The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

That is exactly what I said.

He could strike Poland and start a war with the United States or he could strike Miami and start a war with the United States.

You compared the situation to 1940s Germany.

Why would you expect Hitler to start a war with the United States by bombing an ally, and not just start the war on US soil?

Or, do you have no expectation of Putin marching past Ukraine and your comparison to Germany doesn’t really hold any water?
The comparion to Hitler and Nazi Germany is not 1:1, as no comparison is. Especially in history. What I meant is there's an imperalist power in Europe, who wants to reclaim their former lands. Germany wanted all of Europe. Russia just wants the former soviet states. That will invoke a war just as Germany did.
Is Putin a genocidal maniac like Hitler? No. Is Russia like Nazi Germany in every way? No.

The issue isn't Putin actually winning. It's he will attempt to take Poland and the Baltics. Just an attempt will spark a war. That's why I laugh at everyone who wants to halt aid, to focus on 'merica. But when there's no war, those issues get swept under the rug. And if they are attempted to be fixed this same crowd bitches. ''My tax dollars are going that''?

Just be honest, again. This isn't about America. It's about pwning the libs. If your ''side'' was the one supporting Ukraine. And your ''side'' had a president from your ''side'' calling for it. You'd be the biggest cheerleader there ever was.

1. He's not striking Miami. If you actually think Putin is gonna strike the US mainland you're more delusional that I thought. And you're the same guy who said this:
I am in agreement with governor Coonman when it comes to abortion. Liberals should be able to kill their children after birth and save this country from the burdens on society.

2. Putin would have a hard time drumming up support to fight the US. Telling your people you're invading Poland, the baltics, etc to get back what is yours, is different than striking the most powerful country the world has ever seen. To simply settle differences.

3. Putin is cunning. He probably thinks he could convince America to simply leave NATO (Hey, what's Trump saying he's gonna do). And before you reply with TDS, or I knew you were a lib. I like Trump. I'm just saying, Putin thinks he can convince the US to leave NATO. And leave Europe to fend for itself. Do you think he wants to light a pearl harbor situation in America? He'd be signing his death warrant.
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The comparion to Hitler and Nazi Germany is not 1:1, as no comparison is. Especially in history. What I meant is there's an imperalist power in Europe, who wants to reclaim their former lands. Germany wanted all of Europe. Russia just wants the former soviet states. That will invoke a war just as Germany did.
Is Putin a genocidal maniac like Hitler? No. Is Russia like Nazi Germany in every way? No.

The issue isn't Putin actually winning. It's he will attempt to take Poland and the Baltics. Just an attempt will spark a war. That's why I laugh at everyone who wants to halt aid, to focus on 'merica. But when there's no war, those issues get swept under the rug. And if they are attempted to be fixed this same crowd bitches. ''My tax dollars are going that''?

Just be honest, again. This isn't about America. It's about pwning the libs. If your ''side'' was the one supporting Ukraine. And your ''side'' had a president from your ''side'' calling for it. You'd be the biggest cheerleader there ever was.

1. He's not striking Miami. If you actually think Putin is gonna strike the US mainland you're more delusional that I thought. And you're the same guy who said this:

2. Putin would have a hard time drumming up support to fight the US. Telling your people you're invading Poland, the baltics, etc to get back what is yours, is different than striking the most powerful country the world has ever seen. To simply settle differences.

3. Putin is cunning. He probably thinks he could convince America to simply leave NATO (Hey, what's Trump saying he's gonna do). And leave Europe to fend for itself. Do you think he wants to light a pearl harbor situation in America? He'd be signing his death warrant.

Everyone knows striking a NATO country is a hot war with the United States.

It just makes no sense you people think Putin is a maniac willing to start a war with the United States by striking Poland, but not by striking the United States.

Especially after the US is giving Ukraine authorization to use weapons we provide inside Russia.

You warhawks need to stop escalating.

As of today, has Putin ever given any indication he intends to strike a nato country? Everyone knew (going back to at least 2008) he viewed Ukraine entry to nato as a red line.
Everyone knows striking a NATO country is a hot war with the United States.

It just makes no sense you people think Putin is a maniac willing to start a war with the United States by striking Poland, but not by striking the United States.

Especially after the US is giving Ukraine authorization to use weapons we provide inside Russia.

You warhawks need to stop escalating.

As of today, has Putin ever given any indication he intends to strike a nato country? Everyone knew (going back to at least 2008) he viewed Ukraine entry to nato as a red line.
Putin thinks he can convince American's to become isolationists. And to leave NATO. He thinks he can grind down support for European wars. If he strikes the US mainland, all that goes out the window. You now have an American populace that is bloodthirsty. If Putin doesn't want US weapons to strike his country, he can pull his soldiers out of Ukraine.

Ukraine was never joining NATO until Putin invaded. So that's really a hilarious point. Putin's redline changes so often, who knows?

You Q's need to stop Q'ing.
Putin thinks he can convince American's to become isolationists. And to leave NATO. He thinks he can grind down support for European wars. If he strikes the US mainland, all that goes out the window. You now have an American populace that is bloodthirsty. If Putin doesn't want US weapons to strike his country, he can pull his soldiers out of Ukraine.

Ukraine was never joining NATO until Putin invaded. So that's really a hilarious point. Putin's redline changes so often, who knows?

You Q's need to stop Q'ing.

Why was the Vice president of the US talking about Ukraine joining NATO before the invasion if they were never joining?
As Tom Cottom says. Putin only invades Ukraine with Democrat presidents.


Everybody is a Russian bot or “Q” in a day


Zelensky sucking male dong for US laundered money
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As Tom Cottom says. Putin only invades Ukraine with Democrat presidents.


Everybody is a Russian bot or “Q” in a day


Zelensky sucking male dong for US laundered money
As UK_1576 says

I don’t care about Michael Obama and sure as hell don’t care about some nobody’s opinion such as yours. You are a flaming liberal. You are the enemy.
I hate every liberal in this thread.

I hate you. I wish nothing but the worst for you and every single liberal person in your family. I hate you and when it goes down. I’m about to go ballistic. F””””” try me. Please. I beg you.
Shut up.

You sound stupid. There is only one man that cant fix this an it’s DJT and you and the VHLiberalsCats are trying to destroy it. I hope Trump is able to overcome the fraud to win. I will apply to a position so I can have you sent to GITMO. I personally want to see your life destroyed as you have advocated to have our America destroyed. You have voiced the desire for Civil War. Please bring it Nazi Antifa warrior.

We can take this guy and his thoughts seriously.
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Everyone knows striking a NATO country is a hot war with the United States.

It just makes no sense you people think Putin is a maniac willing to start a war with the United States by striking Poland, but not by striking the United States.

Especially after the US is giving Ukraine authorization to use weapons we provide inside Russia.

You warhawks need to stop escalating.

As of today, has Putin ever given any indication he intends to strike a nato country? Everyone knew (going back to at least 2008) he viewed Ukraine entry to nato as a red line.
So Russia isn’t more likely to be successful attacking a central Euro country than the US? Lol.
So Russia isn’t more likely to be successful attacking a central Euro country than the US? Lol.

90 miles off the coast of the US, I’m sure they could successfully attack the US just as well as they could hit Central Europe. Not sure what our Miami or Guantanamo based missile defense systems look like.

What is your point?
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90 miles off the coast of the US, I’m sure they could successfully attack the US just as well as they could hit Central Europe. Not sure what our Miami or Guantanamo based missile defense systems look like.

What is your point?

A damaged submarine (damage to hull noted while in Cuba. See tweet above), a small frigate, a salvage tugboat as big as the frigate and a small oiler (tanker with fuel for the tug and the frigate) that is all.

All the military assets we have in the region and you’re worried about them hitting Miami?

Why would Russia start a nuclear war to “hit Miami” while allowing Eglin, Tyndall AFB to retaliate?

Keep Q'ing out.

A damaged submarine (damage to hull noted while in Cuba. See tweet above), a small frigate, a salvage tugboat as big as the frigate and a small oiler (tanker with fuel for the tug and the frigate) that is all.

All the military assets we have in the region and you’re worried about them hitting Miami?

Why would Russia start a nuclear war to “hit Miami” while allowing Eglin, Tyndall AFB to retaliate?

Keep Q'ing out.

Why would Russia start a nuclear war with the US by attacking Europe but not attack the US homeland?

Remember, you lunatic warhawks are the ones fearful Russia is going to expand across Europe. You compared them to 1940s Germany.

Absent you warhawks escalating, I don’t think they’ll strike Poland or Miami.

I’m just trying to understand why you warhawks are so concerned Russia will start a hot war with the US by striking Europe, but starting a hot war with the US by striking the US is outside the realm of possibilities for someone you’ve compared to Hitler.
Why would Russia start a nuclear war with the US by attacking Europe but not attack the US homeland?

Remember, you lunatic warhawks are the ones fearful Russia is going to expand across Europe. You compared them to 1940s Germany.

Absent you warhawks escalating, I don’t think they’ll strike Poland or Miami.

I’m just trying to understand why you warhawks are so concerned Russia will start a hot war with the US by striking Europe, but starting a hot war with the US by striking the US is outside the realm of possibilities for someone you’ve compared to Hitler.
You are willfully obtuse. I've explained to you that no comparison is 1:1. When people compare Hitler to Putin. They're talking about their desire for territorial expansion. Hitler wanted to expand to cleanse Europe. Putin wants to expand to take back his former empire.

I've again already explained to you why Putin wouldn't strike the US homeland. He would be signing his death warrant. He has pumped millions of rubles into disinformation campagins in the US. To try and get us to abandon NATO. You think he wants to light a bloodthirsty fire under the entire country?

You are the same people the hamas college students are. Literally just boomers instead of college kids. And instead of hamas it's Russia. It's comical really. Two sides of the same coin. Both infested with partsian propaganda.

Your enitre arguments over 2 years can be summed up as:

''The dems support Ukraine. So that is bad''


''Russia has nukes, so let them do what they want''.

You are the same guy that has said let all liberals get abortions, because they shouldn't breed. But skyscream around ''ABORTION IS MURDER''.
You are willfully obtuse. I've explained to you that no comparison is 1:1. When people compare Hitler to Putin. They're talking about their desire for territorial expansion. Hitler wanted to expand to cleanse Europe. Putin wants to expand to take back his former empire.

I've again already explained to you why Putin wouldn't strike the US homeland. He would be signing his death warrant. He has pumped millions of rubles into disinformation campagins in the US. To try and get us to abandon NATO. You think he wants to light a bloodthirsty fire under the entire country?

You are the same people the hamas college students are. Literally just boomers instead of college kids. And instead of hamas it's Russia. It's comical really. Two sides of the same coin. Both infested with partsian propaganda.

Your enitre arguments over 2 years can be summed up as:

''The dems support Ukraine. So that is bad''


''Russia has nukes, so let them do what they want''.

You are the same guy that has said let all liberals get abortions, because they shouldn't breed. But skyscream around ''ABORTION IS MURDER''.

The argument is Ukraine is of no strategic value to the United States and we shouldn’t be borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars to ensure tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians die so the MIC can enrich themselves. Far more than democrats support a prolonged war in Ukraine.

You’re worried about Russia disinformation campaign swaying US public opinion while accusing others of being “Q” lol ok.

I find it amusing you dig up a sarcastic post from years ago and rely on it as truth for you baseless argument, but lack the ability to find or read what the vice president of the United States was saying immediately prior to Russia invading Ukraine.
The argument is Ukraine is of no strategic value to the United States and we shouldn’t be borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars to ensure tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians die so the MIC can enrich themselves. Far more than democrats support a prolonged war in Ukraine.

You’re worried about Russia disinformation campaign swaying US public opinion while accusing others of being “Q” lol ok.

I find it amusing you dig up a sarcastic post from years ago and rely on it as truth for you baseless argument, but lack the ability to find or read what the vice president of the United States was saying immediately prior to Russia invading Ukraine.
I like saying Q because it pisses you off. And again, no strategic value. Has already been explained 100 times. But you respond with some ''CIA, MIC, DNC''. mumbo jumbo. Idk why you're playing the morality card. War sucks, people die. Russia can end it by pulling out, they wont. So the best way to end the suffering is to provide weapons to end the war quicker. Or you could keep opposing aid and let more and more Ukrainians die. But again, this isn't the goal. It's not about the millitary industrial complex (which you loved when your ''side'' was in power) or about your tax dollars. Or any of this. It's because the ''enemy side'' supports Ukraine. And being against the ''current thing'' makes you look cool. And anything the ''dims'' are for, you're against. Because you're a good soldier for ''your'' party.

Just be honest.
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I like saying Q because it pisses you off. And again, no strategic value. Has already been explained 100 times. But you respond with some ''CIA, MIC, DNC''. mumbo jumbo. Idk why you're playing the morality card. War sucks, people die. Russia can end it by pulling out, they wont. So the best way to end the suffering is to provide weapons to end the war quicker. Or you could keep opposing aid and let more and more Ukrainians die. But again, this isn't the goal. It's not about the millitary industrial complex (which you loved when your ''side'' was in power) or about your tax dollars. Or any of this. It's because the ''enemy side'' supports Ukraine. And being against the ''current thing'' makes you look cool. And anything the ''dims'' are for, you're against. Because you're a good soldier for ''your'' party.

Just be honest.
You tell’em Dick!!

I like saying Q because it pisses you off. And again, no strategic value. Has already been explained 100 times. But you respond with some ''CIA, MIC, DNC''. mumbo jumbo. Idk why you're playing the morality card. War sucks, people die. Russia can end it by pulling out, they wont. So the best way to end the suffering is to provide weapons to end the war quicker. Or you could keep opposing aid and let more and more Ukrainians die. But again, this isn't the goal. It's not about the millitary industrial complex (which you loved when your ''side'' was in power) or about your tax dollars. Or any of this. It's because the ''enemy side'' supports Ukraine. And being against the ''current thing'' makes you look cool. And anything the ''dims'' are for, you're against. Because you're a good soldier for ''your'' party.

Just be honest.

lol this is all nonsense. There’s strong bipartisan support in Washington for a prolonged war, as seen by the funding that’s been passed. Saying it’s democrats is just complete ignorance. Which isn’t surprising, because you’re completely ignorant on every other point.

Claiming prolonging the war is the best way to end suffering is mind bogglingly stupid. This war could have ended years ago, yet you warhawks chose to press on and escalate.

How do you think providing weapons to Ukraine ends this war? You think they defeat Russia and Putin tucks tail and goes home? lol.
lol this is all nonsense. There’s strong bipartisan support in Washington for a prolonged war, as seen by the funding that’s been passed. Saying it’s democrats is just complete ignorance. Which isn’t surprising, because you’re completely ignorant on every other point.

Claiming prolonging the war is the best way to end suffering is mind bogglingly stupid. This war could have ended years ago, yet you warhawks chose to press on and escalate.

How do you think providing weapons to Ukraine ends this war? You think they defeat Russia and Putin tucks tail and goes home? lol.
I'm sure the republicans who support Ukraine are RINO's right? You know what and who i'm talking about. The MAGA wing of the republican party. This war could have ended years ago, how? The peace deal that you said Boris Johnson ''torpedoed"? Putin would have never signed it.

How do you think Russia fights with a depeleted millitary? What are they gonna attack with? Meat waves with no armour? T-34s? Be for real.
I'm sure the republicans who support Ukraine are RINO's right? You know what and who i'm talking about. The MAGA wing of the republican party. This war could have ended years ago, how? The peace deal that you said Boris Johnson ''torpedoed"? Putin would have never signed it.

How do you think Russia fights with a depeleted millitary? What are they gonna attack with? Meat waves with no armour? T-34s? Be for real.

The republicans who support the war are the Republicans. Both major politic parties support the war. Most registered republicans who support the war are republicans in name only at this point. The R party is more in line with the democrats. I registered independent years ago.

You think the Russian army is going to be completely depleted, Putin is going to suffer embarrassing defeat on the world stage, then tick tail and head home? While sitting on a stock pile of weapons that could obliterate Ukraine?

He’s willing to risk a hot war with the United States to fulfill his maniacal desire for territorial expansion, yet if the U.S. just keeps arming Ukraine he’ll tuck tail and head home?
The republicans who support the war are the Republicans. Both major politic parties support the war. Most registered republicans who support the war are republicans in name only at this point. The R party is more in line with the democrats. I registered independent years ago.

You think the Russian army is going to be completely depleted, Putin is going to suffer embarrassing defeat on the world stage, then tick tail and head home? While sitting on a stock pile of weapons that could obliterate Ukraine?

He’s willing to risk a hot war with the United States to fulfill his maniacal desire for territorial expansion, yet if the U.S. just keeps arming Ukraine he’ll tuck tail and head home?
So I was right the whole time. Even republicans and democrats (basically anyone who isn't a hardcore MAGA person) is the enemy. How am I ignorant again? This is the whole point I was making. To hardcore MAGA people like yourself, being against anything that doesn't have Trump's approval is the right thing to do.
By party I meant the MAGA wing of the GOP.

So Putin, who wants Ukraine to be apart of Russia. And have all the people living there, turned into Russian citizens. Is gonna nuke Ukraine. Making all the land inhospitable, all the buildings and infastructure gone. Farmland ruined. While also being in economic ruin from losing a war? Lol, wow. This is new territory, even for you.
Hypothetically it seems that adding Ukraine to NATO pre-invasion might have spared us all of this? Of course, the guys who sell the guns wouldn’t have been happy. And NATO would have been openly inviting one of the most corrupt nations in the world into the fold. But what the hell right? Might have saved a lot of lives.
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Hypothetically it seems that adding Ukraine to NATO pre-invasion might have spared us all of this? Of course, the guys who sell the guns wouldn’t have been happy. And NATO would have been openly inviting one of the most corrupt nations in the world into the fold. But what the hell right? Might have saved a lot of lives.
It would have. Or how about the agreement Russia signed, saying if Ukraine gave up their nukes they would never invade? These same types here forget that. And want Ukraine to go to the table and ''negotiate''.
It would have. Or how about the agreement Russia signed, saying if Ukraine gave up their nukes they would never invade? These same types here forget that. And want Ukraine to go to the table and ''negotiate''.
That’s a mistake Clinton made and Ukraine never should have agreed to. Of course the country was so disorganized at the time there’s no telling where the nukes would have ended up. It’s just a hard situation to come up with answers for. I do understand Russia not wanting NATO at their doorstep. I don’t agree with their methods of trying to deal with it.
That’s a mistake Clinton made and Ukraine never should have agreed to. Of course the country was so disorganized at the time there’s no telling where the nukes would have ended up. It’s just a hard situation to come up with answers for. I do understand Russia not wanting NATO at their doorstep. I don’t agree with their methods of trying to deal with it.
NATO is defenisve. Not offensive. There's no reason to be fearful. But Russia doesn't like it because they can't invade countries and make them apart of the motherland, like they have for hundreds of years. Without taking on the entirety of western europe and the US. They've never had to deal with that until recently. And it pisses them off.

Russia isn't afraid of NATO ''attacking'' them. The real issue is that can't invade their neighbors without risking a war they can't win.
NATO is defenisve. Not offensive. There's no reason to be fearful. But Russia doesn't like it because they can't invade countries and make them apart of the motherland, like they have for hundreds of years. Without taking on the entirety of western europe and the US. They've never had to deal with that until recently. And it pisses them off.

Russia isn't afraid of NATO ''attacking'' them. The real issue is that can't invade their neighbors without risking a war they can't win.
I don’t disagree with the Russian point you’re making. And i love my country. But to believe that our leadership over the past 50 years has given any reason for a nation outside our circle to trust us is nonsense.
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I don’t disagree with the Russian point you’re making. And i love my country. But to believe that our leadership over the past 50 years has given any reason for a nation outside our circle to trust us is nonsense.
You can love your country without loving the government. Believe me, I've been doing this for years.
90 miles off the coast of the US, I’m sure they could successfully attack the US just as well as they could hit Central Europe. Not sure what our Miami or Guantanamo based missile defense systems look like.

What is your point?
Mainly the hilariousness of your position. I mean the oxymoron "90 miles off the coast" is topnotch. By that standard, might as well say 10 miles west of Morocco is off the coast. But you'll keep using it because you think it means something.
So I was right the whole time. Even republicans and democrats (basically anyone who isn't a hardcore MAGA person) is the enemy. How am I ignorant again? This is the whole point I was making. To hardcore MAGA people like yourself, being against anything that doesn't have Trump's approval is the right thing to do.
By party I meant the MAGA wing of the GOP.

So Putin, who wants Ukraine to be apart of Russia. And have all the people living there, turned into Russian citizens. Is gonna nuke Ukraine. Making all the land inhospitable, all the buildings and infastructure gone. Farmland ruined. While also being in economic ruin from losing a war? Lol, wow. This is new territory, even for you.

You’re ignorant mainly because you have no idea it was well known Ukraine entry to NATO was a bright red line the US government intentionally crossed knowing this war would happen. You’re ignorant because you only have lazy arguments that “MAGA Trumpers oppose this war because MAGA Trump”.

Do you think Putin, who you’ve compared to Hitler, would rather lose a war and let NATO have Ukraine, or lose a war and make Ukraine a barren inhospitable wasteland?
Mainly the hilariousness of your position. I mean the oxymoron "90 miles off the coast" is topnotch. By that standard, might as well say 10 miles west of Morocco is off the coast. But you'll keep using it because you think it means something.

How is that an oxymoron?
You’re ignorant mainly because you have no idea it was well known Ukraine entry to NATO was a bright red line the US government intentionally crossed knowing this war would happen. You’re ignorant because you only have lazy arguments that “MAGA Trumpers oppose this war because MAGA Trump”.

Do you think Putin, who you’ve compared to Hitler, would rather lose a war and let NATO have Ukraine, or lose a war and make Ukraine a barren inhospitable wasteland?
For the third time, Hitler and Putin is a comparison only because both have a appetite for expansion. That's where it ends.

And yes, MAGA opposes supporting Ukraine because of ''deep state lies'' or some other bunk. Most of you are complete idiots and moutbreathers. Russian psyops have targeted you for a reason.

Here we go again with the red line BS. Biden told Ukraine they could not join NATO. Due to their rampant corruption and other issues. And when Putin invaded he said the goal was to ''de-nazify'' Ukraine'

Putin is a paranoid, dictator, who is obsessed with control and power. He is not suicidal. His power fantasy ends the second he launches a nuke. Do you think he's going to nuke a country he considers apart of Russia? A place he wants to become Russian officially? Or how about nuking a country on the border of a NATO country? Do you know the ramifications of that?

But then again, you are the same guy shitting his pants over a rusty sub that can't carry nukes, a corvette, and a salvage tug and oiler. ''Nuking'' Miami.
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