The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

I was being facetious, you dolt.

Yeah, sure:

“The Russians on these ships are literally on a vacation to Cuba and soaking it all in, instead of being sunk or destroyed in Crimea which seems to now be common for the Russian navy. Can assure they don’t want to return to the Black Sea.”

Literally facetious. Gotcha.

So which is for you - Russia has no military intentions beyond parts of Ukraine or you're concerned about these ships having bad intentions for US & thus they are looking beyond Ukraine?

I am sorry if my pointing out the inconsistencies of the war supporters, VH annoys you. You and others claim supporting Ukraine is direly important because Putin won’t stop and wants to move on the West, all while laughing about how weak Russia has been exposed to be, but then act like Russian ships heading to Cuba for a week is no big deal. 😝

[EDIT to add: each step that you and others claimed could not result in the war expanding to include new countries seems to get us closer to that happening. That is why Putin was asked if the U.S. had crossed a line. Everyone sees this escalating, rather than resolving. At best, we find ourselves in a new Cold War when this is over. At best.]
I am sorry if my pointing out the inconsistencies of the war supporters, VH annoys you. You and others claim supporting Ukraine is direly important because Putin won’t stop and wants to move on the West, all while laughing about how weak Russia has been exposed to be, but then act like Russian ships heading to Cuba for a week is no big deal. 😝

[EDIT to add: each step that you and others claimed could not result in the war expanding to include new countries seems to get us closer to that happening. That is why Putin was asked if the U.S. had crossed a line. Everyone sees this escalating, rather than resolving. At best, we find ourselves in a new Cold War when this is over. At best.]
They are your inconsistencies, not mine. Russia has sent warships to Cuba multiple times. How is this time different? & why are you making a BFD of it? You honestly see 4 Russia piddling warships going to Cuba is a threat or think people supporting Ukraine's efforts should now, all of a sudden, see this as a huge deal? Why?

[Edit to add: What new countries?]
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Yeah, sure:

“The Russians on these ships are literally on a vacation to Cuba and soaking it all in, instead of being sunk or destroyed in Crimea which seems to now be common for the Russian navy. Can assure they don’t want to return to the Black Sea.”

Literally facetious. Gotcha.

Yeah man, they’d much rather be sitting in Crimea, Novorossiysk, or the Black Sea being targeted on a daily/weekly basis like sitting ducks. Good call.

And before you all continue to freak out even more, Cuba has hosted Russian ships annually from 2013-2020.
Yeah man, they’d much rather be sitting in Crimea, Novorossiysk, or the Black Sea being targeted on a daily/weekly basis like sitting ducks. Good call.

And before you all continue to freak out even more, Cuba has hosted Russian ships annually from 2013-2020.
Yea... but China is leasing a couple bases from Cuba now. So it's not just the Russkies. I like all the tough talk about standing up to Russia in Eastern Europe but China has built military bases in Cuba, Canada, Mexico, Columbia... and others.... and we aren't doing squat about it... in fact, we are sending our stuff over there and we are letting millions of illegals cross our border completely unvetted.

If you aren't worried about national security with the current admin then you're nuts.
I should look at the sale of those F16s & see if we are actually sourcing "decommissioned" Fighting Falcons fm the Boneyard outside of Tucson, AZ

May take another week to deliver if so
Misawa AB , Japan used to have F16s
Kadena is on Okinawa and used to have F15s?
South Korea has additional AF Bases

Other regional allies that would hopefully support us against the Chinese-Live-Organ-Harvesters:

Australia - Thailand - Guam

After getting electronic warfare & surveillance units airborne , i would get the B52s @ Anderson on alert and make sure we have a nuclear option available with some B52s outfitted with ALCMs

Pssst - Navy, get in here

Have a hunch that a hot war over Taiwan may just trip & trigger N Korea into a the fray
Did you ever hear where those sales to Taiwan were coming from? Are they old, mothballed jets or newly decommissioned? I heard some people saying that National Guard units are losing tons of f15's and f16's this year... 200 just seems like such a huge number for us right now. It has to be counting just old jets for the frames...
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Did you ever hear where those sales to Taiwan were coming from? Are they old, mothballed jets or newly decommissioned? I heard some people saying that National Guard units are losing tons of f15's and f16's this year... 200 just seems like such a huge number for us right now. It has to be counting just old jets for the frames...
There is 1100 f-15s built. And 4604 f-16s built. Truly a huge number 200 is.
They are your inconsistencies, not mine. Russia has sent warships to Cuba multiple times. How is this time different? & why are you making a BFD of it? You honestly see 4 Russia piddling warships going to Cuba is a threat or think people supporting Ukraine's efforts should now, all of a sudden, see this as a huge deal? Why?

[Edit to add: What new countries?]

I am sure that your friend Putin is just sending these war ships as he has “multiple times” and there is no correlation between our recent actions in Ukraine and this trip and its war games. Yeah, no correlation at all. Gotcha. No BFD.

Any country formally entering the war that currently involves only Ukraine and Russia would be an escalation and a “new country.”
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The Cuban Foreign Ministry said the Russian warships will be in Havana between Wednesday and June 17, noting that none will carry nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”

Love the bold for emphasis from the article I posted. LOL

And, if your friends in the Cuban Foreign Ministry said so about your hero Putin, it must be so. Thanks Cuba for the clarification.
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So which is for you - Russia has no military intentions beyond parts of Ukraine or you're concerned about these ships having bad intentions for US & thus they are looking beyond Ukraine?

Everyone is concerned with you boomercons and neocons continuously escalating. No one thinks Russia’s intentions are static.

Everyone knew Ukraine entry into NATO was a red line. Russia’s intentions before top US government officials were openly discussing entry were different than after they started. That’s not a justification, but actions have consequences and intentions can change.
Love the bold for emphasis from the article I posted. LOL

And, if your friends in the Cuban Foreign Ministry said so about your hero Putin, it must be so. Thanks Cuba for the clarification.
Pissing your pants over a sub, frigate, corvette and a salvage tug is legendary stuff.
Yea... but China is leasing a couple bases from Cuba now. So it's not just the Russkies. I like all the tough talk about standing up to Russia in Eastern Europe but China has built military bases in Cuba, Canada, Mexico, Columbia... and others.... and we aren't doing squat about it... in fact, we are sending our stuff over there and we are letting millions of illegals cross our border completely unvetted.

If you aren't worried about national security with the current admin then you're nuts.
I’m more concerned about all of the Chinese farmland around our military bases domestically but I get your point.

Believe my occasional posts in the Politics thread give an indication about my feelings towards the current administration.
I am sure that your friend Putin is just sending these war ships as he has “multiple times” and there is no correlation between our recent actions in Ukraine and this trip and its war games. Yeah, no correlation at all. Gotcha. No BFD.

Any country formally entering the war that currently involves only Ukraine and Russia would be an escalation and a “new country.”
Your speculative imagination is running wild. Name the new country(ies) you're imagining. I don't know how frequently R sends warships to C. But if this timing isn't shorter than the typical range, there's no basis to guess that the war caused this visit. But you hyperventilate regardless.
Everyone is concerned with you boomercons and neocons continuously escalating. No one thinks Russia’s intentions are static.

Everyone knew Ukraine entry into NATO was a red line. Russia’s intentions before top US government officials were openly discussing entry were different than after they started. That’s not a justification, but actions have consequences and intentions can change.
You'd call Putin taking a dump as escalation. You people really are off the deep end. Go take your meds.
I’m more concerned about all of the Chinese farmland around our military bases domestically but I get your point.

Believe my occasional posts in the Politics thread give an indication about my feelings towards the current administration.

Nope noone cares. The putin Boogeyman must be stopped!
Your speculative imagination is running wild. Name the new country(ies) you're imagining. I don't know how frequently R sends warships to C. But if this timing isn't shorter than the typical range, there's no basis to guess that the war caused this visit. But you hyperventilate regardless.

Why is reading the room considered hyperventilating to you? It’s an odd response to claim someone is pissing themselves and hyperventilating because they connect dots. It’s a very defensive posture for your VH, which is typical.
You'd call Putin taking a dump as escalation. You people really are off the deep end. Go take your meds.

I really don’t understand how your boomercon brain works.

You’re afraid Putin will strike a NATO country, which ensures a hot war with the United States, so you want the US supplying weapons for Ukraine to strike inside Russia.

But when Russia sends a fleet of warships off the coast of the U.S., you think it doesn’t mean anything at all.

So to clarify, you think Putin would strike a NATO country to start a hot war with the US, but wouldn’t actually strike the US instead of a proxy?
I really don’t understand how your boomercon brain works.

You’re afraid Putin will strike a NATO country, which ensures a hot war with the United States, so you want the US supplying weapons for Ukraine to strike inside Russia.

But when Russia sends a fleet of warships off the coast of the U.S., you think it doesn’t mean anything at all.

So to clarify, you think Putin would strike a NATO country to start a hot war with the US, but wouldn’t actually strike the US instead of a proxy?
Nice to know that 4 piddling warships is a "fleet". Another gross exaggeration by the Fortress America crowd. That's in addition that "off the coast" is Cuba. Can you see Cuba from Key West on a crystal clear day? So how is that off the coast? Trying defining off the coast instead of just using FA code. LMAO.

You honestly think the US doesn't know exactly what weapons are on those boats & that if anything was nuclear that we wouldn't have ordered them away? No nukes around Cuba has been the agreement since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ever heard of that?

If any of those ships even looked like they were up to something, you don't think that we would blow them to smithereens immediately?

Amazing at the gross overreactions here.

Finally, since you're so concerned about those little boats in Cuba, just what should we do about them? Quiver?

And I hope you don't know what my brain works with all the nonsense that comes out of yours.
How about both?
Except we never do both. they didn't in the past. They aren't right now and they definitely won't in the future.

I guess it's hard to admit you've been lied to and just lapped up that lie. You'd rather keep acting like it's not a lie than admit you got fooled. LOL>
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Except we never do both. they didn't in the past. They aren't right now and they definitely won't in the future.

I guess it's hard to admit you've been lied to and just lapped up that lie. You'd rather keep acting like it's not a lie than admit you got fooled. LOL>
Like you get fooled by twitter posts, facebook memes, and cable news?
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You should actually read more news and listen to more outside sources. Too much cia propaganda rots your brain.
The vast majority of the warhawks on this thread are crazy old boomers, who still think we're in the Cold War- or Leftists. With Ritchie, who is apparently younger and not a Lefty- I suspect it is something else. Does Ritchie have himself a Ukrainian mail order bride or is he from there himself? Either way, this crap is not my deal. I'm not interested in your ethnic wars from God knows where; go over there and fight 'em yourself.
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Nice to know that 4 piddling warships is a "fleet". Another gross exaggeration by the Fortress America crowd. That's in addition that "off the coast" is Cuba. Can you see Cuba from Key West on a crystal clear day? So how is that off the coast? Trying defining off the coast instead of just using FA code. LMAO.

You honestly think the US doesn't know exactly what weapons are on those boats & that if anything was nuclear that we wouldn't have ordered them away? No nukes around Cuba has been the agreement since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ever heard of that?

If any of those ships even looked like they were up to something, you don't think that we would blow them to smithereens immediately?

Amazing at the gross overreactions here.

Finally, since you're so concerned about those little boats in Cuba, just what should we do about them? Quiver?

And I hope you don't know what my brain works with all the nonsense that comes out of yours.

Ok gotcha. We have to destroy Putin before he marches west and takes over Europe because he’s an evil genius madman, but ships with missiles (I assume they wouldn’t even need their hypersonic missiles to hit Miami) 90 miles away from the US is far enough we shouldn’t give it a second thought.

You boomercons are nuts.
Ok gotcha. We have to destroy Putin before he marches west and takes over Europe because he’s an evil genius madman, but ships with missiles (I assume they wouldn’t even need their hypersonic missiles to hit Miami) 90 miles away from the US is far enough we shouldn’t give it a second thought.

You boomercons are nuts.
We've given those ships more than sufficient thought & they know we know. But since you know they have missiles, just what are they?
We've given those ships more than sufficient thought & they know we know. But since you know they have missiles, just what are they?
Yes, yes, yes, I get it, but you really do want World War 3, now, be honest.
And what could possibly go wrong, if it does happen lol. Sounds like a great idea!