UK just released a statement on Big Z…

I would hope not. He averaged like 6pts a 4boards game on a struggling Oregon team.

"From what it looks like to me, Cal didn’t start recruiting this kid until August. I mean look at what's happening right now, yeah, the administration is screwing around, but it’s not like they were working on Z's eligibility in June, this has all been very late in the game." Your words, bud!

I don't know when Cal started recruiting him, much like you don't. However, you stated it was in August, which is not true at all. It became public mid-July. So, I would imagine it probably was already in process by late June.

Why do you have roster anxiety? Far more often than not we end up with one of the top rosters in CBB. If you are anxious about it annually, that's your problem. Maybe get a life.

You are saying Cal wasn't/isn't prepared. That implies he doesn't have a sufficient roster, to your liking. You are complaining about the 5 spot, Z and the injuries. That itself is saying you think Cal should have more options there. If you think he doesn't, then what are you complaining about?

If individual players aren't good, that is generally their fault. Most of them don't put in the work to get better. If it was most of our players not doing well, you might have a point. However, more often than not they are good enough players.

Oh, I know who you are. You are the Alabama/Oats lover that lost a ban bet yet is still here. You railed all last season and before about how we need to play 4 and 5 out. Now we have a roster to do it, and here you are complaining we don't have enough at the 5 and we took players too late for your liking.
LMAO, Cal most certainly wasn't prepared. He has been in full on panic mode since draft day.
He had to beg Reeves to return, he got extremely lucky to land Mitchell and now we have this isdue.
He allowed Oscar and Chris to string him along and he missed out on a lot of damn good portal players, yet you tnink he always had this under control? Jeez man, how big of a Cal fan are you?
Depends on who you ask. I am completely ok with it and it’s the way basketball is today. It isn’t going back to stars staying 3 and 4 years. If you want the stars, you just need to accept it.
Don't want the stars, those are only good for future NBA success in most cases.

Take a look at the teams winning titles, they are constructed with players that were developed in their systems for years.

Stars are for kids that have extreme length, potential and athletesism. Sure, some are highly skilled, but not enough to anchor your culture to.
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Well, you're making a lot of excuses for Cal. I used to do that, but dude is 14 years into this thing, yet crazy shit keeps happening each year. It’s been out of control since he got here, so in my mind, it's crazy that this crap is still happening.
Not making any excuses for Cal...Simply pointing out reasonable reasons as to why you could be wrong.

My complaint has always been the culture. Guys like Wall, Cuz, KAT and Ulis definitely help, but kids aren't coming here for UK anymore, they are coming here to leave.
It happens at other schools, yes, but in 99.9% of the other college basketball programs, they manage to keep their kids for 3+ years and the ones that are best at retaining their players, are the ones getting to final 4's.
The roster is in flux every year, it's so beyond ridiculous now.

None of the blue bloods are keeping their stars 3 or 4 years. Duke doesn't. UNC doesn't. Kansas doesn't. The ones that are stars in year 4 have blossomed into stars but weren't sure fire can't miss recruits to start with. Villanova has 4 year players but I would argue none of them were stars expected to go after 1 year. There are 358 division 1 basketball programs. If 99.9% of basketball programs were keeping there kids 3 to 4 years, that would be 357 programs are keeping players 3 to 4 years. UK is not the only program having players go pro after 1 or 2 years.

Also, kids aren't going anywhere for the school anymore except maybe someone like Reed Sheppard or Travis Perry who are KY kids that dreamed of playing for UK since a kid. All the players you want Cal to recruit choose a school based on the coach. You want things to be like they were in the late 80s and maybe the early 90s. They aren't that way anymore. The Anthony Davis's of the world are not going to stay more than a year or 2. Hell, the Jamal Mashburns or Kenny Walkers of the world today aren't going to stay more than a year or two. I have a suspicion that you will be the first to also gripe if Cal stops recruiting those type of players as well.
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Don't want the stars, those are only good for future NBA success in most cases.

Take a look at the teams winning titles, they are constructed with players that were developed in their systems for years.

Stars are for kids that have extreme length, potential and athletesism. Sure, some are highly skilled, but not enough to anchor your culture to.
So you don't want the Anthony Davis or John Walls? You don't want the Justin Edwards or DJ Wagners? Thats BS and you know it. You would gripe if he didn't get those players.
Where was Reeves going? He was simply trying to get the most money out of UK. He got it!

Lucky to land Mitchell? Cal had passed on him 2 other occasions. Was it expected at the time? Nope. But you're assuming there weren't other options on the table. With Cal, there usually are.

Oscar did string us along, but what would you have done? Would you have told Oscar he couldn't take the time to figure out what he wanted for himself? How do you think that would have gone?

Chris wads gone when he got here. Everyone knew he was OAD, and I don't think the staff ever had a realistic expectation he was coming back. Not sure how he strung anyone along.

I like Cal, I think he is good for UK. I am fine with someone else as well if that is what the future holds. But I don't elect to live in some alternate reality where I need to make up lies to fit a narrative. And I sure ass hell don't want Nate Oats, like yourself!
Are you seriously this naive? Dear lord.

You think Cal didn't luck out with Mitchell? You can't be that dumb.

You think Reeves was just after money? That dude was trying to leave, even enrolled at ISU to take summer classes to get enough credits to transfer.

What would I have done in the Oscar situation? I would have believed what he was telling me. Oscar made it crystal clear he was not returning to UK. Heck, we all knew before last season started we would not see him a 3rd year.

You: "I like Cal". That is the understatement of the year.
First of all, up to the point you posted this, nobody said a thing about Calipari, so it's odd that you felt the need to defend him.

But secondly, Cal does need to catch some of the blame here. He waited until the 11th hour to try to bring this kid in. He sat on his hands waiting on Oscar and Livingston to tell him for the 50th time that they weren't coming back, so he missed out on a lot of talented portal guys. Then he waited and waited and waited, before deciding to get off his ass and try to get Z in.

The administration is the biggest issue here by a mile, but Cal didn’t help his own cause either.
Yes there was. Hell you quoted two of the posters who was "defending" him as you call it. Not defending just not seeing facts to support people's bashing g of Cal or some things. You know, like your non informed bashing of him about recruiting Z. You know nothing about how long he recruited hum or when he became available to come to the states to play. Bit you and your type never try and see things for what they are, hell something bad happened, let's blame Cal. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't spend the other half of your time arguing with posters for calling your ass out for the bashing without facts and just plain ole ill-informed post. 50% of your post of those, 40% are your arguing with people that you didn't say something or they are picking on you. The other 10% are actually decent posters. Hoe about you working on that 10% zone and less of the others.
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None of the blue bloods are keeping their stars 3 or 4 years. Duke doesn't. UNC doesn't. Kansas doesn't. The ones that are stars in year 4 have blossomed into stars but weren't sure fire can't miss recruits to start with. Villanova has 4 year players but I would argue none of them were stars expected to go after 1 year. There are 358 division 1 basketball programs. If 99.9% of basketball programs were keeping there kids 3 to 4 years, that would be 357 programs are keeping players 3 to 4 years. UK is not the only program having players go pro after 1 or 2 years.

Also, kids aren't going anywhere for the school anymore except maybe someone like Reed Sheppard or Travis Perry who are KY kids that dreamed of playing for UK since a kid. All the players you want Cal to recruit choose a school based on the coach. You want things to be like they were in the late 80s and maybe the early 90s. They aren't that way anymore. The Anthony Davis's of the world are not going to stay more than a year or 2. Hell, the Jamal Mashburns or Kenny Walkers of the world today aren't going to stay more than a year or two. I have a suspicion that you will be the first to also gripe if Cal stops recruiting those type of players as well.
Uhhhhh, what? You need to check your facts here. You’re dead wrong.

Again, stop falling in love with stars. You keep going back to that, just stop. Coaches like Wright, Self and Williams bring in guys that fit their systems, they don't bring in a full team of burger boys.

The fact that you keep going on and.on about stars (quote below), tells me you don't understand what I am saying. Look at the rosters of the teams getting to Final 4's and winning titles, how many burger boys do you see on those rosters? I'll wait.
The ones that are stars in year 4 have blossomed into stars but weren't sure fire can't miss recruits to start with
So you don't want the Anthony Davis or John Walls? You don't want the Justin Edwards or DJ Wagners? Thats BS and you know it. You would gripe if he didn't get those players.
Uhh, you're not listening to what I'm saying.

I have said this for 10 years now, if you're going to roll with this culture, you better get the best of the best every year. Your best player can't be Kevin Knox, or Brandon Boston.

Cal got his ass kicked by K for far too long. We had to settle for B level recruits. Yeah, we got some good ones (Murray, Fox, Monk, BAM, PJ, Maxey etc… ), but Cal wasn't landing enough of them to justify the sacrifice.

Do you enjoy UK being known as the NBA farm system of college basketball? Do you feel it's working? I don't.

9-16, Saint peters, 12-26 vs ranked opponents, 12 loss seasons, K-state, Devin Askew, Brandon Boston, Evansville, UGA, Wheeler for 2 years… .those are the only things I need to prove my point.
The other issue people like @kyjeff1 fails to disclose, is that teams that rely on those unranked players, 2* and 3* players that actually stay 3 and 4 years suck often don't make the tournament or are bubble teams for several years in a row. Then, they finally have a good season and immediately go back to sucking for 3 or 4 years to rebuild a competitive roster. Could you imagine how well the fans like him would handle that? Just look at Uconn's resume the previous 4 years until this past one.
When was the last time Kansas didn’t make the tournament? Villanova with Jay Wright?

When did any of those programs ever go 9-16?

This is UK, not Baylor, not UConn, not UVA, we have huge advantages over those schools. UK should be able to develop players just like those schools are doing and do it better.
Uhhhhh, what? You need to check your facts here. You’re dead wrong.

Again, stop falling in love with stars. You keep going back to that, just stop. Coaches like Wright, Self and Williams bring in guys that fit their systems, they don't bring in a full team of burger boys.

The fact that you keep going on and.on about stars (quote below), tells me you don't understand what I am saying. Look at the rosters of the teams getting to Final 4's and winning titles, how many burger boys do you see on those rosters? I'll wait.
BS...Duke, Kansas, UNC, etc always have top ranked classes every year. They don't keep all those players 3 to for years. They recruit the exact same players that Cal recruits. You need to check your facts. With the exception of last year with San Diego St and UCONN in the finals and Baylor, look at the list of champions. UK fights with all of them for the same players. Even the runners up are recruiting the same players as UK. Those are the facts.
BS...Duke, Kansas, UNC, etc always have top ranked classes every year. They don't keep all those players 3 to for years. They recruit the exact same players that Cal recruits. You need to check your facts. With the exception of last year with San Diego St and UCONN in the finals and Baylor, look at the list of champions. UK fights with all of them for the same players. Even the runners up are recruiting the same players as UK. Those are the facts.
Unc rarely has top ranked classes and actually, KU/Self stopped playing in the recruiting class wars long ago.

All but 2 programs are fully into the one-and-done game and if you notice, with the exception of duke's FF 2 years ago, both of those schools haven’t accomplished shit recently.

You really need to check the rosters of uNC and KU the last 10 years before you continue this conversation, because you're wrong. Why you think uNC is into the one-and-done game, is funny to me.
When was the last time Kansas didn’t make the tournament? Villanova with Jay Wright?

When did any of those programs ever go 9-16?

This is UK, not Baylor, not UConn, not UVA, we have huge advantages over those schools. UK should be able to develop players just like those schools are doing and do it better.
Those teams are recruiting the same players that Cal is. UVA is as well now. We have beaten them for a handful of recruits in recent years. His point was about the Baylors, UCONNS, etc. They both won a title recently but in the years prior to the titles and after the titles, they have fallen back into obscurity. They just happened to have teams gel in one year. They aren't in the discussion every year like we are. The 9 - 16 year was disappointing and didn't play out like we wanted but going into that year we were among the list of those expected to compete for the title. The cancelled tournament year, we were one of the betting favorites heading into the tourney. The St. Pete year we were a 2 seed. The loss sucked but every team has one of those eventually. That happened to be our. In fact, Duke and Kansas have had many of those kinds of losses. This past year, we just got beat by a good Kansas State team while dealing with some injuries and off the court issues.
Unc rarely has top ranked classes and actually, KU/Self stopped playing in the recruiting class wars long ago.

All but 2 programs are fully into the one-and-done game and if you notice, with the exception of duke's FF 2 years ago, both of those schools haven’t accomplished shit recently.

You really need to check the rosters of uNC and KU the last 10 years before you continue this conversation, because you're wrong. Why you think uNC is into the one-and-done game, is funny to me.
To say Self stopping playing the recruiting wars is funny. He is as still in it as much as ever. Kind of hard to get top ranked classed like Self is when you are out of the recruiting wars. I could agree with you but then we would both be wrong. UNC is still recruiting the same players we do. Just because they don't have the same type of freshman campaign as UK players and turn pro doesn't mean they aren't the same players we are recruiting. We have gone head to head with UNC for many recruits the past few years.
Those teams are recruiting the same players that Cal is. UVA is as well now. We have beaten them for a handful of recruits in recent years. His point was about the Baylors, UCONNS, etc. They both won a title recently but in the years prior to the titles and after the titles, they have fallen back into obscurity. They just happened to have teams gel in one year. They aren't in the discussion every year like we are. The 9 - 16 year was disappointing and didn't play out like we wanted but going into that year we were among the list of those expected to compete for the title. The cancelled tournament year, we were one of the betting favorites heading into the tourney. The St. Pete year we were a 2 seed. The loss sucked but every team has one of those eventually. That happened to be our. In fact, Duke and Kansas have had many of those kinds of losses. This past year, we just got beat by a good Kansas State team while dealing with some injuries and off the court issues.
This will be my last comment on this, because it's going in circles in a thread that has nothing to do with this conversation:

Yes, some schools recruit the same players Cal is recruiting, the difference is, those schools only want one, or 2 of them, Cal tries to build an entire roster out of high school kids.

The game changed in 2016, since then, look at the teams that are winning and look at the ones that are struggling. In the modern era, the teams with veteran players, developed within the program, are the ones getting to final 4's.

Cal had his shot, from 2009-2015 (the one-and-done era) he won one title and he had the best of the best.

One-and-done isn’t going to work in today’s game. When Cal shits the bed again this year, with the team everyone has pointed to as the team of guys Cal wins with, you'll disappear until September again and tell us all how we aren't seeing what we're actually seeing.

Now, I'm done with this topic. My stance hasn’t changed for many years and Cal's results prove my points.
This will be my last comment on this, because it's going in circles in a thread that has nothing to do with this conversation:

Yes, some schools recruit the same players Cal is recruiting, the difference is, those schools only want one, or 2 of them, Cal tries to build an entire roster out of high school kids.

The game changed in 2016, since then, look at the teams that are winning and look at the ones that are struggling. In the modern era, the teams with veteran players, developed within the program, are the ones getting to final 4's.

Cal had his shot, from 2009-2015 (the one-and-done era) he won one title and he had the best of the best.

One-and-done isn’t going to work in today’s game. When Cal shits the bed again this year, with the team everyone has pointed to as the team of guys Cal wins with, you'll disappear until September again and tell us all how we aren't seeing what we're actually seeing.

Now, I'm done with this topic. My stance hasn’t changed for many years and Cal's results prove my points.
Oh No Reaction GIF by Bounce
come on
But if recruiting Z late isn’t on Cal, who is it on then?
I get it, we have injuries, but Bradshaw and Mitchell are going to be fine.
I was also responding to a guy that said "how many centers do you think we need?".
ccc has seemingly always come late to the recruiting party
his arrogance allows him to think that he can swoop in at the last minute & land a kid
To say Self stopping playing the recruiting wars is funny. He is as still in it as much as ever. Kind of hard to get top ranked classed like Self is when you are out of the recruiting wars. I could agree with you but then we would both be wrong. UNC is still recruiting the same players we do. Just because they don't have the same type of freshman campaign as UK players and turn pro doesn't mean they aren't the same players we are recruiting. We have gone head to head with UNC for many recruits the past few years.
LOL, uNC has 1 incoming recruit in the top 75 of this years class, KU ALSO only has 1.
You simply don't know what you're talking about.

2023 recruiting rankings:
KU: 9th (4 four stars)
uNC: 32nd

2022 recruiting rankings:
KU: 4th (one 5*, three 4 stars)
uNC: 18th (three 4 stars)

2021 recruiting rankings:
KU: 11th (Zero 5*'s)
uNC: 20th (Zero 5*'s)

2020 recruiting rankings:
KU: 23rd
uNC: 2nd (you finally get a win here, congrats)

Bottom line, KU and uNC aren't building rosters out of one-on-done kids, they just don’t, but nice try.
It would have been much easier for you to just type I hate Cal and nothing he does will ever be good enough.
ccc is a cancer to the UK program, but those of you that are so enamored with him always over look his lousy record over the 5 years or so. Since you are such a devout UK fan, I am sure that you loved the worst season in school history, the abuse the UK program took over the Sharpe ordeal and the worst ncaa loss in school history and you must absolutely love that UK is no longer the all time wins leader..........all of these book marks courtesy of hour hero ccc. Then again, you must also love the disdain that he shows to the fans, the total disregard for the program & his superiors. You probably watch the NBA draft just to catch a glimpse of ccc, since that is the only thing that matters to him.
LMAO, Cal most certainly wasn't prepared. He has been in full on panic mode since draft day.
He had to beg Reeves to return, he got extremely lucky to land Mitchell and now we have this isdue.
He allowed Oscar and Chris to string him along and he missed out on a lot of damn good portal players, yet you tnink he always had this under control? Jeez man, how big of a Cal fan are you?
ccc tossed out that story about having back up plans earlier this summer when there were only 7 kids on the roster.....just another in a long line of lies from him. His back up plan was Burks and Hart. Those kids aren't ready to contribute, just like Ugo isn't ready. ccc can't even get a game plan ready. Huggy threw a zone against Wall & Cuz & ccc to this day still hasn't figured out how to attack it. I guess his pay back to Huggy was for him to get a dui & ruin his career allowing Mitchell to fall into UK's lap.
Post #114, this is what I said: "The administration is the biggest issue here by a mile, but Cal didn’t help his own cause either."

I didn’t put the whole thing on Cal, I put most of the blame on the administration.

But, I want to make a couple points here:

1) When you have to rebuild your roster every year, you end up flying by the seat of your pants too often, because you are now depending on kids and people to do their jobs and NOT string you along. Too often, these things don't happen.

2) How you talk to people and how you treat people, matters. Cal has gotten really fat on himself and has pissed some people off. We can act like that is just an opinion, but come on, we have seen too much.
We have referees that hate Cal enough to screw us over when the games mean the most.
We have media members that are just waiting for Cal to screw up (Goodman and Thamel).
The NCAA is so done with Cal that they told him his 500 win ball can't be recognized.
We have an AD that is now denying things that Cal wants (practice facility).
Now, we appear to have people within the UK academic side that are sending a message.

The amount of people that have been rubbed wrong by Cal, is growing and he consistently shows us that he doesn't care to fix that.
most everyone knows that you need to treat people decently, except ccc
apparently he thinks he has no equal, no superior and can look down his nose at not only the fans but anyone that even remotely disagrees with him. It would be extremely unfortunately if the admissons group would deny Z eligibility just to spite ccc.. Again the fans would come out on the short end of the stick as well as the kid that only wants to play basketball and not be involved in a tug of war. But on the other hand it would serve as a wake up all to ccc.
ccc is a cancer to the UK program, but those of you that are so enamored with him always over look his lousy record over the 5 years or so. Since you are such a devout UK fan, I am sure that you loved the worst season in school history, the abuse the UK program took over the Sharpe ordeal and the worst ncaa loss in school history and you must absolutely love that UK is no longer the all time wins leader..........all of these book marks courtesy of hour hero ccc. Then again, you must also love the disdain that he shows to the fans, the total disregard for the program & his superiors. You probably watch the NBA draft just to catch a glimpse of ccc, since that is the only thing that matters to him.
my previous reply to you still stands...You are a cancer to the UK program but those enamored by you over look your lousy post record over the 5 years or so.
most everyone knows that you need to treat people decently, except ccc
apparently he thinks he has no equal, no superior and can look down his nose at not only the fans but anyone that even remotely disagrees with him. It would be extremely unfortunately if the admissons group would deny Z eligibility just to spite ccc.. Again the fans would come out on the short end of the stick as well as the kid that only wants to play basketball and not be involved in a tug of war. But on the other hand it would serve as a wake up all to ccc.
Two words...Anger management
LOL, uNC has 1 incoming recruit in the top 75 of this years class, KU ALSO only has 1.
You simply don't know what you're talking about.

2023 recruiting rankings:
KU: 9th (4 four stars)
uNC: 32nd

2022 recruiting rankings:
KU: 4th (one 5*, three 4 stars)
uNC: 18th (three 4 stars)

2021 recruiting rankings:
KU: 11th (Zero 5*'s)
uNC: 20th (Zero 5*'s)

2020 recruiting rankings:
KU: 23rd
uNC: 2nd (you finally get a win here, congrats)

Bottom line, KU and uNC aren't building rosters out of one-on-done kids, they just don’t, but nice try.
I thought you were done commenting. You probably should've been as you continue to be wrong. This is the first year in awhile that you might argue that Cal is building out a roster of one and dones but even that is debatable. He has 2 OAD maybe 3 (Wagner, Edwards, and possibly Bradshaw or Z if he comes). That is hardly building out a roster with OAD. It isn't even close to the days like 2012 or 2015. Those years were built out on OAD and those were the years we were getting the results you argue we don't get with OAD. You simply keep being more wrong with each post.
The point is we just don’t know. You are assuming things to fit your narrative. You may be right but you may be wrong.

The other point is you out the entire blame on Cal for recruiting Z late. As good as he is, it doesn’t appear that any other programs were recruiting him any earlier than when we got word. There is a good chance that Z didn’t decide he wanted to consider college until late either. Maybe Cal had no choice but to recruit him late. There are plenty of reasons why Cal didn’t appear to recruit him until late. Only one of which puts the fault on Cal and that’s the one you choose as the reason.
You're denying the likelihood because you are a Cal supporter. You're assuming he did recruit him early to fit YOUR narrative.
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First of all, up to the point you posted this, nobody said a thing about Calipari, so it's odd that you felt the need to defend him.

But secondly, Cal does need to catch some of the blame here. He waited until the 11th hour to try to bring this kid in. He sat on his hands waiting on Oscar and Livingston to tell him for the 50th time that they weren't coming back, so he missed out on a lot of talented portal guys. Then he waited and waited and waited, before deciding to get off his ass and try to get Z in.

The administration is the biggest issue here by a mile, but Cal didn’t help his own cause either.
You haven’t read this thread or you are just not telling the truth. Two or three folks blamed Cal for this. On other treads folks have blamed Cal. Maybe he is to blame some but to say no one has blamed Cal is just not true.
You're denying the likelihood because you are a Cal supporter. You're assuming he did recruit him early to fit YOUR narrative.
I am Cal supporter in only that he's the coach here. He can stay or go and I wouldn't lose sleep. I never said he recruited early. In fact, in one of my posts, I said more likely than not he recruited late but wasn't sure if that was because of his decisions or Zs. I didn't assume anything. I pointed out the 3 scenarios that have the same likelihood of happening. The only one making assumptions here is you with your assumptions that I think Cal recruited Z early even though I clearly stated in a post that I didn't think that at all.
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Yet another thread devolves into the civil war between fans of Cal and those who are not. Those seeking info and discussion of the matter at hand are out of luck. As I see it this situation has little to do with Cal one way or another.It seems to be a problem of insular self serving academia arogantly exercising there power. Do they dislike Cal, I have no idea, but to suggest that academia bears no animosity toward the athletic dept is niave. Anyone who has ever worked in or around a college knows there is deep resentment and down right hatred in some cases toward athletics. It appears someone in the admissions office has decided to stick it to our basketball program ,it is also painfully obvious our University president lacks the fortitude or motivation to step in and solve the problem

Well, I'm telling you it isn't JUST a matter of athletics vs academia. It's a general arrogance in the dept overall. I don't doubt, however, that there are people in the admin depts and perhaps admissions that hate UK and/or UK sports in general. A friend of mine had run-ins years ago with people in admissions and administration that were big UL and/or USCjr fans.

Determining loyalty to the program is not part of the hiring/screening process, JUST AS it isnt about your ability to DO said job. Lol. It's more a matter of who their friend was in another dept at UK that got them the job. It IS a govt job after all.
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You're denying the likelihood because you are a Cal supporter. You're assuming he did recruit him early to fit YOUR narrative.
In fact here is my post where I stated that I thought the recruitment was late.

It could be on Z deciding late that college is an option for him. Do you not want Cal to recruit someone like that? It could be that he has been recruiting him since last January and we just didn’t hear about it until recently. Maybe Cal hasn’t been recruiting him late. Maybe Cal had no choice to recruit him late because Z made himself available late. Maybe Cal chose to recruit him late. All 3 of those are possible but only one is potentially negative for Cal. I tend to think the recruitment was late but I don’t think that was necessarily because of Cal. I think more of it was Zs play in the world basketball showcase and subsequent spotlight.
You haven’t read this thread or you are just not telling the truth. Two or three folks blamed Cal for this. On other treads folks have blamed Cal. Maybe he is to blame some but to say no one has blamed Cal is just not true.

If people are blaming Cal over this, they're just not being rational that I can see. I dislike how he does a few BIG parts of his job, but he has no control over the situation or the admissions office. He's just not THAT big of a deal
Unc rarely has top ranked classes and actually, KU/Self stopped playing in the recruiting class wars long ago.

All but 2 programs are fully into the one-and-done game and if you notice, with the exception of duke's FF 2 years ago, both of those schools haven’t accomplished shit recently.

You really need to check the rosters of uNC and KU the last 10 years before you continue this conversation, because you're wrong. Why you think uNC is into the one-and-done game, is funny to me.
Kansas just got Flory Bidunga. This dude is allergic to making sense.
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So it’s been a day and half since the intial deadline and still nothing, Kentucky admissions is trying really hard it seems
UK hasn't been building rosters out of OAD's either for the last several years. In 2018, we had Vanderbilt, Knox and SGA. The next year was Keldon Johnson and Tyler Herro. The next was just Maxey. The next was Jackson, Boston and Clarke. The next year was just Tyty. This year was just Livingston and Wallace.
Yeah, because Cal was missing on most of his primary targets.
Yeah, because Cal was missing on most of his primary targets.
So when other Universities don't build their rosters off OAD, its because they choose to do so. When Cal doesn't, its because he misses his primary targets despite the fact that in most cases, we are all recruiting the same players. Nice double standard there.
I thought you were done commenting. You probably should've been as you continue to be wrong. This is the first year in awhile that you might argue that Cal is building out a roster of one and dones but even that is debatable. He has 2 OAD maybe 3 (Wagner, Edwards, and possibly Bradshaw or Z if he comes). That is hardly building out a roster with OAD. It isn't even close to the days like 2012 or 2015. Those years were built out on OAD and those were the years we were getting the results you argue we don't get with OAD. You simply keep being more wrong with each post.
Cal was missing on most of his primary targets, so he had to resort to his next best options.
This isn’t hard, just look at the guys Cal offers. Almost every kid in the top 15 has a UK offer in any given year.

Yeah, I was hoping to end the conversation, but you guys are keeping it going.
So when other Universities don't build their rosters off OAD, its because they choose to do so. When Cal doesn't, its because he misses his primary targets despite the fact that in most cases, we are all recruiting the same players. Nice double standard there.
That’s correct. Just go to recruiting rankings and see what schools offer each kid. Do your own work, I already did.
No one is landing a team full of HS kids anymore, not even Cal. You really can't be this dense?
LOL, look at our current roster.

And my God man, don't take that so literally. Even our 2010, 12 and 14 teams had some non freshmen on them.
Sorry, I thought I was chatting with an adult.
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