Two aTm fans booted from the stadium last night


Jul 18, 2017
Not exactly sure what was said but apparently something about the death of the Gators batboy.

Well, you have to give them credit for out-white-trashing UTjr. fans.
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Woah what a series of events. Thats sad on so many levels

Yeah, but then it might open two seats for Cat fans for Monday night!!

Flight from Texas to Omaha . . . $255.00.

CWS tics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500.00.

Hotel in Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00

Getting Tossed For. . . . . . . . . . . Price-
Touting Murder/Suicide . . . . . . Less!!

Take a careful look at the pic.

If that ain’t a father/son asshat pair, my eyes fail me.

Fans of aTm must be proud.

Seriously, I suspect Omaha police posted the high-quality photo of Dad and Junior Jackass so that everyone in College Station can have a gander.

I suspect they might be banned from other events closer to home for this sh!t-show!!
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Wow, affairs are awful. Such a terrible thing to do to someone you claimed to have loved at some point, but man, to kill yourself and your kids to get some vengeance against your ex-wife is some next level fkt up. Just wow.
Wow, affairs are awful. Such a terrible thing to do to someone you claimed to have loved at some point, but man, to kill yourself and your kids to get some vengeance against your ex-wife is some next level fkt up. Just wow.
And then to be a giant piece of shit enough to make fun of a dead kid is petty sick. My sense of humor can be dark at (due to living through a lot of BS) but I’d NEVER think making fun of a dead kid is even remotely appropriate. Morally bankrupt those two are.
I don't care what happened at UF, this kind of behavior is inexcusable. 99% of all Texas A&M fans are decent people, These two jerks should be ejected and banned. There is no reason that fans can't go to a game and root for their team without this nonsense. Yell when you think the umpire makes a bad call, but this kind of display is awful.
It's all bullshit. But we live in an age where hatefilled jackasses post whatever tweet they run upon from first name bunch of numbers and post it and no one does any fact checking. Unfortunate side effect of spreading lies like crisis actors at Newport. Lying to myself or others is ok as long as it gets me clicks or advances my political opinions.