Tucker says next few days are going to be ''very, very eventful"

Shepherd isn't close to being a top 5 player. That alone makes what the other poster said bs.
So top 20 with him being drastically underrated because he is of the caucasian persuasion and the son of a UK legend isnt close to the top 5? Ok, split hairs all you want but when the Cayats are hoisting the NCAA championship trophy with a bunch of True Freshman holding it just remember I told you so!
You need 9 that can ‘play ‘ , and a couple more to fill it out . Sometime in January people will be saying they wish he’d ‘narrow it down to 8 or 9’ , if he’s playing any more than that
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I’m not trying to spin it as OK. I’m not spinning it as anything. It just takes a lot for me to display outrage. And I never get outraged about things I have no control over or don’t directly affect me and my loved ones. Therefore, I can’t relate to the folks in this thread that call the coach names and express how angry they are.

I choose to sit back and watch it unfold. I sure as hell ain’t going to go into meltdown mode over internet rumors and unknowns.
Do you take that approach to joy/happiness as well? As in, you don't display joy/happiness over things you have no control over? It makes as much sense as the outrage part. In theory, we're fans of this team. They bring us joy and they bring us sorrow. But we never control any of it.
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Folks claiming we don't know who the staff has contacted or how active they've been pursuing players are correct.

However, we do know they haven't been successful. At first, I thought UK was deliberately casting a small net, but now I think UK is scrambling to avoid dire straits.

Whatever happened to come to UK and compete against the best to ready yourself for the pros? Heck, UK doesn’t have the numbers to scrimmage unless you include walk-ons and equipment managers.
Where are all the people who said Cal had his mojo back, was looking ahead to this "monster" class, was going to make a big push for the championship this year and then maybe go out on top???? I don't see that happening. I didn't think it would, either. I also don't see this class doing anything at all except opting out or mailing it in when it's obvious they have no chance to win anything of substance.
Folks claiming we don't know who the staff has contacted or how active they've been pursuing players are correct.

However, we do know they haven't been successful. At first, I thought UK was deliberately casting a small net, but now I think UK is scrambling to avoid dire straits.

Whatever happened to come to UK and compete against the best to ready yourself for the pros? Heck, UK doesn’t have the numbers to scrimmage unless you include walk-ons and equipment managers.
NIL and the portal happened
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Do you take that approach to joy/happiness as well? As in, you don't display joy/happiness over things you have no control over? It makes as much sense as the outrage part. In theory, we're fans of this team. They bring us joy and they bring us sorrow. But we never control any of it.

No, I’m happy most of the time. And I don’t like feeling negative emotions. Outrage over a basketball team does not compute in my brain. It’s a side interest for me. Wins make me happy, losses leave me disappointed. But overall the goings on with the Wildcats has nearly zero impact on my life.

My comment about the outrage still holds true. There are folks in this thread that seem to be quite angry over internet rumors and unknowns regarding a kid’s game. Not sure when, why or how we’ve gotten to a point where grown-ass adults allow themselves to get so worked up over trivial, meaningless things even before situations are resolved.

So I choose to remain calm, and monitor the progress, or lack of progress, as the coaching staff works on building a roster. I’ll then react based on known facts when they happen.
Wow, earth shattering news from Tucker on May 24! Clearly he has deep throat-esque sources to be able to make that bold kind of prediction! This is what real twitter journalism is supposed to look like!!

The NCAA's early entrant withdrawal deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Does anyone really believe for a second that there isn't going to be a lot of activity between now and then across the college basketball landscape in an effort to avoid getting left standing without a seat?

Sorry for the snark, but to me this is lazy click-baiting by Tucker.
So top 20 with him being drastically underrated because he is of the caucasian persuasion and the son of a UK legend isnt close to the top 5? Ok, split hairs all you want but when the Cayats are hoisting the NCAA championship trophy with a bunch of True Freshman holding it just remember I told you so!

You said we had the top 5 freshmen coming in.

So yeah. Not class.

Not sure what his race has to do with his ranking either but you are who you are.
Wow, earth shattering news from Tucker on May 24! Clearly he has deep throat-esque sources to be able to make that bold kind of prediction! This is what real twitter journalism is supposed to look like!!

The NCAA's early entrant withdrawal deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Does anyone really believe for a second that there isn't going to be a lot of activity between now and then across the college basketball landscape in an effort to avoid getting left standing without a seat?

Sorry for the snark, but to me this is lazy click-baiting by Tucker.
And you have faith in the Cal we have right now to pull off miracles?Swaggy Cal is dead and buried.
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Just this off season? Or do you mean Wheeler, Oscar, Reeves, CJ, and Toppin?

So if he lands one player, you won't have any more complaints? Or will you complain about which player he landed. Not a good enough shooter, not from a major conference, not an all-conference player, etc?
What’s your argument? Obviously he can’t go get players that aren’t good enough. And if he does he should be Criticized.
it has been shown, that players improve more after they leave UK. I just believe that if the kid isn't a 4 or 5 star, then he doesn't give them much attention.
Juzang, Matthews, the kid that went to Providence were much better players at their new schools than they were at UK. Herro & Bam were much better in the pros their 1st year than they were at UK. I just don't think there is much coaching that happens under ccc. Under Pitino, you could see the improvement, but not now. In fact
So out of HS, you saw Shai and Herro being absolute 1st round one-and-dones? You're most definitely a liar if you say you did, a downright liar. It's a joke to say players don't improve at UK, total joke and it eliminates any credibility you have on this board.

You don't have to like Cal to say that players develop in his program. That doesn't mean ALL players develop, but come on, just ignorantly biased to try to say otherwise.

Juzang, Matthews, Wiltjer, etc - none of those players left Kentucky and were drafted. Not a single player that has transferred from UK has been drafted.
Lol I’m telling you all put Bass, KL, and a few of those guys on ignore and it makes this board a whole lot better.
Nope. I find the stubborn naivete almost entertaining. They can't possibly be actual fans. Nobody is that blind to go to bat for CCC that hard unless the are family, friends, or trolls. I can understand keeping the 'fire Cal' breaks pumped, but no level headed Cal supporter is acting like Cal is blameless and this is all crazy talk from stupid hilljacks. The ones you mentioned are beyond ridiculous.