Remember he's a libertarian, except different than every single mainstream libertarian there is and their stance on this war....those guys are putin puppets, or something, or have been mesmerized and put under Putins spells.
I still can't find the part of the libertarian non aggression principle that speaks onto dumping your own treasure on a foreign land nowhere near you.
They just can't bring themselves to admit the reality without this endless circle of talking points. No one cares about Ukraine, or its ppl, not R's or D's or "saving democracy". It was just a ploy to bleed Russia for as long as we could.
Russia isn't taking over Europe, they aren't even taking over all of Ukraine, it would be a pain for them to forever fight dissidents. This is part of their circular arguments, Russia supposedly will, but at the same time Ukraine can win.
Form a f'n Korea style DMZ and tell Europe to put ppl on it, or don't, and call it a day