Last thing from me on the topic until more comes WAG is it's either a Title IX or NCAA issue.
The time card fraud rumor qualifies as the latter. They are suspending him to avoid the NCAA forfeiting wins. I can't square why that wouldn't have leaked though. UK media is usually cleared by coaching staffs to report on NCAA investigations, and UKAD also talks about it openly with the press. Not to mention national media (Forde, Thamel, Feldman, Maisal, that HQ guy, etc) reporting on it via sources at NCAA HQ. But nada from any of those sources, and the few BBN reporters who do know are upfront about how they aren't sharing further.
That's a point in favor of it being more which only leaves a Title IX office investigation off the top of my head. That sort of investigation does not go through the legal process (so not “illegal” sometimes depending on the offense), and regularly coincides with indefinite suspensions while the investigation is carried out. A MSU football player is currently suing that school because he’s stayed indefinitely suspended for like a year I think.
The lack of clarity on suspension length suggests, to me, the investigation is still ongoing. That's indifferent to Title IX or "cheating" scandal.