Wow this is analytics to another level …Cal getting serious about improved shooting

Seems like overkill and an ineffective tool IMO. Shooting is repetition and feel, last thing you need is thoughts in your head about arch, more left, etc while going up for a shot. Akin to swinging a golf club, the more you think the worse it gets.
Clown post. Shooting mechanics are poorly taught as golf mechanics. Then you have a clown tell Andre Riddick to not think about and shoot 25%..
Does it work for free throws?

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Hey @Son_Of_Saul or others that defend Catphight. Explain this one to me.

How is this a fan move? He's not trolling Cal he's going after one of our own who played hard for UK. How's this cool?
I don't see the issue. Catphight actually poses a good question. Cal could have won the title in 2008, 2011, 2014 and also made the Final Four in 2018 and 2019 if not for missed free throws.

It's amazing that you're letting Catphight live in your head.
I don't see the issue. Catphight actually poses a good question. Cal could have won the title in 2008, 2011, 2014 and also made the Final Four in 2018 and 2019 if not for missed free throws.

It's amazing that you're letting Catphight live in your head.
You are exactly what I thought. Thanks for the confirmation.

Not living in my head. He's just a troll and it's pretty clear. But you do you.
You are exactly what I thought. Thanks for the confirmation.

Not living in my head. He's just a troll and it's pretty clear. But you do you.
I don't need your validation, amigo. You're a fly by night poster who hasn't posted around here for over a decade. Folks like you come and go all the time, and often the self-righteous ones like you don't last long when they do decide to pop back in.

I'll be just fine being who I've been from the beginning.
I don't need your validation, amigo. You're a fly by night poster who hasn't posted around here for over a decade. Folks like you come and go all the time, and often the self-righteous ones like you don't last long when they do decide to pop back in.

I'll be just fine being who I've been from the beginning.
Exactly. That's why I said you do you.

Glad to know we are amigos!
I don't need your validation, amigo. You're a fly by night poster who hasn't posted around here for over a decade. Folks like you come and go all the time, and often the self-righteous ones like you don't last long when they do decide to pop back in.

I'll be just fine being who I've been from the beginning.
No, you're wrong in that he's a fly by night poster. It's that Jload guy, same as catsfanbg or whatever. Same guy, all these accounts.
Only on a UK board would Cal implementing this be considered a bad idea by some . Any real modern athlete in any sport would welcome as much data and help as they can get . No reason not to except nonsensical crap like 2010 spouted. Love seeing this kinda stuff . Cal and UK coming into the 21st century.
Who said it was a bad idea, I certainly didn’t, just don’t agree that it’s an effective tool in learning how to effectively shoot a basketball. Don’t need a computer to tell my why I did or did not make a basket, if others think it helps them more power to them but personally I think it’s all fluff.
Who said it was a bad idea, I certainly didn’t, just don’t agree that it’s an effective tool in learning how to effectively shoot a basketball. Don’t need a computer to tell my why I did or did not make a basket, if others think it helps them more power to them but personally I think it’s all fluff.
$10,000 says you are over 50 years old
Every Coach has been using this since 2015 except CAL -Kentucky. ( Have no idea really l)
I am not certain of it, but I'm inclined to think I'd rather have a consistent shooter with a slightly lower percentage than a streakier shooter with a higher percentage. Maybe something like a solid 36% guy versus a 40% guy that is inconsistent. I'm hoping that this software device can help provide consistency for our guys. We've seen what abysmal shooting nights from our better guys have done to us in the tournament, unfortunately. Can't teach "clutch" shooting, but maybe you can the machine can help ...
By definition, isn't someone that shoots 40% more consistent than someone that shoots 36%. I might be wrong, but I think the percentage of shots made is a measurement of your consistency. If you are saying you would rather have someone that hits one, then misses two, then hits another, then misses two more over a guy that hits 4 in row and then misses 6, I still don't think it matters. I always want the higher percentage shooter, because he makes more of his shots.
Hey @Son_Of_Saul or others that defend Catphight. Explain this one to me.

How is this a fan move? He's not trolling Cal he's going after one of our own who played hard for UK. How's this cool?
Man, you're a huge candy ass. What did Catphight say that was out of line?
PJ missed big free thriws two years in a row that arguably cost us both tournament games.
The guy is making millions in the NBA right now, nobody is going to hurt his feelings, so quit trying to be a sensitive hall monitor.
Who said it was a bad idea, I certainly didn’t, just don’t agree that it’s an effective tool in learning how to effectively shoot a basketball. Don’t need a computer to tell my why I did or did not make a basket, if others think it helps them more power to them but personally I think it’s all fluff.
You didn't need one because you didn't have one. Great. Wonderful. That doesn't make your practice better or worse. Just different.

This is why I love being a mid 80's baby. We made due without certain tech as well as being open to the new stuff. Best of both worlds. I like having my smart phone, but I can make due if I don't have it for awhile. But it's also insanely handy to have to look up information or take a picture if need be.
You sir (or ma’am) win $10,000. I’m 55. Sorry you young millennials need a damn computer to tell you how to do anything and I mean anything.
You realize most millennials are in the their 30's and 40's now right? And lol, I've gone nearly two weeks without my smart phone once due to an insurance claim. Sucked for 24 hours and then I was good.

Some of us actually read for fun and can use pencil and paper you know.
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You realize most millennials are in the their 30's and 40's now right? And lol, I've gone nearly two weeks without my smart phone once due to an insurance claim. Sucked for 24 hours and then I was good.

Some of us actually read for fun and can use pencil and paper you know.
I’m all for technology I find useful. Will never find Noah system useful. Maybe it helps sone players confidence, placebo effect if you will. Again to each their own.
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No, you're wrong in that he's a fly by night poster. It's that Jload guy, same as catsfanbg or whatever. Same guy, all these accounts.
"Fly by night" says the guy that joined in 2023 and hasn't said one positive thing about the program
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Says a closed-minded person scared of technology...
I don't see this as really "close-minded" just because the man can wipe his own ass without a machine to tell him he could get it cleaner if he put more rotation on the toilet paper or tuck that elbow in. He's allowed to have an opinion. I'm not 40 yet and I agree with him to an extent. I mean in glad we got the machine but I do think it's a little bit overrated probably. It may prove me wrong. I hope it does. I wouldn't been mad if it could've helped Wheeler with his layups or timed his jumps for him. I played in HS and I felt like I could shoot the 3 with anyone. I rather have a contested 3 than a wide open layup because I was more likely to miss the damn layup lol.
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Hopefully the gadget will tell him the 19 foot two pointer is the worst shot in basketball. He's the only one that hasn't figured that out yet.
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I’m all for technology I find useful. Will never find Noah system useful. Maybe it helps sone players confidence, placebo effect if you will. Again to each their own.

Did this crack anyone else up? Not trying to bag on the poster I’m quoting but if this isn’t the best example of modern day internet discourse I don’t know what else. And to top it off it’s of course by a 55 year old 😂
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Did this crack anyone else up? Not trying to bag on the poster I’m quoting but if this isn’t the best example of modern day internet discourse I don’t know what else. And to top it off it’s of course by a 55 year old 😂
And what do you find so funny about it? Being someone that could consistently shoot the ball pretty damn well when I played regularly I find the Noah system to be a bunch of BS but to each their own.
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How did guys like Larry Bird ever shoot the ball so well before analytics software? LOL!
There is such a thing as over-thinking the problem.
Give me an old school coach who can help a kid with his physical mechanics...getting feet and hips set/square to the basket, good lift and straight back, bent elbow and a snap follow through...along with helping him get to a good place mentally with his shot. When mechanics are good and you have the proper mental focus, it then comes down to repetition and muscle memory.
Shooting the ball should be second nature, not a "event".
Remember Jamal Wilkes, the former UCLA player in the early to mid-70s? He had terrible shooting mechanics, but shot the ball quite well. At the age Reeves is, I wouldn't tinker with his shot unless it is a very minor adjustment. I don't think you can change a players shot unless it happens in the early development stages.