Pitino on KSR

He’s definitely figured out that he’s getting old and wants to be remembered well at a place that used to love him. Especially since UofL is partially mad at him too, probably not as much now because it’s basically open season on paying people now.
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Wait a minute, in one post you say people that don't like Pitino they " have to let it go". THAN in the next post you say screw Cal. LOL, make it make sense
Pay attention. I have always liked Pitino and hated Cal. People have to let grudges go is what I am saying regarding Rick. Cal is just a POS using UK for his own good. He never put UK first. Mitch should have fired him years ago. He is not a basketball coach.
I love Rick. I think he's a great coach.

I heard this comment before about him saying he would give Pope a check.

I still find it odd haha. Like I get it....former player u want to help out. But Rick is still coaching and not at UK lol.

I mean cool I guess but as a St Johns alum that wants to see him do well there too, I just find it odd lol
I never had a problem with Pitino over the years. He was a fantastic coach at Kentucky and brought us back from a very low spot. Never had the disdain for him that so many have or should I say had now.
Pay attention. I have always liked Pitino and hated Cal. People have to let grudges go is what I am saying regarding Rick. Cal is just a POS using UK for his own good. He never put UK first. Mitch should have fired him years ago. He is not a basketball coach.
So everyone should forgive Pitino, who tried to get UK in trouble with the NCAA, flipped off the fans when leaving the arena, but should hate Cal ( who did none of the above) forever? Makes perfect sense
I’m not stroking anyone. I’m telling you I don’t care if he is a snake. I don’t care about anyone’s character or their history. I care about winning. Nothing else
That's on you. I DO care about character. Pitino turned UK into the NCAA for the Bledsoe debacle, and flipped off the fans while leaving the floor.
He's pure slime, but I can see where there's low self-esteem folks out there that would give him a big sloppy kiss.

None of this is because he loves UK. It's all about him turning the knife in Calipari's back. They are both awful in their own ways and we don't need either of them.
Spot on!
And isn't he the same guy who's SON contacted the NCAA about Bledsoe having fraudulant grades?

I will always continue to ask: Where is the proof that happened? The only source I have ever seen is Matt Jones. If I had a dollar for every time he was wrong, I would be retired and living in the Bahamas right now.

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