To Reed Sheppard -

Hot take: he's great but not QUITE as great as people make him out to be.

A turnstile on defense and afraid to command the game. Weak passes at times. Idk, sure he was great. But I can't say he's an all time UK great under Cal, at least not yet.
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The only thing that will give the fan base any hope/excitement is Reed coming back.

I know they draft of potential (and that is why he is predicted) ... but can anybody honestly say the Reed who played against Oakland is NBA ready? Hell no. He would get abused and be out of the League in a year.

He should come back. Will he? That is a different question.
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I’d honestly love to see him come back and be coached by an actual coach next year!
Exactly how I feel. Would love to see what he could do under a real coach that actually ran plays and set screens for him to get open shots. A coach that actually appreciated his talent and love for the sport, instead of worrying about his favorite 5 star players that were over rated
Reeds draft position is like the buy out for cal a lot of erroneous info. He won’t go top 10 lottery will be a stretch after workouts. He showed out quick because he didn’t have to adjust to uk culture like the other freshman. So he got off to a great start but fizzled down the stretch.
Fizzled down the stretch?!? He absolutely lit the nets on fire in the final regular season game, he was our most consistent 3 pt shooter for the entire season! 2 bad games in March isn’t fizzling down the stretch, it’s just 2 bad games:
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Fizzled down the stretch?!? He absolutely lit the nets on fire in the final regular season game, he was our most consistent 3 pt shooter for the entire season! 2 bad games in March isn’t fizzling down the stretch, it’s just 2 bad games:
Yeah he fizzled man. When the pressure was really there he didn’t show up. He’s not ready mentally for the nba. Like I’ve said repeatedly 80% of the game is between the ears. He came into the season the sharpest player in the program because of his roots. I mean that’s the kind of juice that field guys like feldhaus and pelfry Anthony Epps on and on to be far more than their ability determined. You can’t factor that in. And it’s certainly not going to translate to the league. I could see reed staying in the draft and being picked 10 spots below where he thought.

I need to add I have been very bullish on reed his entire high school career but it was evident last year he would be first round potential. The media guys the nba guys I think they over compensated. When the dust settles he would still be a higher pick this year than anyone imagined.
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Hot take: he's great but not QUITE as great as people make him out to be.

A turnstile on defense and afraid to command the game. Weak passes at times. Idk, sure he was great. But I can't say he's an all time UK great under Cal, at least not yet.
But,but, but he's just a freshman
Fair, but he also risks getting injured and hurting his draft stock. I just think in the weakest draft in recent memory he should leave and cash in. But I wouldn’t be upset at all if he returns
That is a concern, injury. But how much of one, what % of pre-season projected 1st round picks have significant injury that season? Is it 5%, 3%, 1%, less? And of that small %, how many of those don’t fully recover? I think we are talking about probably less than a 0.5% risk. I’d be just as worried about him getting trucked by Zion in a preseason game, ending his rookie year and most definitely setting him back on that 2nd contract. That is also very unlikely, but possible.

So i think it then comes down to factors other than monetary ones, which can be debated both ways. Like how important is an education to Reed? How ready is he emotionally and maturity wise to be an adult living on his own, in a very different environment, and new responsibilities, than he’s ever known? How much has he enjoyed “the college experience” (or not) and want to have that 1 more year? How much does he feel responsible for ending generational poverty for his family (not applicable for Reed or DJ)? How bad does he want one more year at his dream school, for a chance to maybe do something historic?
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IMO he tailed off late because teams started keying on him, and his 'coach' ran nothing to get his 54% 3 pt shooting lottery pick open looks. I think his success burned JVC's ass.
I think this is part of why he returns. He needs to develop the ability to go create his own. He would struggle vs grown-ass men fighting for their livelihoods. He needs to get stronger, and quicker.
The skills are there, the IQ and instincts are there.
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That is a concern, injury. But how much of one, what % of pre-season projected 1st round picks have significant injury that season? Is it 5%, 3%, 1%, less? And of that small %, how many of those don’t fully recover? I think we are talking about probably less than a 0.5% risk. I’d be just as worried about him getting trucked by Zion in a preseason game, ending his rookie year and most definitely setting him back on that 2nd contract. That is also very unlikely, but possible.

So i think it then comes down to factors other than monetary ones, which can be debated both ways. Like how important is an education to Reed? How ready is he emotionally and maturity wise to be an adult living on his own, in a very different environment, and new responsibilities, than he’s ever known? How much has he enjoyed “the college experience” (or not) and want to have that 1 more year? How much does he feel responsible for ending generational poverty for his family (not applicable for Reed or DJ)? How bad does he want one more year at his dream school, for a chance to maybe do something historic?

The benefit here us that Reed isn't the type of player whose career could be feasibly ended by injury. Where as lanky bigs can lose their athleticism and upside with a lower body injury.. Reed is the type whose game is going to fine whether he's 20 or 35.

The other thing is that this was probably a pretty big letdown for him to lose in the first round (and for a lot of these guys). Reed didn't really get a chance to showcase his skills and ability at the highest stage. I think he COULD prove his NBA value a bit more by coming back m, gaining confidence, getting more looks and minutes (hopefully) and maybe a few more games in a tournament that everyone is glued in to.

I don't think there's a huge rush for him and his game is going to be there, whether it's tomorrow or next year.

But, does he want to put up with Cal? Can't imagine he was happy with his playing time and how he was used.
No Don’t listen to this. Come back to the team you’ve loved forever. NBA will always be there.
There is no WAY Reed is coming back to this crapshow of a coach. The guy who benched the FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR, threw him in most of the time with the team behind, forcing him to have to claw us back, and then trashing him in the postgame remarks.
What a fine young man and thanks to him and his family for their loyalty to the program. Cal did not treat him right. By favoring his NBA draft picks he destroyed his team‘s chances to get a number one seed, win the SEC tourney and the NCAA .
It was obvious in Jan our best team was the three R’s starting and playing as much time together as they could . I’m sorry cal treated him that way and took away his chance to win a NCAA title ring like his dad .
Reality is he has to go pro and we should all wish him well .
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Fair, but he also risks getting injured and hurting his draft stock. I just think in the weakest draft in recent memory he should leave and cash in. But I wouldn’t be upset at all if he returns
career injuries are very rare in bball.
I think this is part of why he returns. He needs to develop the ability to go create his own. He would struggle vs grown-ass men fighting for their livelihoods. He needs to get stronger, and quicker.
The skills are there, the IQ and instincts are there.
I agree he has much to improve on but teams in the league routinely bring in players who aren’t close to ready.
I can't understand it he has had ice water in his veins all season, hit a game winner, hits pressure ft, then plays totally frazzled in the tournament
In those games where he came through in the clutch, he was already havoc good game. He was bad the whole game vs Oakland, like the USC game. Thst happens sometimes to everyone, to Reed less than most.
Also this was the first game all year where if you lose your season is over, that’s a bigger level of pressure.
But I’m certain if he chooses to return, you won’t see him struggle like that again in the tournament.
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Hot take: he's great but not QUITE as great as people make him out to be.

A turnstile on defense and afraid to command the game. Weak passes at times. Idk, sure he was great. But I can't say he's an all time UK great under Cal, at least not yet.

Mmmm…there’s some exagération but he also lead the team in assists, lead the team in steals, shot 54, 52, 83 as a true freshman. Lead the NATION in 3pt %. finished second all time in single season 3pt% and steals at UK. And If we have even an average post season performance by our standards he probably breaks rondos steals record.
I believe it was supposed to say
I wish* so he* would run stuff like he did for his dad. I’ve gotten good at deciphering Autocorrect dumbness.
Wow!! That's good!!! I was wondering what exactly that was. I have a few I could send you to decipher for me, cause I have no earthly idea what some of them mean. Something obviously got lost in translation. Thanks, buddy!
Mmmm…there’s some exagération but he also lead the team in assists, lead the team in steals, shot 54, 52, 83 as a true freshman. Lead the NATION in 3pt %. finished second all time in single season 3pt% and steals at UK. And If we have even an average post season performance by our standards he probably breaks rondos steals record.

Well thats part of what makes someone "great".. you win. I don't care how bad of coaching Cal had.. Reed is good enough, based on those great stats above, to win that game, with the quality of teammates he had, over Oakland. The greats don't lose THAT early.

I think he has all the skills, probably could have found his way on the short list for POY, and I think he will be great in college next year, and great in the NBA in 2 or 3 years.. I just hink he was just a little too green behind the ears as a freshman, and at times, it showed.