UK just released a statement on Big Z…

This where UK has shown and continues to show that it is a COMPLETE JOKE.

That admissions office has been a money-grabbing bunch of political bullsht ever since I moved here. From disallowing A-grade, transfer credits from NORTHWESTERN.... yes, THAT Northwestern .... from that situation to this absolute fiasco of a situation is par for the FREAKIN COURSE at UK.

IT IS A COMPLETE JOKE AT THIS POINT that this school is even CONSIDERING giving a European student a hard time about admissions when quite a few people that graduate from UK can't even speak or read English at a high level.

The whole department needs to be gutted and reformed from good, honest, arrogant, and lazy, govt employees to a department that works towards the best interests of the students. Been way too long in coming. UK is NOT on the level of NW, Vandy, Stanford, or Princeton, so they shouldn't be acting like it, but ALSO should be trying to find ways to help people instead of the regular drama they conjure out of thin air.

My buddy knows quite a few students that got far different treatment.

-One had a 15 on their ACT and didn't qualify academically. Donation to the university and they got in. No further questions asked.

-One was RECRUITED by one of the schools because of their incredible academic record and background to come to UK from Northwestern, where they were an honors student. That's when the ADMISSIONS OFFICE shafted the VERY SAME student the school recruited, disallowing at LEAST 12 transfer credits from NU, BUT WAITING to tell them until AFTER the add/drop deadline of the SPRING semester, when they had been there for the fall already.

The other AMAZING thing to me in the last example, is that the A student was accepted BACK TO Northwestern IMMEDIATELY and never given ONE SIGNLE OUNCE of grief over transfer credits from UK that didn't meet NUs standards or bulletin.

The difference is that Northwestern VALUES ITS STUDENTS, unlike UK admissions and admin that sees them as a means to an end. It's not the first time and won't be the last until the president gets sht straight in that department.
And the cherry on top of this sh!tbread sandwich is that the university has multiple (if it's the same as when I was there) professors, esp. the math dept., who speak English as a 2nd language and are all but indecipherable.
I tend to not side with the crazies who will turn over every rock to say something bad about the program or administration... but that statement pretty much said all the "miss-information" was just as bonafide and solid as that statement.
And the cherry on top of this sh!tbread sandwich is that the university has multiple (if it's the same as when I was there) professors, esp. the math dept., who speak English as a 2nd language and are all but indecipherable.

Saw this at MTSU in middle TN as well. Idiot couldn't speak English so we can understand it but he's a PHD so we have to teach ourselves.
Yeah. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s a bit of the old “academics vs athletics” war and not wanting to make special accommodations on timelines for a basketball player
I’ve never understood that dynamic at UK. I certainly don’t think a university should bend over backwards to accommodate athletics. That’s how you end up with a UNC situation.

At the same time, you also shouldn’t have folks on the university side being openly hostile towards athletics. For whatever reason, the athletics department at UK has had to deal with hostility quite a bit over the last 30 years or so. Never understood that.
This where UK has shown and continues to show that it is a COMPLETE JOKE.

That admissions office has been a money-grabbing bunch of political bullsht ever since I moved here. From disallowing A-grade, transfer credits from NORTHWESTERN.... yes, THAT Northwestern .... from that situation to this absolute fiasco of a situation is par for the FREAKIN COURSE at UK.

IT IS A COMPLETE JOKE AT THIS POINT that this school is even CONSIDERING giving a European student a hard time about admissions when quite a few people that graduate from UK can't even speak or read English at a high level.

The whole department needs to be gutted and reformed from good, honest, arrogant, and lazy, govt employees to a department that works towards the best interests of the students. Been way too long in coming. UK is NOT on the level of NW, Vandy, Stanford, or Princeton, so they shouldn't be acting like it, but ALSO should be trying to find ways to help people instead of the regular drama they conjure out of thin air.

My buddy knows quite a few students that got far different treatment.

-One had a 15 on their ACT and didn't qualify academically. Donation to the university and they got in. No further questions asked.

-One was RECRUITED by one of the schools because of their incredible academic record and background to come to UK from Northwestern, where they were an honors student. That's when the ADMISSIONS OFFICE shafted the VERY SAME student the school recruited, disallowing at LEAST 12 transfer credits from NU, BUT WAITING to tell them until AFTER the add/drop deadline of the SPRING semester, when they had been there for the fall already.

The other AMAZING thing to me in the last example, is that the A student was accepted BACK TO Northwestern IMMEDIATELY and never given ONE SIGNLE OUNCE of grief over transfer credits from UK that didn't meet NUs standards or bulletin.

The difference is that Northwestern VALUES ITS STUDENTS, unlike UK admissions and admin that sees them as a means to an end. It's not the first time and won't be the last until the president gets sht straight in that department.
Politics at its finest
Pilgrim on his just now podcast, said BigZ has dyslexia, and did not have the allowed assistance during the test, where he failed the 1 part. But his grades are great, and he speaks 4 languages. And he did pass another exam, which UK has thrown up red flags on...

Said late today, it seems to be trending in a "better direction".. believes UK has to get it resolved by end of week.

And Pilgrim did clarify that UK basketball, has gotten all the other stuff "cleared".. NCAA eligibility, amateurism, etc.. Implied that UK has "informally" submitted everything, and there are no issues... ONCE the UK admissions clears him.
And the cherry on top of this sh!tbread sandwich is that the university has multiple (if it's the same as when I was there) professors, esp. the math dept., who speak English as a 2nd language and are all but indecipherable.
One of my business prosfessors at Uk was very hard to understand and a had a thick accent, very nice person, but I could never understand anything they were saying,
This doesn’t help. It just makes them look even more incompetent. This is ridiculous. It’s 2023. What information that they need could they not have received by now? Someone needs to lose their job. Mitch should have gotten involved In This weeks ago.
There would be no rumors if the University would be transparent about these things. But they are tighter than a nuns **** about anything involving one of our recruits or players. Injuries, transfers, going pro or staying, its all a big secret for some reason. Hell, at this point when they tell us something I don't even believe it. We will NEVER really know what's going on with this kid.
This doesn’t help. It just makes them look even more incompetent. This is ridiculous. It’s 2023. What information that they need could they not have received by now? Someone needs to lose their job. Mitch should have gotten involved In This weeks ago.
2023 is like 1993 for academia, government bureaucracy, and financial institutions. I thought about taking a position recently at a school system. They still wanted to see my college transcripts before looking at my work experience. Even better, they wanted originals mailed from my university. Like, lol, whatever. You care more about my grades from school nearly 20 years ago than my 20 years of work history.

We still get requests from auditors. And they want stuff FAXED to them. Why? It's more secure they say. Never doubt the incompetency in bureaucracy.
2023 is like 1993 for academia, government bureaucracy, and financial institutions. I thought about taking a position recently at a school system. They still wanted to see my college transcripts before looking at my work experience. Even better, they wanted originals mailed from my university. Like, lol, whatever. You care more about my grades from school nearly 20 years ago than my 20 years of work history.

We still get requests from auditors. And they want stuff FAXED to them. Why? It's more secure they say. Never doubt the incompetency in bureaucracy.
It's just insanity and incompetence. There is way too much money at stake here. Someone in charge needs to step up.
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95% acceptance rate and this kid can't get OK'd. Lol. Only at UK does this backwards ass shit happen.
Also would some of the idiots quit trying to blame.Cal and the basketball staff ? They did all.of the due diligence. Except for hiring new, competent admins.
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I'm going to be sick to my stomach if he isn't on the team. This reeks of petty behavior against UK basketball.
No, it speaks of UK employees dragging their feet, and maybe Calipari not having a solid plan in place for the kid. We'll find out soon enough. Calipari needs this kid.
No, it speaks of UK employees dragging their feet, and maybe Calipari not having a solid plan in place for the kid. We'll find out soon enough. Calipari needs this kid.
this has absolutely nothing to do with Cal
but you keep trolling your BS
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Tried to make a statement but they literally can’t say a single thing about Z because of HIPAA and PII laws.

But also, HIPAA and PII laws wouldn’t apply if he was actually practicing with the team because that’s an athletics department function.

So we know the situation by the silence. They know that and don’t like it, but they’re not allowed to even as much as say which situation they don’t like. So why say anything?

Waste of electrons.