I wish Tesla would spin of the Energy Generation and Storage division from the cars as I think it has much more potential. What has always bothered me about their business model is half of it's domestic auto sales are in one state - California, and there are few full service centers anywhere outside that state. Also I just don't see it making inroads on the more established manufactures as Tesla still has the image of being an expensive status symbol for the latte liberals and adult hippies.
I see your concern.
TESLA this year opened a factory in China for the Asian market, and built one in Germany near Berlin for the Euro market, due to begin production soon. Also, another factory will be opened in the SW USA soon, I think in Arizona, and will be able to handle the America's demand for them.
The more they build and sell, will, in time, reduce the price. The Chinese companies will provide plenty of competition for a lower priced EV in the USA...so competition from them will have an affect for the lower priced EV market too.
The EG&S division is making the batteries that will power the EV's and keep TESLA less dependent on outside sources for the key component of their vehicle. Their solar division is expanding to other parts of the US as a new project in Mississippi home building subdivision is underway. The EV's and Solar Roofs complement each other in more ways than they don't if you think about it....clean energy.
GM has only recently announced their plans to build more EV's and are moving in the direction to draw down production of gas CE's. Also, GM recently partnered up with Nikola for use of their EV technology that they so far, lag behind TESLA.
If the government gets even more behind EV production, the more established car manufacturers will have to adapt or they will die the slow death of America 1.0 companies as the America 2.0, 4th Industrial Revolution companies lay them to waste. Just a matter of time. Change business model or go the way of the horse and buggy when Ford came around.
Two other areas to look at investing in are lithium mining companies (needed to make batteries) and companies that make battery charging stations for the flood of EVs coming of age in America on the road and on a corner near you.
Happy investing and good fortune to you all.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!