The implication (or explicit claim) of most threads by those opposed to our material support of Ukraine, is the claim of a moral equivalence between our actions of the last 20 years and Russia’s actions in Ukraine.
This is a false equivalency.
If you do not like the UN, has any broadly based, international body, or recognized moral authority condemned our ventures in Iraq, Afganistan, etc. as most have condemned the actions of Russia in Ukraine?
The World Court?
The Vatican?
The Dalai Lama?
If your reflexive answer is that all “Western” bodies/authorities are corrupt, then you need to get on a plane and head to “the other side.”
And this is not as much pointed at you, Castle, as I do not think you have held Russia blameless in this war, but some have.
I hear you, Hack--Stan -- feel zero "gotcha" vibes fm you & truly appreciate the conversation
I am MORE than happy to have discourse here lead to new knowledge or a correction to some aspect of my views (
convictions notwithstanding)
Also - this is a good example of why i would like to meet you as well
You ask if i can point to an organization or authority that has condemned the US/Western actions similar to the condemnation leveled at Russia --
I can not
But I think you're overlooking or downplaying the fact that The USA has been a particularly powerful and important sponsor to the types of agencies that are often viewed as objective voices in such affairs
The UN has needed US (et al) membership dues flowing their way so they have an operating budget
The US has the power (along with the UK, France, China & Russia) - to single handedly prevent the UN fm taking any military intervention action through the UNSC
NATO & the powers within Europe NEEDED US military might parked in Europe after WW2 ended - the Soviet threat was real & the US material/financial role in NATO raised that alliance to a genuine counter-threat to Warsaw
So --
I'm challenging the notion that the UN , WHO or NATO are legitimate sources where we can find objective and unbiased evaluations on who the good guys are and who the bad guys
are ---
How often do we see organizations freely criticize or condemn
their principle benefactors?
It DOES sometimes happen but not when the organization is in a position of dependency & weakness to the stakeholder : member that keeps their cushy , ineffective jobs available
There HAVE been notable libertarian type criticisms of the US' role post 9/11 --->> and there USED TO BE excellent criticism from sound thinkers within the "traditional left"
(pushing back against "Bushs Wars, Patriot Act type encroachments, Rumsfield links to profit with electronic voting machines, birth of the 'neo con' preemptive war tactics-- etc)
So there HAVE been external criticisms with merit
But Lets talk about our own direct observation of whats happened since (roughly) 2001
Broadly speaking - can you point to a nation that we invaded or liberated after 9/11 that benefited fm our military actions?
You really HAVE to acknowledge that we are responsible for an ENORMOUSLY HIGHER QUANTITY of military campaigns - dropping a LOT more munitions on more people and destroying more infrastructure than Russia has -- right?
Finally --
Separate fm all those details
Do you really believe that its critical for US military intervention within UKR - to protect - (?) Europe? NATO?? the world?
It HAS to be us?