What?????--Book alleges UofL used escort services

The Pitino Banner?

  • Take it Down

    Votes: 164 58.6%
  • Leave it Up

    Votes: 90 32.1%
  • Desecrate it

    Votes: 26 9.3%

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  • Poll closed .
I have always been UL #1 and UK # 2. Many oldtimers like myself are not an either or fan. I must say though, I have never seen the UL board so delusional. Do they really think any 5 star (VJ King) would come to UL after this fiasco? Do they think any other highly touted recruits are going to sign on to a sinking ship? Do they not think some of the current stars are going to transfer out? I also can't fathom the unrelenting support of CRP. Whether he knew or didn't know is besides the point. He was in charge while all this went down and should be held accountable. And by the way. Have been watching UK basketball since the 50s and can't think of a better guard combo than the present. From a sentimental view though liked Dampier and Kron the best.
I agree on Kron and Dampier. I was thinking this very thought yesterday. I wish someone would post some of the highlights of those two playing together and the way UK ran the fast break then. That team was remarkable. Remember seeing the ball passed 3 or 4 times from one end of the court to the other without a single bounce and the play ending in a layup. Coach Rupp was the "fast "break" king for sure.

Go Big Blue!
I don't care if her motivation was money from the first moment they approached her. Nothing about her motivations matter in the least. That's the best part of all this. No excuse is good. They've even tried to say they didn't get any recruits with the scheme. HAHA Pitino didn't know. HAHA It was one rogue coach. HAHA And the best one has to be don't believe her because she's a whore. HAHAHA

Yes, she's a whore, a whore with pictures, dated journals, text messages, and corroborating testimony from eyewitnesses and participants. How exactly is a whore any worse than the person that pays for her services? No customer, no whore.

This was not a bump.
This...should be put up for a vote. .the phoney should have been banned from here at long time ago

Thanks for agreeing with me but I assume his fate is 100% up to our MODS and I don't want to go somewhere that will get me banned. I'm just a huge UK fan that despises the circus Steelers has created and the way he's messed with me and others on this board. Besides, if he gets banned he'd pop right back up with a new name and we'd figure out what he's done and he'd continue to be a weasel.
Did you watch Louisville when Jack Coleman played for UL ?

Way before my time as I was born in 1947. I barely remember Charlie Tyra. The only Coleman I remember was Kentucky's greatest high school player of all time - King Kelly Coleman. Now there is a story which I assume has been told here a few times.
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Their Scout board is the same way. You can't find a UK fan over there, because they will ban them on the spot, or delete their posts, no matter how tame it is. Wish our mods were like that to the UL trolls, especially on the Football board. Most of them only post over there now. They've gone into hiding over here, and for good reason. [laughing]
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The motivations that matter were UL's..... UL was trying to cheat and land recruits by using prostitutes. If someone gets busted by an undercover officer...... the crime is still the same no matter what the officer's intentions were... (which would obviously be to bust the person instead of solicit sex or drugs)
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Nothing to do with your post. I apologize if you took my comments the wrong way. I quoted your post because Steelers 'liked' it and he's a total phony that tries to mess with people on this board. My post was totally intended to address Steelers. He's just a troublemaker.
Steelers know NO OTIS fan can be that smart and level headed. No wonder he liked it. :beer:
Holy ish! I didn't just the ban, I got the I can't even see their forums while logged in ban.
Oh well...
I wonder how their publisher or rivals feels about people not even being allowed to view their forum by a rogue mod... I was given the same ban for a post that definitely didn't break any rules of the Rivals TOS.

Traffic and page views are how they make money.
I wonder how their publisher or rivals feels about people not even being allowed to view their forum by a rogue mod... I was given the same ban for a post that definitely didn't break any rules of the Rivals TOS.

Traffic and page views are how they make money.
You sound like bubba from was a one rogue employee.
Jk, jk

Back to ban topic...I've heard, it's been that way for years at UNC site (the bans)
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i am PROUDLY BANNED on that board and have no intention or desire to ever post there again. Steelers and Zippy can both KISS MY ASS. I'll just sit back and enjoy watching the dumpster fire that is only just beginning in their program.

Dude be nice. You probably hurt Cut-Nets feelings badly with that one.
Sooooo , who were you pulling for when WKU with Jim McDaniels met UK in the NCAA tournament ?
I was a UK fan since about age 6 or 7,the blue runs deep in this one. Even though I knew some of the WKU players on that team and became friends with players who came later to WKU Cawood had long before sealed my fate as a UK fan.
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I wonder how their publisher or rivals feels about people not even being allowed to view their forum by a rogue mod... I was given the same ban for a post that definitely didn't break any rules of the Rivals TOS.

Traffic and page views are how they make money.

Did the samething to me. I tried to send a message to the site letting them know, but he somehow has banned me from even contacting the other mods or creaters of the board. This guy is a perfect example of someone given a little power and misusing it. Gotta be able to report this guy for banning people from even viewing the site while also looking at and using our IP numbers? No way this is with in the rules to do.
even though they don't care about UK or it's fans. Hence, there are numerous threads about UK and our fans.
So to keep any UK fan response or reply from occurring, they have colluded to "report" any UK poster (as much as possible). This will create work overload for the MODS, so they will just delete and ban.

Should we do this here? Should we censore an opinion that is anti-uk?

Oh, I forgot. We don't have to see their thoughts on RR or WL... There is an ignore button.
Those buffoons (a hate to insult bafoons) can find the report feature; but can't find the ignore button. I guess the one extra syllable throws them off.
I got "banned" there yesterday for a post about how much Cal can't coach because he got kicked out f the game and UL is and KP coached the team to a after the post I put the phrase L1C8 and smiley faces and was banned..that was it
I don't get Steelers at all. He was a reasonable poster on the MB for a long, long time, but since this scandal, he's started to become incredibly censorious over there - understandable if he was just purging trolls, but just calmly disagreeing will get you the boot now.

And on the main board he had the balls to claim that UK fans are more vile in their hatred for UL than the other way around. He seriously claimed that.

All I've seen over here are crude jokes about hooker gate and unflattering nicknames for their players and staff.

At the Louisville board, they have just as much innuendo and name calling, in addition to a bunch of accusations about our players and Cal on a personal level, and not infrequent wishes of personal harm to Cal, Matt Jones, and KP.

They are just way worse right now, and I can't believe that he doesn't realize that, as reasonable as he used to be.
Im more interested in Steeler geting my IP address. If he is using his authority given to him by Rivals to obtain my personal information for his personal use, then i have serious issues with Rivals. One thing to let him practice censorship under rivals name. But to ban someone from even viewing the site tells me he has gone into my personal info to do that. If he is banning to that extreme by using my IP address, im not so sure thats legal. Also Rivals uses these free boards to advertise and sale subscriptions. Wonder how rivals would feel about this goof blocking people from advertising they spend millions on? This guy needs to be brought down
Im more interested in Steeler geting my IP address. If he is using his authority given to him by Rivals to obtain my personal information for his personal use, then i have serious issues with Rivals. One thing to let him practice censorship under rivals name. But to ban someone from even viewing the site tells me he has gone into my personal info to do that. If he is banning to that extreme by using my IP address, im not so sure thats legal. Also Rivals uses these free boards to advertise and sale subscriptions. Wonder how rivals would feel about this goof blocking people from advertising they spend millions on? This guy needs to be brought down

a mod here can correct me if I'm wrong but if its like other types of message boards, the IP will be put in your post or by your user name where the mods can see. Some different types of boards use a mod for moderators but I think its just an admin tags a user name as a mod and it opens up code so mods can do their thing. of course different boards use different methods.... Rivals may be different from Scout..which may differ from 247... etc.
even though they don't care about UK or it's fans. Hence, there are numerous threads about UK and our fans.
So to keep any UK fan response or reply from occurring, they have colluded to "report" any UK poster (as much as possible). This will create work overload for the MODS, so they will just delete and ban.

Should we do this here? Should we censore an opinion that is anti-uk?

Oh, I forgot. We don't have to see their thoughts on RR or WL... There is an ignore button.
Those buffoons (a hate to insult bafoons) can find the report feature; but can't find the ignore button. I guess the one extra syllable throws them off.
The entire fan base is circling the wagons, much like their program is circling the drain. People tend to not venture out too much when there is that much culpability on their hands. It is called shame. It makes for an extremely small world.
The entire fan base is circling the wagons, much like their program is circling the drain. People tend to not venture out too much when there is that much culpability on their hands. It is called shame. It makes for an extremely small world.

I just dont get it.... they have a chance to stand for something and insert integrity back into the program but they are choosing to double down on corruption and lies. I guess the only thing they knew of "character" left the team / program years ago LOL.
One thing we shouldn't do, is allow ANY other fan of another team be even remotely disrepespecful to UK posters. It should be an automatic ban. I don't want a UNC board, but a few of these Kansas posters take it a bit far. Guys like Kiimo calling some UK fans idiots and morons because he doesn't like what he's seeing should be automatic ban.

Other than that I don't mind how we run things. But I hate that we give the same amount of rope to rival fans as we do our own. We just shouldn't do it.

It's just words.
You sound like bubba from was a one rogue employee.
Jk, jk

Back to ban topic...I've heard, it's been that way for years at UNC site (the bans)

I only went to the UNC site one time. When I tried to make a comment I was denied because I was banned. They must have heard me disparaging the Tar Holes when I took my wife to visit her family that lives down there?
Any man, whether it be a UK fan OR a UofL fan would deserve an ass whoopin for what Zipp did in that video!

Every time I see that, I wonder how ANYONE could align with that dude!!
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Their Scout board is the same way. You can't find a UK fan over there, because they will ban them on the spot, or delete their posts, no matter how tame it is. Wish our mods were like that to the UL trolls, especially on the Football board. Most of them only post over there now. They've gone into hiding over here, and for good reason. [laughing]
i've been banned on their scout board forever. i don't think i made it to my second post. unlike you i don't like the idea of banning someone only because they're *ards fans. i enjoy the exchange with the birdbrains. i also was banned from their rivals board, but not permanently i don't think. i still like to go there and sometimes give an occassional cat fan a "like."
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steelers says he is going fishing for a week (gave up on his cheating team) & will need help on forum while he's gone. Hope it rains everyday on him[cheers]
Their board is like a ghost town now, they must have banned half their own posters. By the time Squirtino is let go it will just be Kerry Rhodes talking to zipp. The place is dying a slow death.
I've noticed that. The Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Kentucky must have had one Hell of a purge. He's gone deep sea fishing this week. The Minister of Public Relations will release a headline this week claiming that the Dear Leader caught four world records in his first time out on a boat.

Intel says that the Thoroughbred Lounge is being utilized as a reeducation camp.

Your handle made my day...[roll]
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Now their fans think referees are calling things against the Jaybirds because they cheated and hired Hookers missing the tournament..Puhhlease!..Are the black helicopters fliing over Louisville???
What next...I cannot wait til the next shoe falls..It's pure comedy on their Scout Board..:chairshot:
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Why did I find this on the second page and yet we still have people starting ul threads every ten minutes?

edit: mod was merging the last one when I went looking for this. Save them the trouble and post your thought for the minute in this thread. No need to start a new thread with every sliver of information.
I don't care if her motivation was money from the first moment they approached her. Nothing about her motivations matter in the least. That's the best part of all this. No excuse is good. They've even tried to say they didn't get any recruits with the scheme. HAHA Pitino didn't know. HAHA It was one rogue coach. HAHA And the best one has to be don't believe her because she's a whore. HAHAHA

Yes, she's a whore, a whore with pictures, dated journals, text messages, and corroborating testimony from eyewitnesses and participants. How exactly is a whore any worse than the person that pays for her services? No customer, no whore.

This was not a bump.
They ALWAYS claim 'don't believe her because she's a whore'. It is only the 'her' that changes. I think someone has a video, a recording or maybe a check with a signature on it. Lousyville College knows this, and smells the approaching rot of death. I can hear the screams of 'It wasn't me!' all the way to Florida.
We already know so much about what went on that we picked up in bits and pieces. Put it all together and we have enough info to honestly shut them down for at least a year. Think about how much we DON'T know. What if we knew the true stories about the drugs, and cars, and deaths? What if we knew why people who left the university were given a years severance pay not to talk about the university? If they had good things to say, wouldn't you want them to talk?

That place has been out of control for so long on so many levels, it is impossible to get a full and clear picture of the depravity.
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We already know so much about what went on that we picked up in bits and pieces. Put it all together and we have enough info to honestly shut them down for at least a year. Think about how much we DON'T know. What if we knew the true stories about the drugs, and cars, and deaths? What if we knew why people who left the university were given a years severance pay not to talk about the university? If they had good things to say, wouldn't you want them to talk?

That place has been out of control for so long on so many levels, it is impossible to get a full and clear picture of the depravity.

This. The place is the very definition of 'lack of institutional control'. That happens when you allow your athletic dorm to become a whorehouse.
Louisville fans brag about being the last team in the state to win the NCAA. That championship banner may come down and if it stays it will always be remembered as the title that was won with hookers recruiting. Louisville fans now isn't the time to brag about championships with everything going on at your school and while the NCAA is investigating for wrong doing.

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