"Would you like to buy a piece of Alex Jones?"

No one said anything you’re rambling about. Go back to your original post and read through to refresh your memory.

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Are you f'ing serious? Dude is a f'ing wreck - your emotions would be all over the place.

I have never seen someone laughing after losing a kid. That's insane. I don't know a single parent that would even be able to muster a smile after losing a kid.

Obviously the murders happened. But this is weird as shit.
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I have never seen someone laughing after losing a kid. That's insane. I don't know a single parent that would even be able to muster a smile after losing a kid.

Obviously the murders happened. But this is weird as shit.
I went to a funeral for a kid who was killed in a car accident. The mom laughed about something and then instantly burst into tears. It wasn't weird. It was normal.
I have never seen someone laughing after losing a kid. That's insane. I don't know a single parent that would even be able to muster a smile after losing a kid.

Obviously the murders happened. But this is weird as shit.

Let’s say the father of a murdered child didn’t care his kid was murdered, hypothetically. What is it that you think this proves exactly?
I'd say my post about Nole was spot on. Saw it a mile away with his rant trying to make the folks he likes victims of some sort of ongoing plot. Using Alex Jones talking points to attack the father of a slain child to say he's "insane" and "weird" is again, a choice I suppose.

I mean, all you can do is laugh and ask, "what tf is wrong with people?"
If anyone has heard of Dan Carlin, who does the Hardcore History podcast (arguably the best podcast that exists), he does an addendum episode where he goes into the evolution of the American public when it comes to perceiving news in the context of cultural revolution. He talks a lot about this topic and how Americans very rapidly changed from "Leave it to Beaver" culture to a culture where extremes are commonplace. Very relevant here.

You have a lot of experience with parents whose children were murdered in school and how they act afterwards at a national press conference do you? Do you have children? Even f*cking elephants grieve when a baby elephant in the pack is killed. It’s the most basic act of decency to give the parent of a murdered child some grace and leniency and let them grieve. Who in the hell seeks out and posts an edited clip of a parent acting like a mess and then questions how strange it is. WTF is wrong with you. JFC have some respect.
What am I arguing? I'm saying this is a weird AF thing to do as a grieving parent which I have never seen occur. It's pretty simple. You think my reaction to finding this being weird is the issue not the guy who was laughing but then as soon as he gets the nod for the cameras, shifts gears immediately?

Why this upsets you all so much is ridiculous. No one got in the way of the big leftist circle jerk in here. It's a relevant thing to post to the topic. Don't like it, don't read it, dude. I didn't @ you.

Stop playing games. You know what you’re doing by suggesting that the father of a dead kid has ulterior motives.
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I'd say my post about Nole was spot on. Saw it a mile away with his rant trying to make the folks he likes victims of some sort of ongoing plot. Using Alex Jones talking points to attack the father of a slain child to say he's "insane" and "weird" is again, a choice I suppose.

I mean, all you can do is laugh and ask, "what tf is wrong with people?"

What happened to you in the politics thread? From a biligerant, obsessed poster to gone completely. You get thrown out ??
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If I yell “fire!” in a movie theater, is that free speech?
Did he yell "fire" in a crowded theater? It's astonishing how the Left misunderstands that cliche, which is no longer binding precedent, anyway, though it's not recommended to yell it in the theater unless there really is a fire. With that said, Jones was civilly liable and not criminally prosecuted, so there's a different free speech analysis.
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I tell you what, bub. I'll indulge is this ridiculousness. There are clearly limits to free speech, whether you acknowledge them or not. As noted, slander and libel laws are also real.

But regardless of that, go to a football game. Stand on your seat. Yell "HE'S GOT A GUN!" And see if you don't get charged.

Then argue there are no limits to free speech.
There are limits to free speech. The astonishing thing is that is now your faction that wants to expand the limits. We literally have a candidate for VP who insists that "hate speech" and "Misinformation" are unprotected by the 1st Amendment. That's astonishing. Let me give an example of what is NOT protected- a bomb threat. Your own example probably would NOT result in charges, unless it caused a public panic (not because it's necessarily 1st Amendment protected, but because the police don't always arrest every idiot who acts out), but it would cause your ass to be ejected from the game.

So, here's an example of what IS protected - "Misinformation".
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There are limits to free speech. The astonishing thing is that is now your faction that wants to expand the limits. We literally have a candidate for VP who insists that "hate speech" and "Misinformation" are unprotected by the 1st Amendment. That's astonishing. Let me give an example of what is NOT protected- a bomb threat. Your own example probably would NOT result in charges, unless it caused a public panic (not because it's necessarily 1st Amendment protected, but because the police don't always arrest every idiot who acts out), but it would cause your ass to be ejected from the game.

So, here's an example of what IS protected - "Misinformation".
The first amendment applies to state action. There are many ways someone can get sued for engaging in “misinformation”. For example, if I do a business deal with you and you lie to me about a critical term in order to get me to do the deal, I can sue you for fraud in the inducement. As you pointed out, the Alex Jones case was a civil case so I’m not sure how this topic came up.
He should never have been able to earn his fortune in the first place, but people are idiots. Losing that fortune because you’re a heartless shit and hurt some people’s feelings with words? That to me is wrong as well.
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Nole's link was uploaded by an account named 'Californios against Racist Kid Sniffing Democrats.' That's where he's getting his news from. It's normal to be right/left, it's not normal to be so fringe that you make the rest of us cringe. It's become popular to be contrarian on everything. There were a few who left anger emojis when Chauvin was found guilty. I thought we'd be on the same page on that one because it was so open and shut but some had to pretend he was the one wronged, the real victim.

You don't become Alex Jones Jr. on a public board and expect the rest of us to follow. This ain't 4chan. Nole did what's considered normal now...go extreme, then become defensive as if he's the victim and us bullies. That was also the point of his bizarre rant. He sees the folks he loves as victims of an unfair America, controlled by the people he hates. It's a tired talking point and the people he's holding up don't care about him. Worship of the uber rich and powerful while also acting like everyone is so unfair to them should really stop because it's pathetic.

As the years pass we're seeing more posters with extreme beliefs who either say insane things or try to bait with grade school insults because their own lives are void of anything positive. I mean, if you're logging on only to call someone a loser, an idiot, a moron, or say they're gay because of a disagreement, your life can't be all that great lol.
Sad thing is, dude actually doesn't believe anything he screams about. In today's world, the loudest voice with the most absurd opinions get the most attention. Unfortunately, there are millions who want to believe in someone and they gravitate to the loud person who says crazy things. I get playing to your base but it'd be hard to live with myself after spreading a conspiracy about a school shooting and students being crisis actors as parents of dead children from that shooting are asking me to stop. Whatever a soul actually is, Alex Jones doesn't have one.
Yep. He said that jets would crash into the twin towers in 2001 and they would blame Osama Bin Laden..... and he said it mulitple times early in 2001. Who would believe that guy.
If your entire empire is based on lies, it will eventually crumble and no one will feel sorry for you. Jones knew what he was doing, caused further emotional pain, and I believe I once read that some of his listeners began harassing those who lost children in the shooting.

On the Paddock, posters will occasionally talk of karma or evil; of the world not being what it used to be. Alex Jones and his obvious lies are apart of that. The most pathetic part of it might be that so many went along with it. Along the way, an idea rose that if you didn't question literally everything good and bad, you were deemed a sheep and a follower. A shooting wasn't a shooting anymore, it was a false flag and a ruse for a larger, more sinister goal. Meanwhile, his listeners became the sheep, and he their leader.
Have you gone back and read half the post you made in the political thread? Dude... You could be sued for billions.
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Jones was sued for defamation because he had claimed that the Sandy Hook family members were not really victims but were actors. He didn't defend the case and a default judgment was entered. The vast majority of the award was punitive damages.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater is totally different because it is not defamation.
That trial was so rigged it was joke. The judge told him he wasn't even allowed to say he didn't do what they accused him of.
The first amendment applies to state action. There are many ways someone can get sued for engaging in “misinformation”. For example, if I do a business deal with you and you lie to me about a critical term in order to get me to do the deal, I can sue you for fraud in the inducement. As you pointed out, the Alex Jones case was a civil case so I’m not sure how this topic came up.
Did you actually look into the case? The judge found him in contempt because he couldn't provide evidence that he did what the government accused him of. I'm not saying some level of damage was suffered by the families but the court literally put the FBI agent on the stand to identify him by name in order for him to be able to sue. It was such a punitive trial that any lawyer should be offended. They want to treat him worse than the actual killer.
Did you actually look into the case? The judge found him in contempt because he couldn't provide evidence that he did what the government accused him of. I'm not saying some level of damage was suffered by the families but the court literally put the FBI agent on the stand to identify him by name in order for him to be able to sue. It was such a punitive trial that any lawyer should be offended. They want to treat him worse than the actual killer.
I don’t think you understand the court system. He refused to comply with discovery requests and resulting court orders compelling him to produce documents. The court sanctioned him by entering a default. Why didn’t he participate in discovery as any litigant is required to do?

I’m not sure why I’m even trying to explain that though because if you’re defending Alex Jones you’re not going to listen to any rational explanation.
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