I wonder if the X attack actually came from Ukraine, or if it was really just the CIA spoofing Ukrainian IP addresses.
We are at a point now where it almost doesn't matter
Both China and the US Government declared intent to utilize PSYOPS against the US populace since 2012
There will undoubtedly be false flag type events and staged events + a growing trend of people cracking under stress and aligning with the divisive hatred for each other - and you can bet there will be a quick and well planned remedy for such events
The country is bankrupt - the world has been steadily planning for this phase of history and our own government will lie and misdirect until the bitter end
A tremendous wealth transfer is probably going to take place somehow as the dollar dies and is abandoned
I think NYC announced today they can't pay their pensions to city workers
Sorry - that money is mostly GONE, loyal citizens
Think of that escalating as we drift into a war that preoccupies any ability to seek accountability of the shameful corruption and theft that's happened
More GIs and veterans dying from suicide than enemy bullets
Police no longer responding to certain crimes in major cities
Fkking squatters in people's homes - and occasionally getting more benefit of the law than the owners
This isn't business as usual and it's escalating to a specific and calculated set of outcomes IMO
And that disgusts me to no end
Find a way to refuse to be divided tomorrow
Find a way to make bridges with other common citizens
I know its not always possible
But there are WAY more sane / normal people (all along our stunted political spectrum) - than there are inhuman monsters
The food supply for Fks sake - just like the communists did to The Ukrainians (ironically) - food will start to become increasingly expensive and - scarce
Believe it. - this country could FEED THE WHOLE DAMM WORLD WITH OUR FARMS -- but they're being shut down and processing plants destroyed
Land will be re-wilded - various ways to make people have to move
Homes lost via insurance schemes, property taxes unaffordable or flat out physical destruction
Only saying this because I HATE the thought of people being caught totally unaware that these events are happening - orchestrated even
Don't let yourself be complacent with how life HAS been