The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

For the third time, Hitler and Putin is a comparison only because both have a appetite for expansion. That's where it ends.

And yes, MAGA opposes supporting Ukraine because of ''deep state lies'' or some other bunk. Most of you are complete idiots and moutbreathers. Russian psyops have targeted you for a reason.

Here we go again with the red line BS. Biden told Ukraine they could not join NATO. Due to their rampant corruption and other issues. And when Putin invaded he said the goal was to ''de-nazify'' Ukraine'

Putin is a paranoid, dictator, who is obsessed with control and power. He is not suicidal. His power fantasy ends the second he launches a nuke. Do you think he's going to nuke a country he considers apart of Russia? A place he wants to become Russian officially? Or how about nuking a country on the border of a NATO country? Do you know the ramifications of that?

But then again, you are the same guy shitting his pants over a rusty sub that can't carry nukes, a corvette, and a salvage tug and oiler. ''Nuking'' Miami.
This guy is beyond stupid. Writes a book like Nightwish. Just stupid. Has no clue what the eff he is talking about. Smh

Facepalm stupidity
We are way past your post. The same Chinese color revolution during Mao that led to Communist China is now concretely in place in America. We’re done, boss. Dion has been stating Civil War on here and along with Jewish Genocide on here so apparently the upper elites are ok with Dion promoting violence.

Good thing we got guns. I plan to use them when the Globalists comedown. I don’t care to die at this point. I’m near 50. Let’s rock. I am looking forward to it
You should really be put on a watchlist.
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For the third time, Hitler and Putin is a comparison only because both have a appetite for expansion. That's where it ends.

And yes, MAGA opposes supporting Ukraine because of ''deep state lies'' or some other bunk. Most of you are complete idiots and moutbreathers. Russian psyops have targeted you for a reason.

Here we go again with the red line BS. Biden told Ukraine they could not join NATO. Due to their rampant corruption and other issues. And when Putin invaded he said the goal was to ''de-nazify'' Ukraine'

Putin is a paranoid, dictator, who is obsessed with control and power. He is not suicidal. His power fantasy ends the second he launches a nuke. Do you think he's going to nuke a country he considers apart of Russia? A place he wants to become Russian officially? Or how about nuking a country on the border of a NATO country? Do you know the ramifications of that?

But then again, you are the same guy shitting his pants over a rusty sub that can't carry nukes, a corvette, and a salvage tug and oiler. ''Nuking'' Miami.

If it’s purely a comparison based on appetite for expansion, wouldn’t NATO be a better comparison to Hitler then? Considering the actual expansion?

When did Biden say Ukraine couldn’t join NATO? Before or after his vice president was entertaining the thought?

Again, do you think Putin would choose to lose a war and have NATO rebuild on his border, or lose a war and make Ukraine a wasteland?
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If it’s purely a comparison based on appetite for expansion, wouldn’t NATO be a better comparison to Hitler then? Considering the actual expansion?

When did Biden say Ukraine couldn’t join NATO? Before or after his vice president was entertaining the thought?

Again, do you think Putin would choose to lose a war and have NATO rebuild on his border, or lose a war and make Ukraine a wasteland?
NATO doesn't ''expand''. Countries join it. It's a defenisve alliance to protect against Russia. Putin and Hitler advanced in an offenisve, to make countries apart of their country. NATO is simply an alliance.

If Ukraine joins NATO. Then they would now have 6 land borders with NATO countries out of the 14 that border them.

Russia’s land border is just over 20,000kilometres long. Of that, less than onesixteenth (1,215 kilometres), is shared withNATO members. Russia has land borders with 14 countries. Only five of them are NATO members.

If you think Putin would actually nuke Ukraine, you're a idiot.
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If it’s purely a comparison based on appetite for expansion, wouldn’t NATO be a better comparison to Hitler then? Considering the actual expansion?

When did Biden say Ukraine couldn’t join NATO? Before or after his vice president was entertaining the thought?

Again, do you think Putin would choose to lose a war and have NATO rebuild on his border, or lose a war and make Ukraine a wasteland?

Make sure you understand mush brain Richie. NATO doesn’t expand. Countries join it. Which isn’t expansion. Just good ol membership. Totally not expansion

Also rabble rabble rabble Q and Russian Bots 😂😂😂😂😂
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Make sure you understand mush brain Richie. NATO doesn’t expand. Countries join it. Which isn’t expansion. Just good ol membership.

Also rabble rabble rabble Q and Russian Bots 😂😂😂😂😂
So countries joining an alliance willingly is no different than being invaded, killed, and forced into being apart of a country? Lol, what a tard.
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So countries joining an alliance willingly is no different than being invaded, killed, and forced into being apart of a country? Lol, what a tard.
Yeah, totally not expansion!!!!

WMDs!! Gulf of Tonkin!

You are melting down. Hahaha and I love watching you melt. Let Richie cook!
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the irony in this whackadoodle post
Yes the Irony. The left supports terrorists. And the right supports Russia. Truly a bizzare world we live in. And the guy I'm replying to is ''foaming at the mouth'' to kill people he disagrees with politically.
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Yes the Irony. The left supports terrorists. And the right supports Russia. Truly a bizzare world we live in. And the guy I'm replying to is ''foaming at the mouth'' to kill people he disagrees with politically.

Russian bots!!! Good job Richie. I knew you could do it.

Says the guy wanting Americans to be killed in a WWW. SMH

Find out from your doctor if Seroquel is right for you.
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Russian bots!!! Good job Richie. I knew you could do it.

Says the guy wanting Americans to be killed in a WWW. SMH

Find out from your doctor if Serquel is right for you.
You want a world war to be averted by letting Putin do what he wants. Where have we seen that strategy before?

Great job, Harry Kissinger.
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You want a world war to be averted by letting Putin do what he wants. Where have we seen that strategy before?

Great job, Harry Kissinger.

George W, Didn’t you just try to downplay a Hitler/Putin comparison? Haha

Back to the strategy talk. 5 more posts and it’ll be back to calling anyone that disagrees with your war death insanity as Russian Bots.
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George W, Didn’t you just try to downplay a Hitler/Putin comparison? Haha

Back to the strategy talk. 5 more posts and it’ll be back to calling anyone that disagrees with your war death insanity as Russian Bots.
Hitler and Putin both have appetites for expansion. Kissinger tried to appease Hitler, it failed. It will with Putin.

You're not russian bots. Just idiots, brainwashed by cable news and tweets. Though that warrior poet guy was definitely glowing.
You're not russian bots.
Finally the truth comes out.

After calling everyone that disagreed with you as “Russian Bots” in this thread. You are finally honest. Proud of you Richie. You took a big step with self awareness. Maslow is smiling.
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You’re either a MIC loving RINO puppet, a far left war monger, fascist or a commie.

Maybe you’re all of those.

What you are not. America loving nor Libertarian. There isn’t one old school Libertarian that is a warmonger. You are though
I’m a minarchist.
I think he might just be really dumb.
He's absolutely despicable, and he either wants a nuclear war, or, more likely, has an ethnic interest in this bullshit. Not my problem, Ritchie- I don't care if the Russians are mean to your folk. Nor do I care if they were mean to your ancestors.
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He's absolutely despicable, and he either wants a nuclear war, or, more likely, has an ethnic interest in this bullshit. Not my problem, Ritchie- I don't care if the Russians are mean to your folk. Nor do I care if they were mean to your ancestors.
I’m despicable because I support Ukraine? How about the guys in your echo chamber thread. Saying how they have lots of guns, and can’t wait for civil war to kick off? How about the guys who constantly say our government should be hung for treason?

Are you another “they have nukes, so let them do what they want” type? Reagan is rolling in his grave. Ocer what you’ve turned his party into.
Not a republican either. Can't stand hard core leftists and I can't stand hard core right wingers. Both are threats to liberty.
You're a threat to the planet. Believe you me, no-one wins World War 3. World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
You're a threat to the planet. Believe you me, no-one wins World War 3. World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
Your entire position is “Putin has nukes, let him do what he wants” Meanwhile, Reagan told the CIA to kill 10,000 russians in Afghanistan.

Simply hilarious.
I’m despicable because I support Ukraine? How about the guys in your echo chamber thread. Saying how they have lots of guns, and can’t wait for civil war to kick off? How about the guys who constantly say our government should be hung for treason?

Are you another “they have nukes, so let them do what they want” type? Reagan is rolling in his grave. Ocer what you’ve turned his party into.
1956 and 1968, when the USSR invaded TRUE Western Civilization, were a thousand times worse than this Civil War, yet we did nothing, yet ultimately, the world did not have World War 3 and it could have, had hotheads like you been in charge. Wake up to the real world, man. If Hungary wasn't worth a war in '56, then how in the world is the shithole Ukraine worth it now. If Prague, possibly the greatest and most beautiful city in the world, wasn't worth fighting to protect in 1968, you think I care about some Third World adjunct of Russia?
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