What?????--Book alleges UofL used escort services

The Pitino Banner?

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Jurich just announced..... UofL set to unveil the new Heidi Fleiss Recruiting Center.....
Jurich says, "It will be a state of the art facility featuring coin operated vibrating beds, a "happy ending" spa tub, and 24-7 access to the new strength coach.....Jack Meeoff".

Rick Pitino stated about the facility.....
"I am very excited about this.....excuse me for 15 seconds."

I'm like... 90% of the way there with you.

I can't conjure up any real animus in my heart over sports - I have trouble talking in terms of good and evil with players and programs, even ones I personally don't care for. There are just bigger things to get indignant about in the world, we'd like a lot of these kids if they played for us, etc. I even get along with all but one of the Louisville fans on the main board.


This particular situation is a fruit that's a little too sweet to resist, because from the very minute Cal was hired, they have not taken a single pause in hurling accusation after accusation at our coach based on hearsay - traveling to all corners of the internet to spread their gospel. They have spent more energy and emotion over the past 6 years attacking Cal and UK than on supporting their own team. And yet in that time, we've had the cleanest group of kids of any big dog program, while they've had more sex scandals than wins against us even though we play annually.

So while I'm not going to return their childishness by gloating over on their board, and I don't take any joy in any families destroyed over this news, I am having a heck of a time wiping off the slight grin that's been stuck on me all day. And it's for the fans.

RESPECT your opinion!

Best Wishes... and GO CATS!
LOL! Your thinking is so bent, you probably take out your immaturity by shooting poor Cardinal Birds Sitting in the trees!

First... who made this a religious discussion -POND SCUM?

Second... Nobody mentioned any other NON Kentucky Universities but YOU?

Third... WHO made you the MODERATOR?

Lastly... if you don't like my post, DON'T RESPOND TO IT!

Best wishes!
umm...what happened to keeping it Classy?
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Some interesting details -
Dec 29 2012, after UofL's sole victory over UK, they felt a need to put on a big celebration, and from that night, there's a picture of a Chane, Siva, and McGee and some dark skinned recruit.

We actually beat UK for once! Round of hookers for everyone!

Also, this quote from the Louisville board is gold -

"Yeah, I know it's only teenagers having a little fun with skanks and shouldn't be that big of a deal, but in the eyes of the NCAA it's considered impermissible benefits, which we all know is a serious violation of the rules.
Might as well been giving recruits cash when it comes to facing NCAA penalties because according to NCAA bylaws, impermissible benefits are impermissible benefits. There are no distinctions between hookers, cars, cash etc..."

How good are they at rationalizing? They can convince themselves that this is less serious than giving cash to a kid. Wouldn't even be a big deal if not for the stupid NCAA, right?
One of their new favorite lines of argumentation over there goes something like "well, we'll see how much of this is true once they contact the other players who didn't go to Louisville - they have no reason to lie. They probably wouldn't be ineligible at a different school."

I don't know if that's true or not, but isn't it motivation enough to not want to have your name attached to a PROSTITUTION SCANDAL? Forget eligibility concerns, just based on personal reputation, how would any recruit saying "no, it didn't happen" tell you anything? Of course they'll say that.
Some interesting details -
Dec 29 2012, after UofL's sole victory over UK, they felt a need to put on a big celebration, and from that night, there's a picture of a Chane, Siva, and McGee and some dark skinned recruit.

We actually beat UK for once! Round of hookers for everyone!

Also, this quote from the Louisville board is gold -

"Yeah, I know it's only teenagers having a little fun with skanks and shouldn't be that big of a deal, but in the eyes of the NCAA it's considered impermissible benefits, which we all know is a serious violation of the rules.
Might as well been giving recruits cash when it comes to facing NCAA penalties because according to NCAA bylaws, impermissible benefits are impermissible benefits. There are no distinctions between hookers, cars, cash etc..."

How good are they at rationalizing? They can convince themselves that this is less serious than giving cash to a kid. Wouldn't even be a big deal if not for the stupid NCAA, right?
I'm guessing lots of kids are gonna be getting dragged to the Doctor's office by their parents for a battery of blood work. [sick]
I'm guessing lots of kids are gonna be getting dragged to the Doctor's office by their parents for a battery of blood work. [sick]

Shit, I'm going to get tested Monday. You never know. I know a Cardinal fan 80 miles North of me in Florida. He probably has something. Best to avoid all ul fans now and treat them like the Ebola.

You want your families to be safe, right?
A friend of mine has been sending me excerpts from the book all day today. Some amazing evidence in this thing. I know Jones came out and said they will have to prove the texts came from Magee but this lady has record of everything that happened. She has financial records of how much is owed to her and by whom it is owed.

The guy who helped her with this book is a Pulitzer prize winning author. He is numerous awards for his investigative journalism. This isn't some slouch. Only thing that stinks is waiting for the legs on this to grow and grow and grow. I want UL to burn and burn now but God knows this will take forever.

The book explains that there are records of phone calls and text messages to Katina from McGee. I honestly don't know what Jones is talking about.
"The Celtics arrived here at about 6 a.m. Eastern time on Saturday, and Rozier told the Globe he was unaware of the book. When the basic accusations were relayed to him, he responded: “When it’s time to answer those questions and deal with that, I will. But right now I’m just trying to take in this moment with these guys out here and have a lot of fun with my teammates. So, like I said, when that time comes to answer that, I will.”

I would really like to get excited about this, but I just think they will skate before all is said and done. They'd much rather catch UK doing this, then things would happen.
Some interesting details -
Dec 29 2012, after UofL's sole victory over UK, they felt a need to put on a big celebration, and from that night, there's a picture of a Chane, Siva, and McGee and some dark skinned recruit.

We actually beat UK for once! Round of hookers for everyone!

Also, this quote from the Louisville board is gold -

"Yeah, I know it's only teenagers having a little fun with skanks and shouldn't be that big of a deal, but in the eyes of the NCAA it's considered impermissible benefits, which we all know is a serious violation of the rules.
Might as well been giving recruits cash when it comes to facing NCAA penalties because according to NCAA bylaws, impermissible benefits are impermissible benefits. There are no distinctions between hookers, cars, cash etc..."

How good are they at rationalizing? They can convince themselves that this is less serious than giving cash to a kid. Wouldn't even be a big deal if not for the stupid NCAA, right? weekend. of course spending thou$and$ to furnish alcohol and ugly hookers to potential (mostly underage) recruits is not a big deal---at least not in davill. should be distinctions, of course.
"The Celtics arrived here at about 6 a.m. Eastern time on Saturday, and Rozier told the Globe he was unaware of the book. When the basic accusations were relayed to him, he responded: “When it’s time to answer those questions and deal with that, I will. But right now I’m just trying to take in this moment with these guys out here and have a lot of fun with my teammates. So, like I said, when that time comes to answer that, I will.”


Oh my. A big part of me still doubted this was true, but this seems quite damning...
LOL! Your thinking is so bent, you probably take out your immaturity by shooting poor Cardinal Birds Sitting in the trees!

First... who made this a religious discussion -POND SCUM?

Second... Nobody mentioned any other NON Kentucky Universities but YOU?

Third... WHO made you the MODERATOR?

Lastly... if you don't like my post, DON'T RESPOND TO IT!

Best wishes!
Are you trying to sound like you're insane? Do you normally yell randomly in the middle of sentences?
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A copy of this shitty book needs to be put under glass in the central reading room of William T Young. It's like a prized Gutenberg Bible for our school.

The Whore Who Launched a Thousand Investigators.
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"The Celtics arrived here at about 6 a.m. Eastern time on Saturday, and Rozier told the Globe he was unaware of the book. When the basic accusations were relayed to him, he responded: “When it’s time to answer those questions and deal with that, I will. But right now I’m just trying to take in this moment with these guys out here and have a lot of fun with my teammates. So, like I said, when that time comes to answer that, I will.”


Rozier is the guy who could blow this thing sky high. I have been saying since the NBA draft that Rozier is pissed off at Pitino and LilBro. As you may recall he did not even acknowledge UofL on draft night because he wore a jersey that said NBA Draft Combine (something along that lines) and not his UofL jersey. He was the only player the entire night who did so. And LilBro media tried to say that this was a shoe company decision...cover story....when that is a total fabrication. The other players drafted wore all the other shoe company shirts that night except Rozier.

I've had LilBro insiders tell me that Rozier and Trez hated Pitino and vice versa. Open contempt. And I have pointed to the shirt/draft incident of that rift. And today we have that answer from Rozier. Very interesting. Is Rozier getting ready to spill his guts against his old school to get at Pitino? I tend to think he wants something in return for his silence.
I would expect every player questioned to deny initially. I mean who wants the public to know they were involved in having sex with prostitutes. Now, if any of these players get questioned under oath and risk perjury it is a different story.
Tennessee fans making fun of Louisville right now. Talking about how they had Orange pride for decades full of willing college co-eds. They can't seem to understand why you'd need to pay prostitutes.[laughing]

..on VN

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Anyone thinking Louisville will skate on this didn't see the most interesting man in the world and his press conference. Rick is done, he was visibly shaken, humble, and concerned.

Jones seems to thing so as well. Would be anxious to know about the details to come out in the next couple of days. Are these details just things that have come out from the book (which anyone who has read will know)? Or are these details that no one knows about yet?