"Would you like to buy a piece of Alex Jones?"

Sad thing is, dude actually doesn't believe anything he screams about. In today's world, the loudest voice with the most absurd opinions get the most attention. Unfortunately, there are millions who want to believe in someone and they gravitate to the loud person who says crazy things. I get playing to your base but it'd be hard to live with myself after spreading a conspiracy about a school shooting and students being crisis actors as parents of dead children from that shooting are asking me to stop. Whatever a soul actually is, Alex Jones doesn't have one.
I moved to ATX in July, 1998. Alex Jones hosted a radio show on KJFK at the time called The Final Edition. Listened to it maybe twice, if I recall. Back then I was usually away, deployed somewhere.

Thought Jones fit the eccentric crackpot mold during late 90s/early 2000s. After his Sandy Hook antics, I became disgusted by his rhetoric. Yeah, I poke fun at him over in Political thread. He deserves whatever financial hardships may happen.
The federal government hasn’t exactly done anything to help bolster their credibility, but the scary thing about Alex Jones isn’t that he’s a pandering maniac. It’s that that 20 years ago he would’ve been considered a fringe guy barely anyone has hard of… and today he’s considered mainstream to a lot of people. The internet is fried the collective minds of the American public
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I remember listening to Alex Jones talk about how 9/11 was fake back in Austin in 2005. I thought he was nuts. What he said about Sandy Hook was abhorrent too.

But nothing anyone can say should cause you to be sued for hundreds of millions.
I remember listening to Alex Jones talk about how 9/11 was fake back in Austin in 2005. I thought he was nuts. What he said about Sandy Hook was abhorrent too.

But nothing anyone can say should cause you to be sued for hundreds of millions.
If I yell “fire!” in a movie theater, is that free speech?
I mean it’s political persecution and nothing more. One guy saying something was a hoax means you get to be destroyed forever? How did they even prove damages for such a thing? We literally watched DNC media members like Joy Reid push that Trump wasn’t actually shot and it was a hoax yet no one sued them into oblivion.

No one went to jail over the Russia hoax which is outrageous. Regardless how one feels about this guy, this is just another example of Democrats weaponizing the courts. What they have done the last couple of years is insane- Capitol protesters, Bannon, Trump, Jones, Stone, etc.
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If your entire empire is based on lies, it will eventually crumble and no one will feel sorry for you. Jones knew what he was doing, caused further emotional pain, and I believe I once read that some of his listeners began harassing those who lost children in the shooting.

On the Paddock, posters will occasionally talk of karma or evil; of the world not being what it used to be. Alex Jones and his obvious lies are apart of that. The most pathetic part of it might be that so many went along with it. Along the way, an idea rose that if you didn't question literally everything good and bad, you were deemed a sheep and a follower. A shooting wasn't a shooting anymore, it was a false flag and a ruse for a larger, more sinister goal. Meanwhile, his listeners became the sheep, and he their leader.
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