This is going to get UGLY


Nov 5, 2011
I know I'm jumping the gun a bit but with reports that Oscar will not be back.... Cal better hope to God he gets Livingston and Reeves to return.

Even those two shouldn't save his job... this is roster malpractice.

Cal and Mitch should be fired tonight - #1 recruiting class be damned.

Edit - Oscar and Livingston to the Draft - Reeves still milking UK until we are dry but also likely leaving.
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I know I'm jumping the gun a bit but with reports that Oscar will not be back.... Cal better hope to God he gets Livingston and Reeves to return.

Even those two shouldn't save his job... this is roster malpractice.

Cal and Mitch should be fired tonight - #1 recruiting class be damned.
#1 recruiting class be damned is all I need to know. We have 7 and will have 10 before all is said and done regardless.
Its a tough play to get the best Freshman, the best Transfers and the Best players coming back.
Is there a live stream to our doomed fate with Big O’s decision? Or he just gonna put up the dueces on Twitter?
#1 recruiting class be damned is all I need to know. We have 7 and will have 10 before all is said and done regardless.
Its a tough play to get the best Freshman, the best Transfers and the Best players coming back.
Cal had better make some moves quick. The majority of kids that play for him want out after a year. Not a good look at all.
The emperor POS has no clothes... :chairshot:

Reeves coming back to play behind the freshman never made sense to me especially since he saw last year that he wasn’t going to have the role he expected prior to injuries forcing Cals hand. He likely wanted a minutes or starting guarantee after having multiple 30pt games and averaging near 20 last season.

Livingston I had on good authority from someone associated with a team he interviewed with that he was saying he wasn’t returning to Kentucky as early as a month ago……yet Cal is “surprised” and unprepared.

My personal opinion is Cal has known all 3 were gone w Oscar being the only one he would have liked back (even tho they butted heads this year it allows justification for Bradshaw at the 4). I personally believe Cal doesn’t want there to be a choice but playing the incoming Freshman (minus Shep) the maximum minutes possible and trying to make one last run “his way” with a rival to the Fab 5…as a potential Swan song or at minimum a middle finger to everyone that said he needed to change.
This is beyond ugly. It’s FUGLY.
Let's quit pretending. UK basketball has been Fugly for at least the past 5 seasons. And now we'll regularly be serenaded by Calipari next season with his "but we're just so yoooounnng" excuses. I've never liked the Calipari hire from the word go, and next season is going to be brutal. I'm almost willing to wager that Calipari is attempting to force a buyout of his contract...
If Reeves bails too i’m going to find a website to put a sizeable bet down that we’ll miss the tournament. Probably get good odds on it.

But no Reeves or Livingston = only 4% of the total minutes played returning. That would be only the 3rd time in the Cal era we’ve gotten less than 10% back. The other 2? 2013 (6%) and 2021(8%).
Cal had better make some moves quick. The majority of kids that play for him want out after a year. Not a good look at all.
How does this affect other recruits, you know other coaches are telling kids that nobody wants to play for Cal unless you’re a 5 Star and only they play, that they will be a backup. Hell, his own son transferred to get away from him.
This will be such an ugly divorce.

Cal will be petty and try to burn it to the ground.

His mismanagement of this program is embarrassing beyond belief.

He will be terminated next March.
Yep. Unfortunately Barny is still there so it will be interesting to see how much power he will have in the next coaching selection. IMO, if UK is serious about getting rid of Calipari, then they need to figure out who they want now then lock him down...then rip the band-aid off and tell Calipari to pound sand.
#1 recruiting class be damned is all I need to know. We have 7 and will have 10 before all is said and done regardless.
Its a tough play to get the best Freshman, the best Transfers and the Best players coming back.
How many foundational returners? You can fill seats with warm bodies but it will be January before they get it. We need guys part of the program out the gate to have a chance. I promise you one of these freshmen will have a benign injury or quit by January.
Yep. Unfortunately Barny is still there so it will be interesting to see how much power he will have in the next coaching selection. IMO, if UK is serious about getting rid of Calipari, then they need to figure out who they want now then lock him down...then rip the band-aid off and tell Calipari to pound sand.
Exactly. They don't have to wait until the season has started or finished. He's not the employer. Fire him and move on to someone who's been paying attention to what's been going on at UK
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This will be such an ugly divorce.

Cal will be petty and try to burn it to the ground.

His mismanagement of this program is embarrassing beyond belief.

He will be terminated next March.
I think he's been trying to destroy the program in anticipation of an early exit from his contract, while trying to maximize on the number of kids he can say he put in the NBA.