit back out. I know a sea did not part. I know a crowd wasn't fed with two fish and a loaf of bread. I know...
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Any aspect of the god story that claims to break the laws of Physics is not true. There is no god.
That's perfectly fine for you to believe that. You do not know that. If God is real (I don't know btw) then yes he could break the laws of physics. All I'm arguing is the semantics of the word "know". You don't and I don't and no one else does. You believe that there isn't and there is plenty to back you up on it. But to say you know is false.
I know there is gravity and my knowledge requires no faith. Gravity is measurable, tangible, that's what the god story is lacking. It is physically impossible for a sentient entity to exist without corporeal substance. No god, no ghost, no soul.

I KNOW there is no god. You do as well, but due to willful ignorance, you deny the obvious.
We havent even mastered physics yet so to say god goes against laws of physics is dumb. Some things are just over our head right now as a species.
I grew out of it thankfully. Never remember believing in Santa Clause as a kid but the religious conditioning took me longer to discard. Grew up in a Pentacostal church but it all seemed a bit absurd to me even when a child.
I don't have "faith". I base what I believe on what I know, observe, and experience. Evidence based mentality.
Perhaps we don't know everything there is to know about Physics, but we know enough to discount any story that has to do with supernatural powers.

If your god wants you to love him, why doesn't he just be loveable?
If there was a dude named Jesus, he was most certainly a charlatan whose main interest was separating people from their money and property. Bet he "healed" many a shepherd's daughter.
I'm just glad Jesus edited the Old testament to make shrimp eating ok. That Old Testament God was willing to send you to hell for eating shell fish. I shit you not.

I am also glad god appeared to the Catholics and told them that eating meat on Friday was no longer worthy of etenal damnation.
Don't be dense. You know full well there are many laws in this country that are a direct result of a nonsensical belief in a god. My nonbelief leads directly to more freedom. Pretty sure your religious beliefs harmed some gay folks along the way.

Your belief that wrestling is real isn't what prevents people from buying a skillet on a Sunday in South Carolina.

But yes, I do know that no one was swallowed by a whale and then spit back out. I know a sea did not part. I know a crowd wasn't fed with two fish and a loaf of bread. I know...
eh I bet you do know that something can come from nothing too. I'm not sure how you buy that logic, but oh well.
My belief takes a certain amount of faith, as does yours. The big difference is I can accept it and you are having a hard time with it( : It's ok man, we're all still learning, and like albert einstein said, "never stop questioning"

My personal beliefs havent harmed anyone, they may have offended some people, but that is ok.
To say that, you must also admit that your beliefs have harmed black people, as that little idiot in sc was an athiest.
Some of the most ruthless dictators were athiests. Now I'm not saying your non belief has hurt anyone, but I'd say there is a connection if we're going by your logic.
Perhaps we don't know everything there is to know about Physics, but we know enough to discount any story that has to do with supernatural powers.

If your god wants you to love him, why doesn't he just be loveable?

Be careful how you use words like supernatural. Technology that we don't understand is indistingishable from magic. 20th century technology would definitely have been described as supernatural by ancient civilizations.

Two more fundamental forces have been added to the laws of physics in just the last 20 years; dark matter and dark energy. The previous laws cannot explain the continued accelerated expansion of the universe.
Some of the most ruthless dictators were athiests. Now I'm not saying your non belief has hurt anyone, but I'd say there is a connection if we're going by your logic.

since you did bring up history, I can could also say the same thing about the rulers during the Crusades. BTW, name those Atheist dictators. Because Hitler was against secular religion.

Regardless of history. history is history.

"In Germany during the Nazi era, a 1933 decree stated that “No National Socialist may suffer detriment… on the ground that he does not make any religious profession at all”.[15] However, the regime strongly opposed “godless communism”,[16][17] and most of Germany’s atheist and largely left-wing freethought organizations were banned the same year; some right-wing groups were tolerated by the Nazis until the mid-1930s.[18][19] During negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordat of April 26, 1933 Hitler stated that “Secular schools can never be tolerated” because of their irreligious tendencies.[" Hitler also said

In a speech in 1922, he stated:

“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter."

Pol Pot.

"As for Pol Pot, things are a little less obvious. One oft-cited quote by Christians appears to be that Prince Norodom Sihanouk once said of Pol Pot:"

Pol Pot does not believe in God but he thinks that heaven, destiny, wants him to guide Cambodia in the way he thinks it the best for Cambodia, that is to say, the worst. Pol Pot is mad, you know, like Hitler.” So Pol Pot had a God-complex-
Stalin- was born Georgian Orthodox faith
I'll agree with your stance on faith, but you don't KNOW whether or not the bible is fact or fiction. Parties on each side are guessing as much as the other. No one knows and no one will until there is or isn't an afterlife.

I know the Bible is filled with fiction, myth, and legend the same way I know the Koran, Vedas, Book of Mormon, and all other religious books are as well. You can know too if you just use your brain and apply critical thinking. No faith required.
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What I was doing was trying to see if anyone one here had not only read the bible but studied on what was said. I posted bits and pieces of verses or ideas.

Your response here answered clearly that you haven't.
The rest of the possession comment was that God's children were his purchased possession, purchased with the blood of God's dear son.. Any Christian should feel special.

Not being rude either, just plain talk.

Also I haven't tried to convert or change anyone's beliefs nor have I said anything against any other reliegn.

I've read it. It just doesn't have any more authority than Harry Potter to me.

You can memorize every verse in the Bible and spew them as replies to every critical question somebody asks. It's like throwing spitballs against a guided nuclear missile of reason.
I know the Bible is filled with fiction, myth, and legend the same way I know the Koran, Vedas, Book of Mormon, and all other religious books are as well. You can know too if you just use your brain and apply critical thinking. No faith required.

You mean the talking plants and women made of ribs weren't real?

Mind blown.
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So to recap:
-- RNA monomers can arise by purely chemical means
-- RNA can either self-polymerize or use clays, etc as catalysts
-- RNA selectively enters rudimentary micelles as a monomer but not escape as a polymer
-- Micelles/vesicles "compete" with each other based on their ability to concentrate monomers/creat polymers
-- RNA enzymes (ribozymes) can function both as polymerization catalysts and as a selective advantage


EDIT: I forgot to point out that extant metabolic pathways and cellular machinery bear the hallmarks of an RNA-based origin. This has been observed since at least the 1970s (J Mol Evol 1976). Numerous cofactors (acetyl-CoA, vitamin B12, etc) use nucleotides as the indispensible "handle" and the ribosome's catalytic sites are RNA-based, not protein-based. The protein components of ribosomes are obvious add-ons that function to stabilize the superstructure; they're not the fundamental heart of it.

That's a portfolio of proven biochemistry upon which natural selection can act. No DNA necessary. No protein necessary.

Thanks for taking the time to respond - apologies that I haven't been able to reply sooner.

This is a good description of life IMO:'s_working_definition.html's_working_definition.html
"Living things tend to be complex and highly organized. They have the ability to take in energy from the environment and transform it for growth and reproduction. Organisms tend toward homeostasis: an equilibrium of parameters that define their internal environment. Living creatures respond, and their stimulation fosters a reaction-like motion, recoil, and in advanced forms, learning. Life is reproductive, as some kind of copying is needed for evolution to take hold through a population's mutation and natural selection. To grow and develop, living creatures need foremost to be consumers, since growth includes changing biomass, creating new individuals, and the shedding of waste."

As for the gray areas like RNA viruses I don't consider them living (my opinion only) because they have no cells and they may only reproduce by invading a host cell (typically with very bad results)

Some notes to the articles you linked:

1. "researchers have been able to show RNA could've arisen by purely chemical means (Nature 2009),"

I would disagree that any researcher has been able to show this, as no test or experiment has been successful in demonstrating this. So it's purely speculative. From the article you linked:

"At some stage in the origin of life, an informational polymer must have arisen by purely chemical means. According to one version of the ‘RNA world’ hypothesis, this polymer was RNA, but attempts to provide experimental support for this have failed."

From Professor Robert Shapiro, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at NYU:

"...the probability of a self-replicating RNA molecule randomly assembling from a pool of chemical building blocks is so vanishingly small that its happening even once anywhere in the visible universe would count as a piece of exceptional good luck." - Scientific American "A Simpler Origin of Life" June 2007 p.48

2. "that activated RNA could self-polymerize on abiotic substrates such as clays (JACS 2006),"

The chemistry here is out of my league. [winking] I couldn't access the latter part of the article that discussed the significance to origins and early evolution. The major hurdle here would be how did the incredibly complex RNA develop and survive prebiotic conditions in the first place:

"Cells and nucleic acid represent high-technology devices that are extremely unlikely to have formed by chance - and consequently must have been constructed by an evolutionary process based on existing lifeforms."

3. RNA can actually self-polymerize without catalytic enzymes (JACS 2014)

"No one has been able to synthesize RNA without the help of protein catalysts or nucleic acid templates, and on top of this problem, there is the fragility of the RNA molecule to contend with."'s_working_definition.html

And from the article you linked:

"However, despite recent advances in autocatalytic RNA synthesis and ribozyme-catalyzed RNA-dependent RNA polymerization, no self-

replicating nucleic acid system capable of open-ended evolution has yet been developed."

4. RNA can function as an enzyme (this won the 1989 Nobel in chemistry),

In this case it is shown that RNA can function as a biocatalyst or enzyme in a living cell.

Further from from Carol Cleland in the NASA article:

It seems to me that all theories of the origin of life face two major hurdles. The biggest one is explaining the origin of the complex cooperative schema worked out between proteins and nucleic acids -- the controlled production of self-replicating catalytic systems of biomolecules. All of the popular accounts of the origin of life strike me as side stepping this issue. Instead, they focus on the other hurdle: producing amino acids and nucleotides, and getting them to polymerize into proteins and nucleic acids (typically, RNA). But it seems to me that none of them have provided us with a very satisfying story about how this happened.

All the scenarios that have been proposed for producing RNA under plausible natural conditions lack experimental demonstration, and this includes the RNA world, clay crystals, and vesicle accounts..."

What can currently be proven and demonstrated in the field of biology, biochemistry etc. is that life always comes from preexisting life, cells come from preexisting cells etc.

In one of my classes, the professor asked us (as a final) to come up with the overall theme of the Bible...from Genesis through Revelation. We came up with a lot of "theological" sounding stuff then he shared his thoughts with us. He said he saw the overall theme as something like this: " It's the story of God's love for His creation, it's fallen nature, the steps He takes to redeem the creation and His finally restoring it to its original state"

I would agree with these things being included. More succinctly, the overall theme is the vindication of God's right to rule mankind by means of his Kingdom.

The issue brought up in Genesis that so many people miss is one of universal sovereignty - who has the right to rule?
A lot of people don't understand what it means to know something.

No one here observed anything in the old or new testament. So no one knows if it happened or not. That's my point. If you're argument is to say it's crazy to believe in things that go against science (parting of the red sea, burning bush, etc.) that's perfectly fine. I totally get not believing in stories that defy logic. But to say you know what is and isn't, simply isn't true. You can keep saying, "Oh you're an idiot for believing this or that", and you might be right. But you MIGHT be, you're not absolutely positively right about that. And you'll never "know" :sunglasses:

And also understand I'm not saying its wrong to think what you think. I'm just saying you do not know.

Let the name calling ensue.
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The point of the fish story is to reinforce that if God can create earth, which if you believe then no reason to seek other possibilities, then he can obviously make 2 fish and a loaf of bread work.

Fiction? Yea I guess I can't argue that point with absolute gurantee's, but if you pay attention to life a lot of the lessons in the bible hold true. Does that mean believe or burn in hell, can't say and won't pass judgement.

What I can say is this, if you choose to believe in the bible and try to live your life with Jesus as your lord and savior and believe in a higher power to help you through hard times then you will be ok. You most likely will not have dreaded enemies that bring danger, you most likely will not have to watch over you back for the wrongs you've done, and most of all your soul(alive) can be at peace. The devil is out there in a lot of forms and he is very tempting and easy to fall for, I wouldn't go living my life as if I'm above falling for him.
I would agree with these things being included. More succinctly, the overall theme is the vindication of God's right to rule mankind by means of his Kingdom.

The issue brought up in Genesis that so many people miss is one of universal sovereignty - who has the right to rule?

The theme of the Bible is that of a celestial North Korea, as Hitchens put so succinctly. Love me and do what I say or else.
The point of the fish story is to reinforce that if God can create earth, which if you believe then no reason to seek other possibilities, then he can obviously make 2 fish and a loaf of bread work.

Fiction? Yea I guess I can't argue that point with absolute gurantee's, but if you pay attention to life a lot of the lessons in the bible hold true. Does that mean believe or burn in hell, can't say and won't pass judgement.

What I can say is this, if you choose to believe in the bible and try to live your life with Jesus as your lord and savior and believe in a higher power to help you through hard times then you will be ok. You most likely will not have dreaded enemies that bring danger, you most likely will not have to watch over you back for the wrongs you've done, and most of all your soul(alive) can be at peace. The devil is out there in a lot of forms and he is very tempting and easy to fall for, I wouldn't go living my life as if I'm above falling for him.

The point of fish story is re-inforce that he can create the Earth? So the point up creating the devil to show that God can create something evil? (back to my previous point that if God create the devil, then god can taketh away).

God must have known the devil would have been evil. No author writes a story and has no clue what his characters of the story will do. Doesn't happen. So if god knew the devil was to be evil, then god is a dick.
A lot of people don't understand what it means to know something.

No one here observed anything in the old or new testament. So no one knows if it happened or not. That's my point. If you're argument is to say it's crazy to believe in things that go against science (parting of the red sea, burning bush, etc.) that's perfectly fine. I totally get not believing in stories that defy logic. But to say you know what is and isn't, simply isn't true. You can keep saying, "Oh you're an idiot for believing this or that", and you might be right. But you MIGHT be, you're not absolutely positively right about that. And you'll never "know" :sunglasses:

And also understand I'm not saying its wrong to think what you think. I'm just saying you do not know.

Let the name calling ensue.
The difference -- to me -- is that pastors will tell you, and have told me, that you must believe every single word of the Bible. No ifs, ands or buts. One pastor told me that being like Thomas was the worst thing you could be. He said in one sermon if you didn't believe the jonah story, the Moses/burning bush story, talking serpent story, etc., that you might as well walk out of this building right now. And he isn't some crazy self-taught fundamentalist; he's a doctor and one of the higher-ups at one of Kentucky's prominent seminaries.