What?????--Book alleges UofL used escort services

The Pitino Banner?

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I am going to catch some flack over this ,But should we not be ashamed of our self's over boosting at this awful act that was committed at U of L .We are followers of another Basketball program in this great state of Kentucky,And I also jumped on this band wagon. And I apologize for my actions and to any one I might have offended.

Let he who is without sin,Cast the first stone...

I'm a baptist, but I'm sorry. Im running out of stones to throw into this pond friend.
The situation for the University of Louisville is like a dumpster fire that is burning out of control.

Has anyone wondered how it came to be that Andre McGee, California native, and current lowly poorly paid assistant coach for UMKC in Kansas City, travelled to Louisville to hire a big dollar Louisville criminal defense attorney?

Who is paying that bill?
The UL Board of Trustees asked Ramsey to check under the couch cushions in the various foundation slush fund offices. Hush money funding should not be a problem for a crew skimming this much of the University's bottom line already.
For the love of all things good and holy, please spare us your lectures on morality. Nobody cares.

It does not make anybody less of a fan because they don't share your holier than thou views on how you believe we should all love and support rival schools.

Reality: That is not how it is. It's not that way for them, it's not that way for us. It's not that way for the California schools, the North Carolina schools, the Virginia schools, Iowa schools, Alabama schools, Georgia schools, or any major programs that come to mind.
If tragedy struck, rivalry is laid to the side, but this isn't some kind of matter of death and destruction, this is a rival school getting caught not playing by the rules (ironically, after saying that UK doesn't play by the rules for years).

If you don't like it, leave. It's simple, but don't come here to lecture any of us.

LOL! Your thinking is so bent, you probably take out your immaturity by shooting poor Cardinal Birds Sitting in the trees!

First... who made this a religious discussion -POND SCUM?

Second... Nobody mentioned any other NON Kentucky Universities but YOU?

Third... WHO made you the MODERATOR?

Lastly... if you don't like my post, DON'T RESPOND TO IT!

Best wishes!
I finally watched the Pitino press conference. Oh, for a reporter with courage to have been in that room.

Q: "Coach Pitino, do you feel that your behavior in the Karen Sypher case, and the university's handling of that case, and then the hiring of Bobby Petrino set a tone at Louisville in which an assistant working for you might think that behavior like this was acceptable?"

Guarantee you that question would have been asked by reporters in a city where the press corps wasn't intimidated.

He looked defeated didn't he. I mean, he admitted the whores exist. THat should be enough to take the banner.
this is the mindset of UL fans

Just finished reading the book and here's my take on it. There's zero damning evidence, as in there is no smoking gun or gotcha moment . Just a bunch of he said, she said, her word against theirs, circumstantial stuff. If this is all there is then UofL should be fine.

Yeah guys that's all there is [roll]
I've already spoke to several UofL fans and they all say that they don't believe it.

I asked them why, and none of them had a good reason not to believe...

A few said that they thought it was a setup.

Crazy shit!

It'll be interesting to watch it play out...
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Pitino conducted his own investigation by calling former assistants and some players too. Due diligence? Or more likely as with his statement in the presser that he would forgive McGee....he is reaching out to make sure everyone remains silent and they all get their stories straight. When he made that statement about McGee, the guy who is potentially responsible for bringing down Pitino, it was basically saying that if you keep quiet and deny everything then this will all end well for you. Pitino is orchestrating a cover-up. Just remember the old saying that the cover-up is often the bigger problem than the root cause.

Everyone is taking a Que from UNC nowadays.

"We've investigated this internally and would like to apologize for any wrongdoing. Moving foward we will not comment further, and thanks everyone for their involvement." - the clintons err.... Louisville
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Let me get this straight!

So this "arguably one of the greatest scandals...involving UL Athletics" makes YOU a better person and gives you an "ego stroke" because you can MAKE FUN of them?

As a lifetime Kentucky Fan, and one who has two relatives who played Basketball at UK, I don't, and the CLASSY UK FAN, does not need to "slice and dice" other Kentucky Universities when rumors and scandals break, to feel good.

You, and your buddies, are pretty low, small, people: not a credit to the CLASSY UK FANS who are mature and know how to react to others who are experiencing issues.

I feel VERY sorry for you, and your other NO CLASS BUDDIES on this site... but the CLASSY UK FANS always prevail!

Best wishes to you.

How did this troll get to 28 posts?
Haha. Wow.

So we don't even cheat, but all of our "rumors" are ours to own.

When Louisville is caught doing it, it's all of our problem.

Gotta love the how Kentucky makes all of these schools and fans talk out of both sides they mouths and completely contradict themselves.
I've already spoke to several UofL fans and they all say that they don't believe it.

I asked them why, and none of them had a good reason not to believe...

A few said that they thought it was a setup.

Crazy shit!

It'll be interesting to watch it play out...

I know some that are calling set up. Really? maybe people aren't out to get you...maybe the program is that dirty
Points to ponder...

1. How and why did an assistant AD at IU come to have possession of a photo of a UL recruit having a good time with a hoe inside a UL dorm?
2. What was the reason for Madame Katina stating she would wait till the time was right to "get those bastards"?
3. If there truly isn't anything to see here (as UL fans would like us to believe) then, why has UMKC already place McGhee on administrative leave?
4. Is there a money trail leading to McGhee from sources outside the UL athletic dept? Boosters maybe?
5. All of this breaks just as the Yum Center investigation results are about to be released. Two scandals at the same dumpster fire University beg the question; how does Jurich, Pitino, etc. survive all this???
I've already spoke to several UofL fans and they all say that they don't believe it.

I asked them why, and none of them had a good reason not to believe...

A few said that they thought it was a setup.

Crazy shit!

It'll be interesting to watch it play out...
The Louisville fans I know. And by fans I mean ex athletes. All believe. The response was more like... Stupid hooker. Why she running her mouth! Lmao. They all know it's true.
Best quote of the night tho was ... "Everyone does it. We just got caught".
no sorry but everyone does not do it. Only the sleazy ass UL staff does.

I'm still shocked that the whore in that pic isn't Kevin ware. Maybe it is?

Tibia announced at a later time I guess.
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They probably tried to hide the money trail because I'm pretty sure if they weren't paid it wouldn't be a violation right?

That would be a no. This is a violation regardless. Employees funneling hookers to recruits?

Oh maybe there's a rule for that......I'm looking at you mr. Emmert.
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LOL! Your thinking is so bent, you probably take out your immaturity by shooting poor Cardinal Birds Sitting in the trees!

First... who made this a religious discussion -POND SCUM?

Second... Nobody mentioned any other NON Kentucky Universities but YOU?

Third... WHO made you the MODERATOR?

Lastly... if you don't like my post, DON'T RESPOND TO IT!

Best wishes!

Because I don't agree with your ignorant post, you want to label me or anybody who doesn't agree with you as some psychopath that kills our state bird for laughs? And you're calling me immature? Give me a f***ing break, guy.

The point of the non-state universities being listed is not important. The point is the rivalry between all of those non-state universities, and how it's typical nature of fans from everywhere, not just Kentucky fans.

You want to preach about all of this 'they're Louisville fans, they're our state brethren, why don't you all love and cherish them like GOOD Kentucky fans?', and snap at me with this "POND SCUM" bull$#!t? You're such a hypocrite, it's disgusting.

"Third", I'm not a MODERATOR. If I was a MODERATOR though, I would save the rest of this forum from your little $#!t show that you're putting on. If nobody wants to read it, why post it? You're not gracing anybody here with your presence.

You're f***ing warped.
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Points to ponder...

1. How and why did an assistant AD at IU come to have possession of a photo of a UL recruit having a good time with a hoe inside a UL dorm?
2. What was the reason for Madame Katina stating she would wait till the time was right to "get those bastards"?
3. If there truly isn't anything to see here (as UL fans would like us to believe) then, why has UMKC already place McGhee on administrative leave?
4. Is there a money trail leading to McGhee from sources outside the UL athletic dept? Boosters maybe?
5. All of this breaks just as the Yum Center investigation results are about to be released. Two scandals at the same dumpster fire University beg the question; how does Jurich, Pitino, etc. survive all this???

IU did not have a photo. The publisher of the book did and merely emailed an assistant AD at IU to get a name of a counterpart at UL so the publisher could try and ID someone in the photo
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This is easily the best thread since I've been on these forums. Slow walking, what really happened, Eric Bledsoe's exact weight... For my money, this one is king.
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And then once the IU Asst. AD found out the nature of the picture, he had nothing more to do with it, but he let his UL counterpart know about it so they could start investigating.
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He never saw the pic or knew it's nature...only later found out that it was for a potentially damaging book about UL.

At that point, the publisher already had communicated with the UL contact the IU asst AD had referred the publisher to...
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Yeah, he said he was 3-0 vs your sorry ass.
May want to get some better looking hookers, may explain your recruiting.
Lack of institutional control on an epic scale at the very least. Impermissible benefits, alcohol , drugs and hookers for underage minors, blatant disregard for welfare of a minor and promotion of lewd/illegal behavior on school property (dorm) at the very worst.
If McGhee conducted "business" over the phone across state lines, does it become a federal issue?
UL fans better hope the criminal aspect of this case never fully materializes. McGhee might make a deal and spill EVERYTHING he knows in order to stay out of jail.
I think Jurich will argue there was no improper benefits and thus no violations because the hookers involved were so skanky there was no cash value to the poonie.

I don't know that I could argue with him.