Stock Advice Thread

I purchased PBCT earlier this morning. It's considered a top-65 Dividend Aristocrat by MarketWatch. This issue is a long-term hold for me, and I may add more on dips.

Still shopping for other "bargains".
PBCT popped on earnings beat. Life is good.

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Sigh, no, unfortunately. A bit too risk averse. Hope you realized some awesome gains.

At any rate, ORI popped too. Anxious awaiting earnings on UVE. I may end up averaging down on that one.
No, going for a little momo profit!
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Lol. I hate when I'm behind in my information. I have a very small position with Nextera (NEE)......and when I signed into my Seeking Alpha account this morning it was down ~75%. I freaked at first.......but then I realized it must have been a split.......turns out it was a split.......but for that first moment I freaked a
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Lol. I hate when I'm behind in my information. I have a very small position with Nextera (NEE)......and when I signed into my Seeking Alpha account this morning it was down ~75%. I freaked at first.......but then I realized it must have been a split.......turns out it was a split.......but for that first moment I freaked a
I saw you write that things were going on sale and I ??? I was having my best day in a week!
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Been looking at growth more with cases exploding so I bought VEEV and RPRX. Looking for more VEEV if the election is contested.
VEEV is a former holding of mine, great company, wish the price would fall more, it has seemed overpriced a long time (while I watched it continue to rise).😢
Appharvest is building greenhouses all over the Bluegrass region right now. They were just mergered/SPAC with NOVS (Novus Capital Corp)......

I don't know about SPAC's. Does anyone have any knowledge on Appharvest or if SPAC's are generally good to invest in?

RBS discussed SPACs quite a bit some pages back, I can’t recall if AppHarvest was mentioned.
How a SPAC Works
SPACs are generally formed by investors, or sponsors, with expertise in a particular industry or business sector, with the intention of pursuing deals in that area. In creating a SPAC, the founders sometimes have at least one acquisition target in mind, but they don't identify that target to avoid extensive disclosures during the IPO process. (This is why they are called "blank check companies." IPO investors have no idea what company they ultimately will be investing in.) SPACs seek underwriters and institutional investors before offering shares to the public.

The money SPACs raise in an IPO is placed in an interest-bearing trust account. These funds cannot be disbursed except to complete an acquisition or to return the money to investors if the SPAC is liquidated. A SPAC generally has two years to complete a deal or face liquidation. In some cases, some of the interest earned from the trust can be used as the SPAC's working capital. After an acquisition, a SPAC is usually listed on one of the major stock exchanges.

Advantages of a SPAC
Selling to a SPAC can be an attractive option for the owners of a smaller company, which are often private equity funds. First, selling to a SPAC can add up to 20% to the sale price compared to a typical private equity deal. Being acquired by a SPAC can also offer business owners what is essentially a faster IPO process under the guidance of an experienced partner, with less worry about the swings in broader market sentiment.
I'm all in, but my time horizon is over 10 years so... I like my team(of stocks).

Picked up more SHOP just today.
Thinking about that one, BABA and ETSY, already have MELI, AAPL, AMZN. Many gurus are saying go cyclical or small or dividends or value, etc, could be, but I see an unsettled situation until the inauguration, and big techs are dropping toward my lap shortly.
Wow. Everything going up recently.

With a Biden presidency, buy more China, alternative energy, and EV.
Thinking about that one, BABA and ETSY, already have MELI, AAPL, AMZN. Many gurus are saying go cyclical or small or dividends or value, etc, could be, but I see an unsettled situation until the inauguration, and big techs are dropping toward my lap shortly.
Yep, those turned after election day.
Looking into GTBIF to start a pot position. They have stores and product. Any thoughts?

Investing in pot hasn't changed too much over the last yr or so.

There are some safer plays:
-IIPR - a REIT aimed at pot production
-SMG - Scotts-Miracle Grow is a market leader in agriculture.....but is also a world leader in fertilizer and hydroponics which has massive implications on Pot.
-MJ - one of the few ETF's out there to capitalize
-Many of the medical companies
-Many of the drink companies......Bud, etc

But overall, investing in individual companies is much riskier......buyer beware.
-CGC is the largest company and largest has shown good revenue growth, but it's very much not profitable yet.
-GTBIF, Aphria, etc. They all are risky right now.
Investing in pot hasn't changed too much over the last yr or so.

There are some safer plays:
-IIPR - a REIT aimed at pot production
-SMG - Scotts-Miracle Grow is a market leader in agriculture.....but is also a world leader in fertilizer and hydroponics which has massive implications on Pot.
-MJ - one of the few ETF's out there to capitalize
-Many of the medical companies
-Many of the drink companies......Bud, etc

But overall, investing in individual companies is much riskier......buyer beware.
-CGC is the largest company and largest has shown good revenue growth, but it's very much not profitable yet.
-GTBIF, Aphria, etc. They all are risky right now.
Yep. It's gambling money but I think I'll wait for a big pull-back. I just like that they've got shops and merch.

Have been watching IIPR for a while and may add it into my Roth next year.
Yep. It's gambling money but I think I'll wait for a big pull-back. I just like that they've got shops and merch.

Have been watching IIPR for a while and may add it into my Roth next year.

I jumped on Hexo and Aurora early.......then sold it at a mild loss. However, I also jumped on CGC. very early......and it went up decently. Once at the top, sold, bought, sold, bought the wave about 3-4x.........then it went down and stayed there. So, although it has gone down and my portfolio shows a loss currently......I'm really up on CGC as a whole by a good margin. I'll probably just ride it out for the long haul.

I have good positions in IIPR, SMG, and MJ.
Pot still doing well today. CGC is expected to better earnings when it reports soon.

Also a shout out to Palantir who went up >16% today. I bought in at $10.