Top 3 Horror Films of all time

Really? Which ones?

the 80s was such an insane era.. Horror went off the rails in so many directions.

Horror is a tough genre.. things that used to be shocking and frightening don't even phase later generations. I mean, The Tingler had people fainting in the movie theater.
Birds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Evil Dead, Rosemary’s Baby. Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre we’re legit though.
Birds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Evil Dead, Rosemary’s Baby. Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre we’re legit though.

Ah I missed where you said "and earlier". I'm not a huge older movie guy, especially because I'm only 33. It's hard for me to be moved or scared by something much older than I am. But the 70's and 80's were prime.

IotBS.. the one from 1978.. is very overlooked. For starters, you have a stellar cast with Sutherland, Nimoy and Goldblum in I think his first feature role. Great acting along with cameo's from the original. The make-up and practical effects were excellent, and it had one of the more infamous endings.

I also love when horror movie characters make logical choices and/or feel realistic. I never found myself yelling at the TV "No don't go in there!" and that always counts for something. Definitely a classic.
This would be mine, because you feel like you're living the movie.
1. Last House on the Left(original)
2. The Excorcist
3. Jaws

Love Jaws, one of my top five favorite movies of all time, but I never have considered it a horror movie. Same for Silence of the Lambs. Probably a controversial take to many, but I view both of those as dramatical suspense/thriller type movies. With that said, I think everyone can have their own definition of what a horror movie is.
Love Jaws, one of my top five favorite movies of all time, but I never have considered it a horror movie. Same for Silence of the Lambs. Probably a controversial take to many, but I view both of those as dramatical suspense/thriller type movies. With that said, I think everyone can have their own definition of what a horror movie is.

That is definately a fair take. It just scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. Couldnt even go in the swimming pool. I damn near jumped off the boat as a 9 yr old riding the ride at Universal Studios.
And another thing, the older horror flicks the ONE black dude and the first girl to give it up, where always the first to die. Always. LL Cool J kind of broke that mode (Halloween H20, Deep Blue Sea) but pretty much, black dude was dead first. Unless you are Samuel Jackson, that MFer always survives (except in Deep Blue Sea) Also, Ice Cube .
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