What about Knox at the low post?


Feb 6, 2003
I feel that Knox is our most talented player but can disappear or not be at his full potential because he spends too much time on the perimeter. Cal has said he is trying to get him to mix it up but even at the UCLA halftime mentioned how an outside jumper was taken instead of the instruction to drive to the paint. One way to force Knox to gain experience in the physical aspect (and where he should excel) is having him bang in the paint. Yes, small ball with him instead of Richards but many teams we will face don't exactly have some great power center either. Personally, I would play Alexander and Green together, Diallo Gabriel, and Knox in the middle. However, let me add that there would be substitutions and rotations depending upon the circumstances but again it seems to me this would really improve the style of play. Plus, no more 3's in early possessions unless it is a break, and otherwise it has to be an inside out possession.

I know a lot will disagree but I think this move would resolve a lot of issues.

P.S. All the hype about height or how long this team is means nothing when out-rebounded or other teams are constantly provided with open looks. Plus, Richards doesn't block opponents drives at the basket so defensively I don't see the height benefit.
I’d concentrate on getting Richards to his potential. Playing Knox out of position just creates a gap elsewhere plus you have a guy you need to train and one you can’t use.
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I’d concentrate on getting Richards to his potential. Playing Knox out of position just creates a gap elsewhere plus you have a guy you need to train and one you can’t use.
Agree- but if Richards is going to be the kind of force who helps us win games in March- it's gonna be next season.
Knox needs to be more aggressive, and I think he will be eventually.

When he drives and tries to rise up an finish, hes unstoppable. Hes done it twice this year and both times it was a thunderous 2 points.
I feel that Knox is our most talented player but can disappear or not be at his full potential because he spends too much time on the perimeter. Cal has said he is trying to get him to mix it up but even at the UCLA halftime mentioned how an outside jumper was taken instead of the instruction to drive to the paint. One way to force Knox to gain experience in the physical aspect (and where he should excel) is having him bang in the paint. Yes, small ball with him instead of Richards but many teams we will face don't exactly have some great power center either. Personally, I would play Alexander and Green together, Diallo Gabriel, and Knox in the middle. However, let me add that there would be substitutions and rotations depending upon the circumstances but again it seems to me this would really improve the style of play. Plus, no more 3's in early possessions unless it is a break, and otherwise it has to be an inside out possession.

I know a lot will disagree but I think this move would resolve a lot of issues.

P.S. All the hype about height or how long this team is means nothing when out-rebounded or other teams are constantly provided with open looks. Plus, Richards doesn't block opponents drives at the basket so defensively I don't see the height benefit.
Knox isn't physical enough
I think Knox could easily play the 2,3 and 4. Kids a stud. I know we wanted trey young badly but I really don't think we get Knox if young came here
Cal wont play him underneath bacause of the NBA. Sure he promised him he would play outside.
I think one of the biggest criticisms you can levy against Cal is how he refuses to discipline "his guys" in any manner. If you're one of his favorites you will not be disciplined or face any recourse for not doing what he says. We watched it all year last year with Monk all Cal did was scream at him to go to the basket to get himself going and he would never do it and Cal never sat him for it. Willis go after a rebound with 1 hand you're on the bench the rest of the game. PJ play like you've never seen a basketball before 35 minutes, SKJ get 3 rebounds in 3 minutes, give up one basket don't go back into the game. I mean the idea that Cal "doesn't promise anything" and "plays whoever is earning it" is a joke. He plays certain guys all the minutes and he always will. That's how he recruits, you see me let X guy play 37 minutes when he was 2-9 from the field, 0-5 from 3, 2 rebounds, 5 turnovers. You can't play worse than that so I'll let you play through anything.
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Absolutely not. That would do nothing but further weaken two positions. Knox is a 3/4 in college. He's one of our better perimeter shooters. Yes, I would like to see him score a little more in the paint, but he's definitely not a low post player.
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Yeah let's take our best overall player and stick him down low where he can't get any kind of dribble drive penetration. I've heard it all now.
It doesn't matter what they do offensively until they fix the defense. Knox is the 2nd worst defender on the team. He's lost on that side. Go back and watch him time after time lose his man or not know who he's supposed to be guarding.

It's the most important thing. If they can shore this up by the time Vanderbilt and Baker are able to play then this team will be vastly better. They'll be 10 deep and will have more scoring options.
Knox is a wing player. Cal recruited him as such. That's his strength. However, Cal has posted him up on several occasions.