Video of all 5 of Travis' fouls. Spoiler - they were all bad.

Does anyone recall seeing a game where the officiating was so bad that the two opposing coaches OPENLY shared a laugh about it?

Williams has been protected by the stripes all year, and it's a real shame because he's a good player who doesn't need to play like a wittle girl - but, the SEC refs have eaten up his nonsense all year.

This is also a possible reason that UT will lose to a lower seed in the tourny because they might run into a crew that doesn't protect him.
The 4th one was actually legit, but the 5th one was an abomination. Williams is the most pampered cry-baby in the country. Pathetic that a dude his size has to resort to Duke-like flopping.
Every one was questionable at the very best. Travis’s 3rd and 5th and the Johnson charge were all straight up incompetence. Like head-scratchingly bad.

I seriously wonder whether they were trying to keep the game close before Kentucky ran away with it, if they were calling non-fouls to keep the number even on both sides, or if they’re just that frickin bad at their jobs.
The common theme in all of these calls is obviously Grant Williams. On offense he’s the most protected player I’ve seen in quite some time. And on the defensive end it’s even worse with the pathetic flopping displays that the refs somehow fall for. It’s a total mystery to me how these calls continue to happen in his favor. You know every opposing coach and team has to be in the refs ears constantly about his act. Seriously are SEC refs that clueless and inept at their job that they keep bailing him out?
The one where the UT player clamp down on Reid’s arm and Travis got a foul for pulling his own arm out of the clamp was beyond pitiful. Tennessee tricked the refs with theatrics all game and the refs fell for it.
PJ got a technical for doing that in the first half. Walker wasn't letting go so they called it a double T. Amazing! But there were really crazy whislte's the last 10:00 or so. No lead was safe.
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Does anyone recall seeing a game where the officiating was so bad that the two opposing coaches OPENLY shared a laugh about it?

Williams has been protected by the stripes all year, and it's a real shame because he's a good player who doesn't need to play like a wittle girl - but, the SEC refs have eaten up his nonsense all year.

This is also a possible reason that UT will lose to a lower seed in the tourny because they might run into a crew that doesn't protect him.

Yup. Happens to Duke quite often. They don't get the whistle they are used to in the big tournament.
All of this "conspiracy" talk, yet none on the fact that anyone can gamble on games, online, and anonymously.

One day there will be some kind of revelation, be it by the FBI, NCAA, or some referee whistleblower, that certain games (or even most of them) have been tainted or controlled by refs that had money on the game, or had family members that they were helping that either gambled online themselves, or using their accounts for said referee family members.

It is happening and people would be fools to believe otherwise. Probably not all of the games, but these high profile ones where the payback is huge on spreads and odds (see: undefeated UK and Wisconsin) are very likely being influenced in some fashion by referees involved in gambling on those particular games.

Not at all a far fetched conspiracy theory like refs and the NCAA just having it out for Kentucky and Calipari. What would that really gain them? Not much. But what would dropping $5,000 on a game that could net you 2-3 times that in return, gain a referee over the entire course of a season? Quite a few nice summer vacations around the world...
Great video evidence OP!

Thanks. And I should point out that when I first thought of doing this I wasn't thinking all of the fouls would be bad. I was just going to go back and look at them as I didn't remember what his other fouls were. Then I see that every single one of them was awful. What is perhaps the most telling is the number of people that point out a different foul as being the worst of the bunch. That is pretty telling.
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Grant Williams’ acting ability is on full display. It’s a shame that the referees didn’t seem to be aware of this. They are supposed to watch out for such shenanigans and be mindful in advance. Thanks again, antiduke_99 for putting the clips together!

As Cal once said, “It’s all on tape!”
3rd and 5th were egregious. First 2, I won’t complain about. 4th looked like a charge to me, but that call is often missed. Thought Keldon’s charge wasn’t a bad call either. Yes, Williams flopped - as he did on Travis’ 2nd - but those weren’t horrible calls. But the 3rd and 5th, goodness, those were just inept.
On the 3rd foul Cal told Barnes he called that one
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Beyond awful. My favorite was when he told the ref “I’m sorry... that was horrible”
So that’s what he said! I wondered. And I agree, it was horrible! Shows let Williams’ acting ability win that one. The refs really should be aware of players who have a MO of being overly dramatic to get calls.
I think that when a ref makes a bad call, they try to even it up on the other side.

That's where I think the evening ends tho.

I mean guys.......since Cal has gotten here most years we have made more free throws than our opponents have taken.

We have feasted at getting fouled and getting to the line lol

Most seasons, offensive rebounding and getting to the line IS our offense.
Yes as we should because we actually drive to the basket. Most other teams shoot a ton of 3s.
The florida st - duke game was so entirely crooked it sours me on the whole thing .
Everyone is talking about the fouls that fouled out Travis, or the no basket on the 3. But what about the two or three quick fouls that put UT at the line midway into the second half? We were on the verge of running away until they killed any momentum we had. AND UT was back in reach again.
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Oh my freaking God, KJ barely touched Williams on that charge call. I swear I hate that SOB Williams more than any other player in my adult life. He epitomizes everything wrong with college hoops.
How about a clip of ZW body checking the guy shooting a layup and no call is made ? Refs should have to answer for shit like this
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Does anyone recall seeing a game where the officiating was so bad that the two opposing coaches OPENLY shared a laugh about it?

Williams has been protected by the stripes all year, and it's a real shame because he's a good player who doesn't need to play like a wittle girl - but, the SEC refs have eaten up his nonsense all year.

This is also a possible reason that UT will lose to a lower seed in the tourny because they might run into a crew that doesn't protect him.

Cal to Barnes: After one of the calls; "Hey, quit doing that"! LOL
There looks to be SIX "questionable" calls on video:
  1. Daily
  2. Shows
  3. Daily
  4. Daily
  5. Daily
  6. Shows
Steven Anderson: NADA

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I'm not normally one to blame officials on a loss. And yes, we probably should have won this game even despite them. But my God, this one was truly awful. I went back and made a "highlight" reel of the 5 "fouls" on Reid Travis. I would contend that every one of them was a bad call. Maaaaybe the first one. And perhaps a no call on his 4th. People only want to look at the last 1 or 2 calls. But every bad call matters against one of your most important players. There is no way you will convince me that we lose this game without Reid.

All that being said, although I'm frustrated with the loss, I think we actually played great today (aside from the final 3 minutes), and definitely are playing well enough to contend for a title. Excited for tomorrow to see who we will be beating next week!

I don’t understand how Doug Shows is allowed to ref UK games. He’s either incompetent or a cheater.
On the KJ bullsh!t charge call on that video, not only did GW flop but he actually jumped and landed in front of KJ at about the same time KJ landed. He wasn't set at all! What a crock of crap.
On the KJ bullsh!t charge call on that video, not only did GW flop but he actually jumped and landed in front of KJ at about the same time KJ landed. He wasn't set at all! What a crock of crap.

What is kind of funny about it, in a messed up way, is that Williams almost thinks about it for a split second. He doesn't immediately go down like he is hit, but instead there is a tiny pause. Long enough that the ball gets out to PJ and goes up before he he hits the floor. So, even with the timing of the fall it is clear he wasn't really knocked off his feet, but instead that he decided to fall to draw the call.
Does anyone recall seeing a game where the officiating was so bad that the two opposing coaches OPENLY shared a laugh about it?

Williams has been protected by the stripes all year, and it's a real shame because he's a good player who doesn't need to play like a wittle girl - but, the SEC refs have eaten up his nonsense all year.

This is also a possible reason that UT will lose to a lower seed in the tourny because they might run into a crew that doesn't protect him.

I would argue without flopping and getting those calls he isn't as good of a player as he seems. Without getting to the foul line on crap calls and the other teams best players being on the bench due to crap calls he isn't that great. I saw a stat yesterday that of the 120 possible minutes in the 3 UK/UT games that Williams played 98 and Schofield 101 while PJ played 83 and Reid 61 ( Disclaimer: Reid could only had 80 possible due to injury) Most of Williams damage was done during times when neither Reid or PJ was on the floor.

I hear the SEC had Twitter (and presumably other social media) remove some of the videos circulating over the weekend showing the bad calls during the Tournament due to copyright violations.

I think it’s partly because they don’t want fans to make a fuss, just be quiet and “get over it”. They don’t want any more noise.

What is the answer: to keep reposting? To pray an advocate makes enough noise until people listen?
Until people are held accountable, calls like we saw over the weekend will keep happening and teams—and fans, too—will get the shaft.
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I hear the SEC had Twitter (and presumably other social media) remove some of the videos circulating over the weekend showing the bad calls during the Tournament due to copyright violations.

I think it’s partly because they don’t want fans to make a fuss, just be quiet and “get over it”. They don’t want any more noise.

What is the answer: to keep reposting? To pray an advocate makes enough noise until people listen?
Until people are held accountable, calls like we saw over the weekend will keep happening and teams—and fans, too—will get the shaft.

Yep, I saw Matt's tweet about that. I replied with my video. Also sent it to Michael Bennett who referenced it on his show this morning. I was considering going back and making an "unbiased" video of the worst calls on UT, just to compare. It would be a fair amount of work though, and not sure it would be worth my time lol.
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Yep, I saw Matt's tweet about that. I replied with my video. Also sent it to Michael Bennett who referenced it on his show this morning. I was considering going back and making an "unbiased" video of the worst calls on UT, just to compare. It would be a fair amount of work though, and not sure it would be worth my time lol.
Great! It looks like they've left up the replies :smiley: I also saw other UK media personalities that had tweeted videos that are no longer in their timeline, but great that the word is still getting out! I know during the Higgins debacle, Rex Chapman and Cameron Mills were big advocates of telling the truth and weren't afraid to speak out. We can only hope others follow suit this time around, especially with the tournament coming up.

Thanks again for what you did! I believe it makes a difference for people to "see" the truth!
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