Actually, he says a lot but it's usually pretty superficial. He said an EMP effect would not be created by this type nuke explosion. That is incorrect and isn't a technicality. Much of the gamma would have gone into the ground but not all of it. You're welcome to believe what you want but this was not a nuclear explosion.
I don't mind constructive criticism at all --- I welcome feedback and never take the approach of trying to 'win' a conversation
Recently someone on here (Dionysys? Can't recall) -- was talking about Russian propaganda and active efforts on US soil ......I thought they were just deflecting at first but I followed their links and used other sources and learned a thing or two about certain operatives appearing publicly as the head of both "Left" and "Right" wing organizations
So I'm not trying to be superficial because I'm avoiding content or discussion --
It's two things:
1) I have a bad habit of getting too wordy (you've noticed - and HELPED with that recently)
2) Up until last month I've been an active member of the MIC with a security clearance and assigned to pgm's with classified designations
So - to be clear -- I've NEVER posted anything here that was classified or proprietary or otherwise restricted
But I have tried to kickstart conversations on certain topics to share interesting information with a certain population of people that I freaking love --- Kentuckians / UK fans
This is the only website I post on and although I've resigned from a certain position and the industry. as a whole -- I DO still hold a clearance for 2 more years & have to be careful about some details --
try hard to be clear on any post where I'm speaking about an opinion or theory vs a conviction or fact
My experience with nuclear weapons stems from 2 tours of duty in Air Force Space command (Nebraska and California) -- my AFSC wasn't specifically associated with nuclear weapons BUT I got to sit next to officers who bore the '13S XXX' AFSC and had spent time down in ICBM silos --
So you get to ask questions and get t know ppl - all while learning about how the squadron you're in does its job
Later with --private contractors --- I learned a LOT more about certain weapon pgm's---- again -- those are periods where you learn the specifics of your job but also travel with / eat with and drink with HIGHLY SKILLED patent carrying engineers who know even more
Speaking of EMP - at one point I learned that Boeing was developing a cruise missile (initially dubbed "black magic") that was designed to penetrate target airspace and release an EMP effect without a kenetic detonation -- not sure if that went into production or not ........
probably best they just focus on their commercial aircraft right?