Would you obey a mask mandate?

1) It's not constitutional.


I’ve worked Constitutional Law, Prosecuted and defended for 32 years.

Can you give me a US Supreme Court decision saying a mask mandate is unconstitutional?

Court of Appeals?

Can you cite a provision of the Constitution?

With multiple Republican states and a majority of states now with mask mandates, how could such an unconstitutional practice be so widespread?

Even Cameron’s lawsuit did not challenge “the Constitutional” validity of a mask mandate, but the niceties/details of its implementation.
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Can't speak for the others, but you do know that the Houston ICU was operating at 95-97% capacity LAST year at this time, right? So, their ICU beds are pretty much running out at all times. Actually, most, if not all, ICUs operate pretty much the same way, at least in areas where there are a decent amount of people.


An article entitled : “ICU Occupancy and mechanical ventilator use in the United States“

“Measurements and Main Results
Over the three years studied, total ICU occupancy ranged from 57.4% to 82.1% and the number of beds filled with mechanically ventilated patients ranged from 20.7% to 38.9%. There was no change in occupancy across years and no increase in occupancy during influenza seasons. Mean hourly occupancy across ICUs was 68.2% ”

Due to family illnesses, I have been in multiple ICU facilities ranging from Danville, Kentucky to the Cleveland Clinic in the last 12 years, and I would have guesstimated 60/70 percent. The first scholarly article that pops up googling “average icu occupancy” shows numbers in that very range.
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I’ve worked Constitutional Law, Prosecuted and defended for 32 years.

Can you give me a US Supreme Court decision saying a mask mandate is unconstitutional?

Court of Appeals?

Can you cite a provision of the Constitution?

With multiple Republican states and a majority of states now with mask mandates, how could such an unconstitutional practice be so widespread?

Even Cameron’s lawsuit did not challenge “the Constitutional” validity of a mask mandate, but the niceties/details of its implementation.
Counselor, as I'm sure you know, the issue involves more than niceties or details. It involves separation of power issues. Should the Kentucky Legislature pass a mask law, it would likely withstand scrutiny, but when Dandy Andy decrees it, well, that's another issue altogether.
Counselor, as I'm sure you know, the issue involves more than niceties or details.

The suit focuses upon whether the Gov, could have or should have had local medical authorities sign off on whether there was an emergency they could not handle . . . not the constitutionality of a mask mandate itself.

Interestingly, the Supreme Court in it’s decision staying the lower Courts’ injunctions, the high court referenced the broad authority already legislatively granted the Governor.

The OP I quoted flatly said a mask mandate is unconstitutional: if it were so, no act of either a governor or a legislature, nor their combined acts, could render it constitutional.

Only an amendment of the Constitution can render an unconstitutional act constitutional.

If you believe that acts of the legislature can render an enforceable mask mandate, by definition you are a agreeing that it is a constitutional act, though the Court might rule it was implemented incorrectly by the governor, i.e. “the niceties and details.”
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The suit focuses upon whether the Gov, could have or should have had local medical authorities sign off on whether there was an emergency they could not handle . . . not the constitutionality of a mask mandate itself.

Interestingly, the Supreme Court in it’s decision staying the lower Courts’ injunctions, the high court referenced the broad authority already legislatively granted the Governor.

The OP I quoted flatly said a mask mandate is unconstitutional: if it were so, no act of either a governor or a legislature, nor their combined acts, could render it constitutional.

Only an amendment of the Constitution can render an unconstitutional act constitutional.
Understood. With that said, Dandy Andy has already been reversed by three federal judges and two circuit court judges so I am not certain that he is getting good advise from his staff. In Ohio, our governor is batting .000 when his edicts go to court. It is unfortunate that archaic laws giving the governors so much power during a "pandemic", passed by the legislatures themselves 100 years ago, seem to control. The Ohio Legislature just tried to rectify this and of course DeWine vetoed it. I find it disconcerting that a governor is able to veto a limit of his own power.
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That damn liberal Ohio Gov!!

At least ours has a better record, to date!!
Exactly! If only Republican liberals would admit they are liberal during elections, then we could at least consider other alternatives! Can't wait for the primary next time around!
Oh noes. We're all going to die![eyeroll]
I didn’t say that. I just think it’s cool to see how well the state of Kentucky has handled this. I don’t think case numbers = deaths. It’s not great but it’s not the worst thing. As long as death rates stay down we keep the country open....we follow the precautions medical professionals and state officials recommend to try our best to fight this (like wearing masks) and we go about our lives.
It’s my god given red blooded American right to do whatever the hell I want and that includes getting everyone under the sun sick because I’m a gotdamn American buddy. I’ll get you sick if I want to. Ain’t no damn mask gunna keep me from that. They wanna make us wear masks next they’ll wanna take my vote away from me and sell my damn soul to the Gypsies.
Your WRONG, you do not have a American constitutional right to infect people. Dumb ass!
Alive and well.

Keep wearing your mask. I’ll keep smelling that great American air and living the good life.
Well I still get to smell the great American air lol I just put the mask on when I'm around others or if I'm out and about. But when I'm in my yard or when I'm walking into work I don't have my mask on because I'm not within 50 feet of someone else much less 6 feet.
Well I still get to smell the great American air lol I just put the mask on when I'm around others or if I'm out and about. But when I'm in my yard or when I'm walking into work I don't have my mask on because I'm not within 50 feet of someone else much less 6 feet.

I get a hard on when I’m around people in a crowded room while not wearing a mask.

GD, the rush....

Me not wearing a mask
Very badly, on a lot of issues, but the only thing I really care about from the Supreme Court are issues involving the Bill of Rights.

My best Republican friend predicted the very rulings we have had, recently, and predicted the “conservative” justices would insure the results we’ve seen.

I’m more conservative than they are!!
Home schooling already exists though. Why on earth do we need to put more money(that we don't have) into a program that you showed doesn't work? That doesn't compute to me.

No worries on the bourbon late night post lol. A. Hope it was good bourbon I'm not happy with my latest purchase. B. I hope/pray your kiddo has answers soon!
Homeschooling and distance learning are not the same thing. You can't have both parents working and homeschool your kid. With distance learning, I can sit in my office working while he's on his Chromebook zooming with his teacher and classmates.

Like I said, there's no easy answer. Distance learning works for many kids but not everyone, i.e. no internet access (although local cable companies could and should help out with that) or two parents that have to work out of the home with the kids being too young to be left alone all day.
even with that it’s more severe and deadly for kids.

you’re letting emotion and not science influence you re: school and kids in relation to covid.0
100% agree that emotion is involved when thinking about the health of my child.
Nah, on the surface it seems sketchy, but that's why we have a system of checks and balances in government. The state legislature can just override his veto.
True, but even in a red state like Ohio (and it now is that), it's difficult to override a veto. Ironically, in Ohio, the governor's own party is being vetoed, while the minority party supports the Republican governor. The governor has an astronomically high approval rating from Ohio Democrats, and, yet, they'll still vote against him in the next election, if he doesn't get defeated in a primary.
I am baffled by the fact that Scandinavian health officials insist that masks are worthless, and that less than 10 percent of people in those countries wear masks, and somehow, the virus is crapping out up there faster than almost anywhere else, but American virus fans insist that masks work. Interesting. Ironically, most virus fans used to talk about how much better Sweden and Norway are than America because they're socialist (which, they're actually not)- not so much anymore.
To put this in perspective, Norway had a grand total of THREE new cases yesterday. Finland had seventeen. Sweden reported zero. Denmark reported zero. If only they were wearing masks, they could have beaten this thing. Masks save lives!

What's more, most of the women in those places look a lot better WITHOUT the masks!
I just got back from Daytona Beach and nearly everyone was wearing a mask in retail stores. Probably close to 90%.

Same for restaurants. People wore them until they were seated.

I didn't see anyone wearing one on the beach (which wouldn't be necessary anyway) and groups/families were staying 6+ feet apart, usually much farther.

They have city and county mask mandates but not one for the whole state (that is my understanding)
I am baffled by the fact that Scandinavian health officials insist that masks are worthless, and that less than 10 percent of people in those countries wear masks, and somehow, the virus is crapping out up there faster than almost anywhere else, but American virus fans insist that masks work. Interesting. Ironically, most virus fans used to talk about how much better Sweden and Norway are than America because they're socialist (which, they're actually not)- not so much anymore.
More testing going on here now and false results due to improper testing?
I like most of your posts throughout the years, so it wasn’t really a “youre a bad person asshole” but more of a “I can’t win with you assholes” since I’m a business owner. The people who are freaked out about the virus are way more dangerous from a business owner perspective because they post shit on social media, make everyone uncomfortable, give you the threat of shutting down your business, etc. I wish they would just stay inside but that’s not reality, so the vast majority of businesses require masks to not deal with potential blowback. Then you have people like you that will purposefully not go to the business because we’re requiring masks. It’s just a very stressful and annoying time. It’s all good though, thankfully most people are reasonable and understanding and not those two extremes. I think we’re all just excited to get back to normal, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I understand and didn’t take it personally. FTR, I’ve liked your posts over the years as well, and feel you’re obviously reasonable and intelligent.

In all honesty, my “I’ll shop somewhere else” comment was meant primarily towards the big-box, Walmart-type stores rather than individual small business owners. In fact, Walmart has a special place of hatred in my heart because I deal with their idiotic, inane policies on a daily basis since they directly impact the small business I own. I‘ve always preferred individual businesses and will continue to spend my money there if at all possible — just dropped $6.5K on new furniture at one yesterday, and, yes, I wore a mask since they required. That doesn’t mean I agree with the policy, or that I think they’re effective. It just means I’m not the full Gadsden-flag wearing, open-AR15 carrying redneck that I sometimes act like. (I still think I’m right about masks as relates to coronavirus vs the flu vs the common cold though :D)