Way to add fuel to the fire Matt Jone...smh


Apr 8, 2012
There was a thread on RR about how Matt Jones doesn't add anything to our program and then he goes and brings even more embarrassment to BBN...what a douche.

The tweet itself was harmless because we all thought he'd be safely top 15. However....he absolutely left it up for personal gain when it started getting massive numbers of impressions and shares. So yes...he definitely made personal gains at the expense of Levis' embarrassment
I didn't see a 1st round talent when I watched Will play. I saw a project. He could be the next Josh Allen or he could be the next Taysom Hill but I wouldn't have spent a 1st round pick on him or any other QB in this draft IMO. They all looked like 2-6 rounders to me.

Will just needs to settle down and realize nobody will remember the draft and move on. After this week it will be all about how he plays no matter where he went.
The "of my lifetime" was not needed. Doesn't matter where Levis ended up being drafted, he could have left that out. He and the blow hard Italian are two sides of the same coin.
The "of my lifetime" was not needed. Doesn't matter where Levis ended up being drafted, he could have left that out. He and the blow hard Italian are two sides of the same coin.

Does he mean as a UK fan when he say's this??? After all he knew nothing about UKFB until coach Stoops took over.... That is a fact he himself has repeated over and over...

I didn't see a 1st round talent when I watched Will play. I saw a project. He could be the next Josh Allen or he could be the next Taysom Hill but I wouldn't have spent a 1st round pick on him or any other QB in this draft IMO. They all looked like 2-6 rounders to me.

Will just needs to settle down and realize nobody will remember the draft and move on. After this week it will be all about how he plays no matter where he went.
I love reading people posting on here trying to use football lingo. "First round talent" "Quarter back room", "Mike and Jack linebackers", all acting like they are coaches. Most of US wouldn't know first round talent if it bit us in the ass except for when they win games. Actual scouts and coaches are able to break it down better that that. It is amazing how good UK fans are at coaching football and basketball. We should just let this board call plays for both teams.
Seems clear to me that if you are the second pick of the second round, you have first round talent. That seems counterintuitive, but when you consider that teams draft on talent AND on need, a QB that a team traded to get at the second pick of the second round could have easily been taken in the first round, if more teams needed a QB. Even if need is not a factor for determining “first round” talent, Levis’ draft spot suggests he has the talent for a first round pick.

Now back to the Matt Jones perpetual debate.
I love reading people posting on here trying to use football lingo. "First round talent" "Quarter back room", "Mike and Jack linebackers", all acting like they are coaches. Most of US wouldn't know first round talent if it bit us in the ass except for when they win games. Actual scouts and coaches are able to break it down better that that. It is amazing how good UK fans are at coaching football and basketball. We should just let this board call plays for both teams.
I don't think a person has to have any special talent to recognize a quarterback that is a sure fire 1st round pick in the NFL draft if you watch a lot of football. That position jumps out at you just like Joe Burrow just jumped off the screen at you when he was at LSU. I never liked Tua while the rest of the whole country was acting like he was the next coming at Alabama. I thought he was a soft armed college guy. TUA had these incredible stats claiming how accurate he was but I saw wide open receivers running all over the field and him struggling to hit them in stride because his ball looked soft.

I don't like ANY of the QBs I saw in this whole draft as a matter of fact so it isn't a ding on Will, I just don't see a big time QB in the whole batch. Young has the talent but his size to me is disqualifying. No way on earth I am turning my team over to a 5'10 i85lb QB in the NFL.

If a QB is out there in college getting the ball out on time and hitting receivers in stride while recognizing coverages... and they push the ball down the field or check down when its not there. They look like surgeons out there when they're big time NFL QBs. College is a shooting gallery for NFL QBs. You see guys that have wide open receivers and yeah they get them the ball but the receivers are having to slow down and let the coverage catch up or they're high over the middle exposing their receivers. There's a lot of stuff they can get away with in college that will not be there in the pros and you don't have to be a guru scout to see it.

Will Levis may develop into a great NFL QB. He's got a shot, but I didn't see him consistently getting the ball out on time and in stride to the receivers to make him a 1st round pick. Great size, but we have no idea how well he is going to perform where the level of difficulty for a QB skyrockets. Everybody is fast, the coverages are disguised, and monsters are coming to get you in the NFL.
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Funny how he was bragging about how many people he’d bet that Levis would be a top 10 pick on Thursday……He didn’t mention that on Friday’s show!
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I don't think a person has to have any special talent to recognize a quarterback that is a sure fire 1st round pick in the NFL draft if you watch a lot of football. That position jumps out at you just like Joe Burrow just jumped off the screen at you when he was at LSU. I never liked Tua while the rest of the whole country was acting like he was the next coming at Alabama. I thought he was a soft armed college guy. TUA had these incredible stats claiming how accurate he was but I saw wide open receivers running all over the field and him struggling to hit them in stride because his ball looked soft.

I don't like ANY of the QBs I saw in this whole draft as a matter of fact so it isn't a ding on Will, I just don't see a big time QB in the whole batch. Young has the talent but his size to me is disqualifying. No way on earth I am turning my team over to a 5'10 i85lb QB in the NFL.

If a QB is out there in college getting the ball out on time and hitting receivers in stride while recognizing coverages... and they push the ball down the field or check down when its not there. They look like surgeons out there when they're big time NFL QBs. College is a shooting gallery for NFL QBs. You see guys that have wide open receivers and yeah they get them the ball but the receivers are having to slow down and let the coverage catch up or they're high over the middle exposing their receivers. There's a lot of stuff they can get away with in college that will not be there in the pros and you don't have to be a guru scout to see it.

Will Levis may develop into a great NFL QB. He's got a shot, but I didn't see him consistently getting the ball out on time and in stride to the receivers to make him a 1st round pick. Great size, but we have no idea how well he is going to perform where the level of difficulty for a QB skyrockets. Everybody is fast, the coverages are disguised, and monsters are coming to get you in the NFL.
In Wills defense the one polished pro Receiver he had did catch like 100 passes. He had some good Receivers last year but they was young and inconsistent running routes properly. Not to mention the OL was garbage and the OC took away Levis skill set but not calling designed runs. Josh Allen had very similar numbers in his best year at Wyoming going against sub par talent. Levis was going against NFL talent every single week. These scouts can turn on the tape and see if the QBS are consistently making correct reads and throwing accurately. The windows in the best conferences are not wide open like you stated. Maybe your watching a lot of Big 12 games but in the SEC and Big Ten the coverage is very tight
I will never understand the absolute, unabashed, RAGING hate boner that some of you all have for Matt Jones. It's like some of the fan base can't help but love wallowing in misery. What's more, the people that give him the most grief actually fuel and expand his reach thanks to interactions on his socials. Matt Jones wins when the folks that hate him can't control their tempers. It'd be funny if it wasn't so damn sad.

I mean seriously, I'm not a fan of Jones, but I've never considered giving the man an ounce of my agency.
Yes..... I probably should have left that out. I'm trying harder to speak without emotion, I failed with that one. Only meant that, at least from my perspective, both had taken unnecessary, even if unintentionally, shots at the Football Team. I don't care for either of those two but should have just left that alone.
I didn't see a 1st round talent when I watched Will play. I saw a project. He could be the next Josh Allen or he could be the next Taysom Hill but I wouldn't have spent a 1st round pick on him or any other QB in this draft IMO. They all looked like 2-6 rounders to me.

Will just needs to settle down and realize nobody will remember the draft and move on. After this week it will be all about how he plays no matter where he went.

I love reading people posting on here trying to use football lingo. "First round talent" "Quarter back room", "Mike and Jack linebackers", all acting like they are coaches. Most of US wouldn't know first round talent if it bit us in the ass except for when they win games. Actual scouts and coaches are able to break it down better that that. It is amazing how good UK fans are at coaching football and basketball. We should just let this board call plays for both teams.
you missed... the rest... lol
2-6 talent for all those qbs?... what a crazy statement on so many levels...
I sucked as a player, strong legs but too short, too slow and too fat.
But Im a fair to midlin' (or better) coach... Levis is much closer to Allen than Hill. He has strong mechanics, just needs some polish (and the right team)
Eh, it was a sports take. Half the time takes are going to be incorrect because it's an opinion or prediction. I wish whoever ran Freezing Cold Takes would do a Rupp Rafters version. They'd lose sleep retweeting all the constant wrong takes here.
Yes..... I probably should have left that out. I'm trying harder to speak without emotion, I failed with that one. Only meant that, at least from my perspective, both had taken unnecessary, even if unintentionally, shots at the Football Team. I don't care for either of those two but should have just left that alone.
Fugettaboutit... I'm no fan either.
God forbid any fan takes up for Duke.... Sorry to hurt your feeling's about a school I despise...
On the other hand no I am not sorry... Can't stand those bastards... Sorry it hurts you so much...

You’re an idiot. How does one “ take up for Duke?” Rather you believe it or not Duke is one of America’s finest universities, and only a moron would argue that
God forbid any fan takes up for Duke.... Sorry to hurt your feeling's about a school I despise...
On the other hand no I am not sorry... Can't stand those bastards... Sorry it hurts you so much...

Do you despise the actual school or the basketball team? It’s possible to acknowledge that Duke is one of the best universities in the country while also not liking the basketball team. I would never root for the team but if I received a scholarship to the school (like MJ), you can bet your ass I’d have no problem getting an education there. The quality of that education is much more important than any fandom.