****The Official UK v Michigan state game thread****

He can hit it if wide open on a kick. He kept getting it off screens or late on the shot clock while moving or defended. …….which is why he shouldn’t be a 3. He’s a 4 that has the ability to hit an open shot of given
Honestly none of ours guys ever get it wide open on a kick .

The lack of “wide open” 3s for this team is alarming .
Cal will never get a straight whistle in important games. We have to be at least 10 points better than the other team because of bogus officiating.

That being said, we do not run clean offensive sets and it's easy for other teams to figure out our motion and match up against it. Without Oscar on the floor, this team looked awful tonight.

I think this is more about early season execution. And you can't expect a team to play well when it's best player goes out.
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I just don't understand Cal. He recruits long, fast, athletes that are at their best when they're flying up and down the court. Yet, he continues to play this slow, muck it up offense where we don't even start our offensive sets until there's like 15 secs or less on the shot clock. Let them fly up and down the court and play basketball. I'm so tired of seeing our guards holding the ball out front and having to try and make a play late in the clock.
Wallace's first big stage college game he was bound to be jittery. Lots of GMs in the stands so he probably tried to do a little to much 8 steals was impressive but missing game winning FTs not.
I’ve been trying to be positive here - well, at least not be overly negative…..but…

Cal has problems. Real problems. Just doesn’t really know how to coach against a quality coach on the other bench. No offense. No IB plays. No motion thats worth anything other than tiring out players.

Like, we literally have nothing. Can’t even get the right players the ball.

I’m bout done with JC. Seriously so frustrating to watch this same shit season after season. This team should have won this game by 12 points. Instead Cal let Izzy teabag him on national TV.
The game started with just passing it around and around the court. I have no idea why he thought it was smart to start the game without Wheeler and Oscar. The only offense his teams have is out running the opponent up and down the court. Cal offense tonight was offensive to anyone who knows anything about basketball. The team came out for the second half doing exactly the same as in the first half.
But this is the problem.. when such a bad call happens like that, it totally deflates the team. Basketball is a mental sport and that was the final nail in this dog shit game that sent a message to the players "we aren't letting you win".

Of course Cal wasn't great, and of course our players mostly weren't either. But we were playing well enough to win when that happened. And then, it was over..
The two defensive possessions to close out regulation and the first OT were junior high level breakdowns, precipitated by missed free throws.

Where were the refs on those plays?

I know you are pretty objective, but come on, man. "Cal wasn't great" is an understatement. We ran nothing for our shooters. Nothing. I could have defended those cross screen actions myself. That stuff was mind-bogglingly simplistic.
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EVERY damn one of you drank the cool-aid AGAIN... ST PET.. then a few recruits. then we beat some village teams on an Island.. Cals forgiven... were gonna win #9... then this. Don't worry though we got Wagner for next year so you yall can do it all over again.. Go ahead, check my posting history.. I haven't drank his damn cool-aid for 4 years now.
Honestly none of ours guys ever get it wide open on a kick .

The lack of “wide open” 3s for this team is alarming .
That’s Cals offense. He thinks every pass needs a drive.

Your open 3s that aren’t rebounds and kicks usually come from the 2nd or 3rd pass wth 1 or less dribbles.

The hockey assist so to speak…it’s a swing pass game not a pass…drive drive oass drive pass shoot it at the end of the clock game
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Bad loss. But hopefully they will learn from it.

Free throws and turnovers killed us. But it's also missing Oscar in practice the last few weeks. Give them time to gel.

Frederick and Reeves need to drive more aggressively. Hopefully Damion gets up to speed soon too.
echoing what someone else told me….

wheeler should not be on the floor at the end of games. he can’t make shots and he turns it over. he can do a lot of good for you as a spark in the middle of the game by pushing the ball. he’s just not a good half court pf. don’t need to see it another year.
The two defensive possessions to close out regulation and the first OT were junior high level breakdowns, precipitated by missed free throws.

Where were the refs on those plays?

I know you are pretty objective, but come on, man. "Cal wasn't great" is an understatement. We ran nothing for our shooters. Nothing. I could have defended those cross screen actions myself. That stuff was mind-bogglingly simplistic.

The team was pretty much executing poorly across the board. Even Cason who was great defensively was also a little wild at times.. they seemed lost and like deer in headlights. WHat did we shoot 15 of 23 from the line?

You never need to win a game twice. Cal did just enough to get the win (or the talent of the players was enough), but the refs said "Nop, you're gonna be stripped of 8 to 10 points, figure it out from there.

That 4 on 5 call is historically bad. That call delfated the team and you could see it plain as day. ENough bad calls and a team gets lost.
NO show CJ

We got first OT because we couldn't defend a junior high level inbound pass.

We got the second OT because MSU threw over our press with 7 seconds left.

Think about that, BBN.

Both of those were junior high level defensive plays.

Both of them showed how ill-prepared we were.

What a complete waste of our emotions and lives under the Cal era.

The guy has squandered so much talent.

I'm tired of his stupid face.
This .. we lost the game on 2 missed FT's and because we couldn't defend 2 OBB plays !!!!!!!!
Dog eyed berr faced pony soldier !!!
Cal is the worst coach in D1 in the last 4 minutes of the game. Absolutely ridiculous!
I disagree… he is one of the worst in-game coaches at any level…last 4,8,12,16….minutes. He literally rolls the ball out these past few years.
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I have a feeling we'll beat Gonzaga

its just the ying and yang of College basketball.
Why do you have this feeling? Are you sure it isn't gas because you certainly didn't see anything on the court that should make you believe anything other than we suck.
And Kansas with a chance to go up 1 more on the all-time wins list. But winning doesn't matter right? Get of here with that ******* bullshit neutering the standard of Kentucky Basketball with Cal now excusing these unacceptable losses. Same ones also said the NCAA was going to hammer them and UK up back up by default. Just stupid.
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What does Cal say to these refs that pisses them off so much?

It seems like his tantrums have cost us a ton of games.