UK just not appealing anymore?

Three years ago, I cared about money, but not at the forefront. Now? With the way things are? I don't blame people that put money first. Sad state of our world. When food prices keep jumping, money HAS to come first.

One way to combat food prices, grow and raise your own. I have to buy few things from the grocery store.

My family and I have enough food to survive close to a year if things were to go south! Rather be prepared and ready than surprised and SOL.
One way to combat food prices, grow and raise your own. I have to buy few things from the grocery store.

My family and I have enough food to survive close to a year if things were to go south! Rather be prepared and ready than surprised and SOL.
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve found my ways as well. But what’s so expensive is pork and some beef. Sadly don’t have room for pigs. 😂
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could it actually be that this generation doesn’t look at Kentucky as a blue blood or something? Is it the campus? I’m really starting to feel like the University is going in the sh@tter here of late. I’m good with the roster, don’t get me wrong but damn, are the boosters hurting for money?
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve found my ways as well. But what’s so expensive is pork and some beef. Sadly don’t have room for pigs. 😂

Yeah prices are outrageous!! Where do you live? I live in WV and would sell you some pork and beef for about half the price of in stores. I have chicken as well. I have about 10 neighbors in my holler who buy their meat from me.
To me basically boils down to three things. And they vary in order of importance to each player

1) NIL
2) ability to get to the NBA
3) success while in college

UK has NIL. Now how much we have compared to others who knows but I’m sure it’s sufficient

The other two we currently don’t have. Pope might get guys to the NBA while here but it’s still an unknown. Also two of the past three years we’ve flamed out in the tournament.

What is appealing to UK over say UConn at this point ?
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Kentucky's blood could be purple. If we don't get more booster support this team is never going to be elite again. Jaxon Robinson doesn't change that fact. OP is closer to the truth than 99% of this board.
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It's hilarious to me that we have bottom half SEC facilities but you idiots think we're getting adequate booster support when we can't land anyone more elite than BYU's 6th man.
You did say you are not a troll correct? hah.....he is a borderline nba prospect so your wording seems a bit negative when you put it like that.
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