What Happens When a Dog Catches it’s Tail?

not praising him for his coaching, just giving him credit for how he decided to leave. the separation could’ve lasted another couple of years, with more embarrassing losses and more bitterness but now we get a new start. so yes, praising him for that.
He didn't do it for us. He did it for himself. No one in their right mind should stay in a job when people are going to think about firing them all year. So it's smart, but not magnanimous. He deserves credit ONLY for being clever. Not for being generous toward us.
He didn't do it for us. He did it for himself. No one in their right mind should stay in a job when people are going to think about firing them all year. So it's smart, but not magnanimous. He deserves credit ONLY for being clever. Not for being generous toward us.
whatever his reason it was fairly painless for uk, bbn.
You all were so preoccupied with getting Cal fired you didn’t stop to think about the possibilities once he’s gone. I’m good with it since the buyout is gone but be prepared to wind up with Drew.
Thank U GIF
i actually admire cal for leaving in an honorable way, except for going to a rival. he left good players and recruits, some will stay, some won’t. he left of his own accord so uk wasn’t on the hook for the $33m buyout. he could’ve made it pretty ugly but he didn’t. too bad he lost focus of what his job was supposed to be at uk.
A lot of the doomers don’t realize that Cal’s golden parachute was also our golden parachute.

It’s a win/win for both sides. We get to move on, Cal gets a fresh start, there’s no $33 million buyout involved.

I think Cal could have handled it more professionally, but it’s a blessing at the end of the day.

The chances Cal did well enough to meet fan expectations next year and not be under overwhelming pressure to be fired next offseason were extremely low.
Lately, sure, I've been mad. For good reason! Things are coming to a boiling point in this program. Cal has sucked, EVEN HE KNOWS IT, and he quit because he knew he couldn't do better.

So those of us who want better are pissed.

I guess maybe there are people who don't mind sucking ass at basketball who are above it all? Fine, but I'm not like that.
I agree. He simply had to know he was failing regularly. How could he not ??
Months ago most were saying they would take Lamont Paris over Cal and now it’s a bunch of people wishing on unicorns. The reality is we are gonna end up with a good coach but likely not a unicorn.
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You all were so preoccupied with getting Cal fired you didn’t stop to think about the possibilities once he’s gone. I’m good with it since the buyout is gone but be prepared to wind up with Drew.
Right, Cal needed to go but I would have rather stuck with him until we were in position to make the right hire rather than settling for a coach.
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St. Peters

Time was now not "Next Year" . Free and clear I will take my chances with whomever and see what they got. Not like Mitch is going to offer a lifetime contract (again). Sticking with bad because you can't find perfect is a tough way to go through life.
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When Tubby left, the consensus on this board was that if we have to hit rock bottom to rebuild, it'll be worth it. And then we did hit rock bottom. And then we rebuilt and won a championship and went to 3 more FFs. And then that coach got stale. So let's rebuild. Maybe the next coach is it. Maybe not. But we'll rebuild.
not praising him for his coaching, just giving him credit for how he decided to leave. the separation could’ve lasted another couple of years, with more embarrassing losses and more bitterness but now we get a new start. so yes, praising him for that.
Considering he was contacting other programs in February without telling Barnhart, he could have been fired and owed nothing anyway.
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You may think that's true, but who would leave where they are to come here?
So what's your point? That we shutter the basketball program? Someone will want to come here. And whoever that is will be MUCH better than Cal has been for 5-10 years.
You all were so preoccupied with getting Cal fired you didn’t stop to think about the possibilities once he’s gone. I’m good with it since the buyout is gone but be prepared to wind up with Drew.
Oh no we have a mid coach who comes in loses In the first weekend, oh wait we already had that. Fear of the unknown and staying with somebody because of that is toxicity. Kentucky needed a change and cal needed a change. Scott drew isn’t some McDonald’s happy meal toy we are getting for a coach either. He isn’t perfect but Kentucky could a hell of a lot worse
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What coach would be the right hire next year?
I don’t know, we would have to wait til next to
find out and see what the coaching market looks like then. When Tubby left the coaching market was shit and we ended up taking a gamble on Gillispie, two years later Cal was acceptable Hopefully we can get Hurley, Donovan, or Oats this year, but if we can’t our options aren’t that exciting. We need to shoot for what’s in the best interest of the program long term even if we have to wait a year.
Coaching searches are never easy despite what all the experts on here think. Before we lucked into pitino, Lute (loot) Olsen used us to get a raise at Arizona. And we almost hired PJ Carlisimo until he backed out. Drew is the PJ Carlismo of this current search. Safe but unexciting.
He quit because of the constant hounding. I’ve been ready for him to leave but it got obsessive and downright nasty, just like with Tubby. Good chance we end up with nothing and it ends up Pope.

My intent with this reply is not to disagree with you; however, his “I can’t hide you. There’s no hiding at Kentucky" is what I'll remember. Seems to me, Calipari was/is not following his own "edict". He knew, acknowledged & embraced those expectations in 2009. Something changed in him but not with the fans & alumni expectations. In short, you reap what you sow and what he sowed over time was arrogance without the result. We won't & shouldn't accept that. Heat was turned up and his hubris wouldn't allow him to conceive (let alone truly admit beyond lip service) he could have made mistakes in his approach to doing things.

Moreover, I believe he felt he WAS doing things the right way- getting players in an 8 month pipe line to the NBA. When he was actively coaching and surrounding himself with folks that could help, our results were better and fans accepted/embraced that approach.

Right or wrong, UK fans still believe the name of the front of the jersey matters more than the name on the back. Antiquated? Maybe, but count me as one of those "out of touch" antiquated old-timers then.

There is the possibility we may end may ultimately end up with a Scott Pope. I do also suspect the leash (financially, time, patience etc.) will be much shorter but our expectations should not change. We, as a program and school, will survive and succeed.

Sorry to ramble but I'm still excited for a new chapter.
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My intent with this reply is not to disagree with you; however, his “I can’t hide you. There’s no hiding at Kentucky" is what I'll remember. Seems to me, Calipari was/is not following his own "edict". He knew, acknowledged & embraced those expectations in 2009. Something changed in him but not with the fans & alumni expectations. In short, you reap what you sow and what he sowed over time was arrogance without the result. We won't & shouldn't accept that. Heat was turned up and his hubris wouldn't allow him to conceive (let alone truly admit beyond lip service) he could have made mistakes in his approach to doing things.

Moreover, I believe he felt he WAS doing things the right way- getting players in an 8 month pipe line to the NBA. When he was actively coaching and surrounding himself with folks that could help, our results were better and fans accepted/embraced that approach.

Right or wrong, UK fans still believe the name of the front of the jersey matters more than the name on the back. Antiquated? Maybe, but count me as one of those "out of touch" antiquated old-timers then.

There is the possibility we may end may ultimately end up with a Scott Pope. I do also suspect the leash (financially, time, patience etc.) will be much shorter but our expectations should not change. We, as a program and school, will survive and succeed.

Sorry to ramble but I'm still excited for a new chapter.

I said earlier today in a time stamped post that I'd be happy with Pope and a new start. The myth that you are a Cal fan unless you say vile things about him is just that - a silly myth.
So what's your point? That we shutter the basketball program? Someone will want to come here. And whoever that is will be MUCH better than Cal has been for 5-10 years.
I was talking about the poisonous environment here: 5 years of constant screaming?
Don't even worry about it - it's another Cal-hired poster or a family member of his. Like every corrupt POS there are multiple people running interference for them.
I’ve been here since 2007 bub. Been through the Tubby, Billy, and Cal sagas.
When Tubby left, the consensus on this board was that if we have to hit rock bottom to rebuild, it'll be worth it. And then we did hit rock bottom. And then we rebuilt and won a championship and went to 3 more FFs. And then that coach got stale. So let's rebuild. Maybe the next coach is it. Maybe not. But we'll rebuild.
You’re skipping a few of the most embarrassing years in the history of our program there.
What makes you so sure of that? Outside of his Covid title his resume is not impressive.
Read the history of when he took over the Baylor program. It was irrelevant and part of a murder investigation. He can coach but it won’t excite the fanbase.
If UK's short list is in order:

Then we will be in great, great shape with any of them. It will be a massive upgrade over the last 10 years.
You all were so preoccupied with getting Cal fired you didn’t stop to think about the possibilities once he’s gone. I’m good with it since the buyout is gone but be prepared to wind up with Drew.
Oh the horror!!!!! Our backup hire won an NCAA title just three years ago!!! Oh no!!!!!!
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