How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If memory serves me correct both parties claimed the election was stolen in 2016 & 2020. Hillary said it in 2016 and Trump in 2020 so either both sides cheated or at the very least both sides think the other is capable of cheating.
Hillary accepted the election results even though she thought it was fishy. Trump riled up his voter base that eventually attacked the U.S. Capitol. Trump also continues to this day to share that dangerous lie because he can't fathom why people wouldn't want him to be president.
Yea continue to be stupid and believe what was obviously sham trials actually mean something. You do know even many democrats and moderates believe Trump was targeted when presidents usually aren’t in those cases right? So you understand the Trump could have done way worse to Hillary? Do you understand Bill Clinton could have been arrested? Every president could have been drug through courts, but the uniparty doesn’t want an anti-war populist in office.

You are literally brainwashed and are acting against your own self interests.
I'm still waiting for actual widespread voter fraud evidence. Yawn
The Great Divider, the orange con man who is a greedy, hate mongering convicted felon, yet somehow comes off as Christian to his voter base is is crying once more. He can't stop crying.

He’s 100% correct. This was fraud and the democrat establishment was complicit.

You just removed a democratically elected candidate because his poll numbers were bad. All while screaming “save our democracy!”

You guys know you’re full of shit and simply don’t care. You and your kind are evil and the true enemy of our nation. You’re absolutely everything you accuse everyone else of being.
What's intrinsically wrong with the slogan BLM?

There's nothing wrong with the slogan MAGA. But it's also become a movement based on that slogan. Some within that movement come up with cockamamie ideas.
As others have stated, BLM became 'only Black lives matter'. In practice, it was a convenient excuse to run amok in America's cities with little chance of prosecution. It's also become a joke as BLM leaders have proven to be cons and have been using money donated for their own lifestyle. It's also telling that BLM isn't marching in Chicago (and many other large US cities) every single week as dozens of young black people are killed - don't THEIR black lives matter? It's become obvious that black lives matter only if the lives lost fit a narrative. If a black individual loses their life in the commission of a crime or in random shooting or a gang fight with the perpetrator another black individual, BLM is curiously silent. It's only when a black person is harmed by a white person (which, statistically, is rare) that BLM shows up.

Intrinsically, nothing wrong with BLM. It does suggest that, perhaps, other lives don't matter when one says a specific life matters, however.

On a similar topic, the signs with Black Lives Matter and other liberal slogans almost always contain 'Love is love', which is patently false. Love between two consenting adults is NOT the same as pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, etc. I believe you can include 'Abortion rights are human rights', also, as that completely ignores the moment, up for debate, that the fetus also obtains human rights. As I've stated previously, every state has ruled on when a murderer can be charged with 2 murders when the victim is a pregnant woman. I see no reason that abortion laws in every state shouldn't be consistent with this limit, with the obvious exceptions, of course.
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I'm still waiting for actual widespread voter fraud evidence. Yawn

This is what you’re voting for. Corruption.

Why dude? Why vote against your own self interests. You have a shot to ignore the propaganda an actually change the political makeup of both parties. Can you not clearly tell the uniparty wants you to stay locked in? They want you to do exactly what you’re doing, voting against a populist who can shed light on their corruption. Why in the world would you do that?

It’s because the media has propagandized you and you don’t know what’s going on. Wake up bro. Read this twice, you’re literally voting for corruption. You don’t even pick who you vote for.

Cute. You believe that an election was stolen. That's like saying "I eat my boogers" - it's an embarrassing thing to say out loud in general. On the topic of dumb conspiracies, Sandy Hook wasn't a hoax and chem trails aren't real.
There’s no doubt it was stolen. Just as there’s no doubt they lied about Russia, Ukraine, Biden’s health, Covid origins, the vaccines.

They lied about every one of those things, and much more. They’re lying to you today about Biden’s status!

But you are SURE that the election was honest?

How can a person say such a silly thing while being confronted with the proof that they have lied to you at every turn?

Stop lying to yourself, man.
The gaslighting with the trump assassination is in full swing. “Registered republican” pure nonsense. You follow the money not a registration. The media is being so disingenuous here just more pure propaganda. He simply wanted to vote in the pub primary to vote against trump and they know it. That attack was purely political and they’re gonna try and bury it.

Left wing violence has burned down our cities, caused race wars, and created the environment to assassinate a president.
Votes for Donald Trump count but unfortunately dems counter with more fake votes for their candidate. Trump could get 150 million votes but somehow dems would find a way for their candidate to get 152 million. Stop being so dense. You are a liberal so you probably can’t help it, just comes natural.
Your vote doesn't count. The election is rigged. The election will be stolen.
That's what Trump says.

Just stay home. The outcome has already been determined.
Why y'all voting anyway? 😂😂😂😂😂
Harris 2024
The gaslighting with the trump assassination is in full swing. “Registered republican” pure nonsense. You follow the money not a registration. The media is being so disingenuous here just more pure propaganda. He simply wanted to vote in the pub primary to vote against trump and they know it. That attack was purely political and they’re gonna try and bury it.

Left wing violence has burned down our cities, chased race wars, and tried to assassinate a president.
Jan 6th says hi.
Listen I am not condoning what happened at the Capitol but I love how some people bring that up constantly but have Convenience Amnesia when it comes to the destruction caused during the BLM riots and that is exactly what they were not "peaceful protest".
Both situations are BS. Only extremists make excuses for any of those riots.

Pure propaganda. It wasn’t even a big deal at all. It’s some idiots that thought they were acting on a stolen election. Only a few there pulled that stupid immature bullshir. Doesn’t make up 1%. You buy so much propaganda it’s unreal. . What a weak attempt to cover for all of the corruption, anti-American positions, and violence by the left wing since the 1950’s.

Propaganda works that’s they they push it.
Trump is so mentally unfit and deteriorating, he was able to stand up there for nearly three hours giving a speech in which he was able to recognize and call out people by name, was able to thank and remember, again, by name, many of the people who spoke before him and supported him. He was so mentally unfit he was able to move seamlessly between ad-libbing the scripted portions of his speech. Did he ad-lib too much? maybe, was the speech a bit too long? sure, but he didn't deliver it full of gaffes. He was able to outline his policies and agenda, he was able to accurately describe some of the problems we face. Yeah trump is aging, but his cognitive ability is not slipping by any accountable measure that would disqualify him.
Isn't it funny how leftist always seem to change their view when finally caught but say the same thing about the opposition to try and justify it. Yeah, Hillary had a lot of people killed, but Trump's words killed a lot of people too.
Pure propaganda. It wasn’t even a big deal at all. It’s some idiots that thought they were acting on a stolen election. Only a few there pulled that stupid immature bullshir. Doesn’t make up 1%. You buy so much propaganda it’s unreal. . What a weak attempt to cover for all of the corruption, anti-American positions, and violence by the left wing since the 1950’s.

Propaganda works that’s they they push it.
They had to call in the National Guard.
Capitol police were hospitalized for injuries received in the battle.
The Capitol was evacuated.
The electoral college vote was temporarily stopped.
A rioter trying to break thru to the inner sanctum of where The VP was hiding was shot and killed.
Doors/windows were busted out.
Congressional offices were breached/vandalized.
Rioters pissed on floors and feces was smeared on walls.

But no big deal right? Just another day at the US Capitol. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Uniparty that Dion, Midseasontweak, and Sam love so much. When you vote for one you vote for all. These types literally go by the propaganda they’re sold. Boot lickers are the worst.

They actually believe there are two different parties. 🤣
LOL, The "lady" at the top of the ticket now said "they won't stop and they shouldn't stop".

Democrats are vile flth.
Speaking of vile filth....Jan 6th Republicans say hi.

They had to call in the National Guard.
Capitol police were hospitalized for injuries received in the battle.
The Capitol was evacuated.
The electoral college vote was temporarily stopped.
A rioter trying to break thru to the inner sanctum of where The VP was hiding was shot and killed.
Doors/windows were busted out.
Congressional offices were breached/vandalized.
Rioters pissed on floors and feces was smeared on walls.

But no big deal right? Just another day at the US Capitol. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

You are too easily propagandized. It’s a meaningless situation. The media has lied so much you about that stupid sht lol.

Check out local economies of all of the cities the left has burned down. No, that stupid Jan 6 means nothing. What the left is doing is destroying this country.

Boot lickers supporting the uniparty are disgusting.