Steelers Gay William tries to troll Calipari

I never understood why there were so many bandwagon Pittsburg Fans in the Lex/KY area. It's weird to me. Why not the Patriots? Or the Niners? Even the Cowboys? Packers? Why are there so many bandwagon Pittsburg fans whom most have probably never even been to Pittsburg or even Pennsylavania for that matter! I'm sure some have gone to some steelers games but mostly when it's in Cinci or if they're the fans that's taken the bandwagon fan approach so hardcore in life that they've gone to Pittsburg to see a Steelers game, but I guarantee most never have and some have gone to see them play in Cinci. Out of all the teams they could choose to bandwagon for they choose the steelers, why not bandwagon the other teams?

I say that because I feel like I see wayyyyy more bandwagon Pittsburg fans than any other team in this area. I think some of it is because they're Cinci's rival and they just wanna root for them just because it's Bengals area and they hate the locals and bengals fans so much they just choose to root for Pitt out of spite, that could be part of it. Kind of how there's those locals who are UL fans because they don't like UK and all the UK fans they're surrounded by even though they're from the area. That probably is most of the reason. Hard to understand the bandwagon Steelers fans. I swear UL fans and Pittsburg fans are a very very identically alike bunch to the very core. The only difference is the fact most Pitt fans in the area are bandwagon Pitt fans whereas most UL fans are actually true UL fans who are either from the area/Alums. Besides that. Dead on alike. Wouldn't be able to tell them apart without them telling me which team they're a fan of even if I spent hours studying the people trying to decipher which team they root for.

What a load of horse poop! You're using an awful broad brush there aren't you? Bungles fans are much more like UL fans in that they have a definite little brother complex having been dominated by the Steelers for so long! They are so used to failure against them they gifted them the playoff game last year!

Why do fans have to be bandwagon in order to be Steelers fans? Why do they have to live in Penn or in the area? I can only speak for myself and say I connected with certain teams when I was a child and am loyal to that team regardless.

Didn't go to UK but the first basketball game I ever watched was the '78 championship. So I'm a Cats fan.

Didn't live in Cincy but I was listening to the radio when the Big Red Machine was winning. So I'm a Reds fan.

Didn't live in Pittsburgh but I was listening when Bradshaw was throwing to Lynn Swann during the Steel Curtain days. So I'm a Steelers fan.

So I've suffered through the mid '80's with the Cats, suffered through down times with the Steelers and am suffering again now with the Reds. No bandwagon fan here and I'm thinking by the the consistant and prevalent support the Steelers get in almost every stadium they go to, most Steeler fans aren't bandwagon fans either!
I never understood why there were so many bandwagon Pittsburg Fans in the Lex/KY area. It's weird to me. Why not the Patriots? Or the Niners? Even the Cowboys? Packers? Why are there so many bandwagon Pittsburg fans whom most have probably never even been to Pittsburg or even Pennsylavania for that matter! I'm sure some have gone to some steelers games but mostly when it's in Cinci or if they're the fans that's taken the bandwagon fan approach so hardcore in life that they've gone to Pittsburg to see a Steelers game, but I guarantee most never have and some have gone to see them play in Cinci. Out of all the teams they could choose to bandwagon for they choose the steelers, why not bandwagon the other teams?

I say that because I feel like I see wayyyyy more bandwagon Pittsburg fans than any other team in this area. I think some of it is because they're Cinci's rival and they just wanna root for them just because it's Bengals area and they hate the locals and bengals fans so much they just choose to root for Pitt out of spite, that could be part of it. Kind of how there's those locals who are UL fans because they don't like UK and all the UK fans they're surrounded by even though they're from the area. That probably is most of the reason. Hard to understand the bandwagon Steelers fans. I swear UL fans and Pittsburg fans are a very very identically alike bunch to the very core. The only difference is the fact most Pitt fans in the area are bandwagon Pitt fans whereas most UL fans are actually true UL fans who are either from the area/Alums. Besides that. Dead on alike. Wouldn't be able to tell them apart without them telling me which team they're a fan of even if I spent hours studying the people trying to decipher which team they root for.

I never understood why Kentuckian's would support a team from Cincinnati.
Why are you so ignorant that you keep using the word "bandwagon" incorrectly. A bandwagon fan jumps on whatever team is popular, AND then changes teams when that team is no longer good (i.e. the Lakers fan who became a Bulls fan who became a Cavs fan). Most Steeler fans have been so for 40 or so years, through some really bad seasons and periods (like most of the 80's).
Actually I think Bengals fans are more like UL fans, very jealous of the success the Steelers (or Wildcats) have had, so all they can do is name call them.

True, I've never been to a Steelers game. So what! I was a UK fan for at least 10 years before going to a UK game. Never been to a Red Sox game, but been a Sox fan for 40 years too. I've been to only 2 NFL games in my life, both Panthers games. I'm not from Lexington, but I am from SouthCentral KY. Growing up, Cincinnati might as well have been Pittsburgh, both very far away. Our TV stations came from Nashville, so we didn't have a local team on tv every week, we had national games each week which usually involved one of the Cowboys, Raiders, Steelers, Dolphins, or a couple other teams. Probably the only times the Bengals were on TV for us were when they played the Steelers. So when you are a kid, and picking a team to like (for life), you will probably pick a team you can actually get to watch some. For me, my brother was a Cowboys fan, so I had to pick a different team, so at age 6 or 7 I went with the Steelers. I don't think it is even possible for a 6/7 yr old to be a bandwagon fan.
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I never understood why Kentuckian's would support a team from Cincinnati.
Why are you so ignorant that you keep using the word "bandwagon" incorrectly. A bandwagon fan jumps on whatever team is popular, AND then changes teams when that team is no longer good (i.e. the Lakers fan who became a Bulls fan who became a Cavs fan). Most Steeler fans have been so for 40 or so years, through some really bad seasons and periods (like most of the 80's).
Actually I think Bengals fans are more like UL fans, very jealous of the success the Steelers (or Wildcats) have had, so all they can do is name call them.

True, I've never been to a Steelers game. So what! I was a UK fan for at least 10 years before going to a UK game. Never been to a Red Sox game, but been a Sox fan for 40 years too. I've been to only 2 NFL games in my life, both Panthers games. I'm not from Lexington, but I am from SouthCentral KY. Growing up, Cincinnati might as well have been Pittsburgh, both very far away. Our TV stations came from Nashville, so we didn't have a local team on tv every week, we had national games each week which usually involved one of the Cowboys, Raiders, Steelers, Dolphins, or a couple other teams. Probably the only times the Bengals were on TV for us were when they played the Steelers. So when you are a kid, and picking a team to like (for life), you will probably pick a team you can actually get to watch some. For me, my brother was a Cowboys fan, so I had to pick a different team, so at age 6 or 7 I went with the Steelers. I don't think it is even possible for a 6/7 yr old to be a bandwagon fan.
What I mean by bandwagon is a fan that has zero connection to the franchise or the state that the franchise is from. I'm not gonna lie I'm a bandwagon lakers fan. I've never been to LA to Cali for that matter. But I like the lakers. They suck and I still like them. At the same time though I have no connection to the state or LA so therefor I'm not going to claim myself as a True LA fan like others from the area might be. Which is the same with you all and your steelers fandom. And what I got from the 2 previous posts. The bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area. And since they suck and because its pitt's rival I'm a Pitt fan. Or I'm a Pitt fan cuz my brother is a Cowboys fan. That's called bandwagon. No connection at all to the state/area/franchise. And Ben roethlisrapist disagrees with how you feel about Pitt and UL fans. You root for a sex offender the same way UL fans root for sex offenders/adulterers. And the person who is a Reds fan because of the big red machine and a Pitt fan because of a wr qb connection. Sounds like a bandwagon fan to me.
I wonder how many Bengal fans are too embarrassed to wear their gear these days?
Probably not very many. If they haven't given up now, they never will. They'll always be a fan. I'm a fan of them and Bengals fans can be called a lot of things. One of them would have to be loyal. They aren't like a some Steelers fans or some Patriots fans (note I said some) that only root for them because they win. Most Bengals fans have been fans their entire lives. Not many people adopt the Bengals as a team unlike some other teams. UK basketball would be a good example. How many people identified themselves as "UK fans" after Cal got here? Probably a lot more than when Billy was here. You don't see much of that in the Bengals fan base because they haven't had the success to get a huge bandwagon following. Make fun of the team all you want, but the fans that have stuck with that franchise are certainly a loyal bunch.
What I mean by bandwagon is a fan that has zero connection to the franchise or the state that the franchise is from. I'm not gonna lie I'm a bandwagon lakers fan. I've never been to LA to Cali for that matter. But I like the lakers. They suck and I still like them. At the same time though I have no connection to the state or LA so therefor I'm not going to claim myself as a True LA fan like others from the area might be. Which is the same with you all and your steelers fandom. And what I got from the 2 previous posts. The bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area. And since they suck and because its pitt's rival I'm a Pitt fan. Or I'm a Pitt fan cuz my brother is a Cowboys fan. That's called bandwagon. No connection at all to the state/area/franchise. And Ben roethlisrapist disagrees with how you feel about Pitt and UL fans. You root for a sex offender the same way UL fans root for sex offenders/adulterers. And the person who is a Reds fan because of the big red machine and a Pitt fan because of a wr qb connection. Sounds like a bandwagon fan to me.
There's 1000 different reasons why an individual would pick a certain team to root for. My uncle grew up in the Dayton, OH area. The Cowboys were dominant then. He became a fan. He's still a fan to this day. Watches every game, even when they suck. That's not being a bandwagon fan. A bandwagon fan, like others have said, is when you bounce around from team to team based on who is good. A lot of Warriors fans I've seen on Facebook/Twitter were rooting for the Heat 3 years ago and the Lakers 6 years ago. That's being a bandwagon. If you were introduced to the Reds during the Big Red Machine and still like and follow the debacle that they are now, you're not a bandwagon. It's pretty simple logic, really.
Probably not very many. If they haven't given up now, they never will. They'll always be a fan. I'm a fan of them and Bengals fans can be called a lot of things. One of them would have to be loyal. They aren't like a some Steelers fans or some Patriots fans (note I said some) that only root for them because they win. Most Bengals fans have been fans their entire lives. Not many people adopt the Bengals as a team unlike some other teams. UK basketball would be a good example. How many people identified themselves as "UK fans" after Cal got here? Probably a lot more than when Billy was here. You don't see much of that in the Bengals fan base because they haven't had the success to get a huge bandwagon following. Make fun of the team all you want, but the fans that have stuck with that franchise are certainly a loyal bunch.

I know five fans personally that have been fiercely loyal for 3 decades+ that threw in the towel after the disgrace that is Burfict.
What I mean by bandwagon is a fan that has zero connection to the franchise or the state that the franchise is from. I'm not gonna lie I'm a bandwagon lakers fan. I've never been to LA to Cali for that matter. But I like the lakers. They suck and I still like them. At the same time though I have no connection to the state or LA so therefor I'm not going to claim myself as a True LA fan like others from the area might be. Which is the same with you all and your steelers fandom. And what I got from the 2 previous posts. The bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area. And since they suck and because its pitt's rival I'm a Pitt fan. Or I'm a Pitt fan cuz my brother is a Cowboys fan. That's called bandwagon. No connection at all to the state/area/franchise. And Ben roethlisrapist disagrees with how you feel about Pitt and UL fans. You root for a sex offender the same way UL fans root for sex offenders/adulterers. And the person who is a Reds fan because of the big red machine and a Pitt fan because of a wr qb connection. Sounds like a bandwagon fan to me.
So people that live in LA are bigger Laker fans than people, who pull just as hard for the Lakers, that live in Dallas? Awful take.

As others have said, there are 1000 reasons why someone may be a fan of a particular team.

And you clearly don't understand the term bandwagon fan...
The irony in this thread is outstanding.

The only thing nearly as absurd as a UofL guy smack talking Calipari is a Bengals fan crowing to Steelers fans. Not just because the Bengals haven't won a playoff game in over a quarter of a century, but because their fans want to talk about having superior characters on a team that rolls out people like Pac Man Jones and Vontez Burfict.
I think most Bengals fans will own up to their faults in the rivalry. However, I haven't seen much from the Steelers doing the same thing. Joey Porter got the game ball from the playoff game. That shows you what type of organization they have. Bengals fans will tell you Vontaze and Adam Jones are head cases. Steelers fans won't admit that their coaches pulling a player's hair or going on the field to taunt the other team or dancing on the sidelines while Gio lays on the ground waiting for the cart is wrong and uncalled for. They play it off because they've won Super Bowls. That's the problem most Bengals fans have with the Steelers fans.
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I know five fans personally that have been fiercely loyal for 3 decades+ that threw in the towel after the disgrace that is Burfict.
And I bet you on opening kickoff they'll be fans again. How many times have we seen on the football board that people have given up on them? A lot, yet those posters keep coming back. A loss as tough as that one was will get knee jerk reactions from fans. I'm from Cincinnati and all of the Bengals fans I know are still fans albeit much more frustrated and desperate to get over the hump.
What I mean by bandwagon is a fan that has zero connection to the franchise or the state that the franchise is from. I'm not gonna lie I'm a bandwagon lakers fan. I've never been to LA to Cali for that matter. But I like the lakers. They suck and I still like them. At the same time though I have no connection to the state or LA so therefor I'm not going to claim myself as a True LA fan like others from the area might be. Which is the same with you all and your steelers fandom. And what I got from the 2 previous posts. The bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area. And since they suck and because its pitt's rival I'm a Pitt fan. Or I'm a Pitt fan cuz my brother is a Cowboys fan. That's called bandwagon. No connection at all to the state/area/franchise. And Ben roethlisrapist disagrees with how you feel about Pitt and UL fans. You root for a sex offender the same way UL fans root for sex offenders/adulterers. And the person who is a Reds fan because of the big red machine and a Pitt fan because of a wr qb connection. Sounds like a bandwagon fan to me.
People like who they like. For whatever reason. To call anyone a bandwagon fan is dickish. I get that's what you're probably going for but just saying.

And fwiw, I'm, a Steelers fan because I was on the Steelers little league team.
I think most Bengals fans will own up to their faults in the rivalry. However, I haven't seen much from the Steelers doing the same thing. Joey Porter got the game ball from the playoff game. That shows you what type of organization they have. Bengals fans will tell you Vontaze and Adam Jones are head cases. Steelers fans won't admit that their coaches pulling a player's hair or going on the field to taunt the other team or dancing on the sidelines while Gio lays on the ground waiting for the cart is wrong and uncalled for. They play it off because they've won Super Bowls. That's the problem most Bengals fans have with the Steelers fans.

Again, generalization. You should say MOST Steelers fans if you feel that way.

I'm not going to stop rooting for a team based on behavior I don't agree with from individual coaches or players. Now if the organization is corrupt or dishonest as a whole, I may suspend my enthusiasm but I'm not dropping my team regardless. Owners, coaches and players change.

If you are saying the Steelers organization is corrupt, I'd respectfully disagree. No organization is perfect just as no person is. There are many people that hold the Steelers and the Rooneys up as an example of the right way to do things. We've certainly let many players go that had troubles with the law.

If I was a Card fan, I'd be ashamed of what was going on and I'd suspend and mute my enthusiasm. Almost go into hiding! But I respect any fan that sticks by their team through thick and thin.
What I mean by bandwagon is a fan that has zero connection to the franchise or the state that the franchise is from. I'm not gonna lie I'm a bandwagon lakers fan. I've never been to LA to Cali for that matter. But I like the lakers. They suck and I still like them. At the same time though I have no connection to the state or LA so therefor I'm not going to claim myself as a True LA fan like others from the area might be. Which is the same with you all and your steelers fandom. And what I got from the 2 previous posts. The bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area. And since they suck and because its pitt's rival I'm a Pitt fan. Or I'm a Pitt fan cuz my brother is a Cowboys fan. That's called bandwagon. No connection at all to the state/area/franchise. And Ben roethlisrapist disagrees with how you feel about Pitt and UL fans. You root for a sex offender the same way UL fans root for sex offenders/adulterers. And the person who is a Reds fan because of the big red machine and a Pitt fan because of a wr qb connection. Sounds like a bandwagon fan to me.

As another poster mentioned. You are misunderstanding the term 'bandwagon fan'.

Several psychologists have studied fan loyalty, and what causes a person to be a loyal fan, that sticks with a team through adversity (win or lose), rather than abandwagon fan or fairweather fan, that switches support to whatever teams happen to be successful at the time.
I know five fans personally that have been fiercely loyal for 3 decades+ that threw in the towel after the disgrace that is Burfict.
That was almost me. But when you get down to it. Did you see the penalty called on jones? Everyone in the world outside of Steelers fans including everyone on ESPN believes Jones didn't do a damn thing to warrant a penalty. But Porter. Who went to the other side of the field, into our huddle, was talking ish to our players. And jones gets called for the penalty because Porter was on the wrong side of the field talking ish in our huddle? The game was rigged. Had the correct penalty been called on Porter then it would've negated the burrfict penalty. So when you look at it in a logical matter. Then you would realize the refs gave the steelers the game. Not burrfict. Had the correct penalty been called on Porter, and not on jones. Then game over bengals win. But sometimes the officials decide the winner. Not the players. Sometimes officials like to make the game about themselves and not the players. Just the world we live in. And that's what happened. Anyone to disagree with this is just blind to the obvious truth that was caught on evidence.

And let's all not forget the targeting penalty on a play where Bernard was speared directly in the head. Helmet to helmet. Knocked out unconscious. No matter what. Is targeting. The announcers broadcasting the game who were steelers fans tried to say it wasn't targeting, but later on people on ESPN called out those announcers saying they were wrong because any helmet to helmet penalty is targeting and that those announcer were giving the whole nation a false sense into what targeting is by saying helmet to helmet is only targeting in certain situations which couldn't be more wrong. Any helmet to helmet hit, above the neck area, especially one as violent as that one. Especially a violent helmet to helmet collision like that. Is targeting. And on that penalty that wasn't called. Bernard got knocked out after a dirty hit and fumbled the ball. Instead of the bengals having the ball at the 15 yard line with just a few yards to go. Pittsburg got the ball and quickly scored a touchdown because they recovered a fumble on a targeting penalty that wasn't called.

That play justifies any harm that burrfict tried to direct towards any steelers player. Steelers were playing dirty the whole game and Burrfict was tired of it. He was defending Bernard who didn't get the targeting call, by targeting Brown. The point Burrfict was making. If you're not going to call the dirtiest of helmet to helmet collisions on the steelers and reward them for it by giving them the ball, then let's see if they call the same dirty helmet to helmet on us, which they did. I've never seen such a one sided officiated game in my entire life. That's a 14 point swing decided by the refs on the Bernard targeting penalty that wasn't called. At the least a 10 point swing if we finished it with a FG. And at that point the game is it of reach had they made the correct call. And had they called the penalty on Porter instead of Jones. The correct call. Then we would've won. But again. The refs that day wanted to decide the game and make the game all about themselves.

The refs set that game up to be a complete all out war zone once they didn't call the targeting penalty that knocked Bernard unconscious (come on a helmet to helmet hit that he didn't see coming in which concussed him isn't targeting?) and rewarding Pitt with the ball after Bernard fumbled on one of the dirtiest helmet to helmet hits all season. From that point forward there was no way the refs could control any violence for the rest of the game. They were just gonna have to sit by and watch it happen as far as violence goes. So they did the only thing they could do by giving the game to the team they rewarded a fumble recovery to after a dirty targeting penalty that wasn't called.
That was almost me. But when you get down to it. Did you see the penalty called on jones? Everyone in the world outside of Steelers fans including everyone on ESPN believes Jones didn't do a damn thing to warrant a penalty. But Porter. Who went to the other side of the field, into our huddle, was talking ish to our players. And jones gets called for the penalty because Porter was on the wrong side of the field talking ish in our huddle? The game was rigged. Had the correct penalty been called on Porter then it would've negated the burrfict penalty. So when you look at it in a logical matter. Then you would realize the refs gave the steelers the game. Not burrfict. Had the correct penalty been called on Porter, and not on jones. Then game over bengals win. But sometimes the officials decide the winner. Not the players. Sometimes officials like to make the game about themselves and not the players. Just the world we live in. And that's what happened. Anyone to disagree with this is just blind to the obvious truth that was caught on evidence.

And let's all not forget the targeting penalty on a play where Bernard was speared directly in the head. Helmet to helmet. Knocked out unconscious. No matter what. Is targeting. The announcers broadcasting the game who were steelers fans tried to say it wasn't targeting, but later on people on ESPN called out those announcers saying they were wrong because any helmet to helmet penalty is targeting and that those announcer were giving the whole nation a false sense into what targeting is by saying helmet to helmet is only targeting in certain situations which couldn't be more wrong. Any helmet to helmet hit, above the neck area, especially one as violent as that one. Especially a violent helmet to helmet collision like that. Is targeting. And on that penalty that wasn't called. Bernard got knocked out after a dirty hit and fumbled the ball. Instead of the bengals having the ball at the 15 yard line with just a few yards to go. Pittsburg got the ball and quickly scored a touchdown because they recovered a fumble on a targeting penalty that wasn't called.

That play justifies any harm that burrfict tried to direct towards any steelers player. Steelers were playing dirty the whole game and Burrfict was tired of it. He was defending Bernard who didn't get the targeting call, by targeting Brown. The point Burrfict was making. If you're not going to call the dirtiest of helmet to helmet collisions on the steelers and reward them for it by giving them the ball, then let's see if they call the same dirty helmet to helmet on us, which they did. I've never seen such a one sided officiated game in my entire life. That's a 14 point swing decided by the refs on the Bernard targeting penalty that wasn't called. At the least a 10 point swing if we finished it with a FG. And at that point the game is it of reach had they made the correct call. And had they called the penalty on Porter instead of Jones. The correct call. Then we would've won. But again. The refs that day wanted to decide the game and make the game all about themselves.

The refs set that game up to be a complete all out war zone once they didn't call the targeting penalty that knocked Bernard unconscious (come on a helmet to helmet hit that he didn't see coming in which concussed him isn't targeting?) and rewarding Pitt with the ball after Bernard fumbled on one of the dirtiest helmet to helmet hits all season. From that point forward there was no way the refs could control any violence for the rest of the game. They were just gonna have to sit by and watch it happen as far as violence goes. So they did the only thing they could do by giving the game to the team they rewarded a fumble recovery to after a dirty targeting penalty that wasn't called.

you can also add Porter grabbing the hair of Nelson when he ran out of bounds on the Steelers sideline
And I bet you on opening kickoff they'll be fans again. How many times have we seen on the football board that people have given up on them? A lot, yet those posters keep coming back. A loss as tough as that one was will get knee jerk reactions from fans. I'm from Cincinnati and all of the Bengals fans I know are still fans albeit much more frustrated and desperate to get over the hump.

No, they said they don't want to support the disgrace of a franchise that Cincy has become and don't want to be hypocrites. Have fun cheering for that obomination of a franchise.
Funny stuff. Burfict trying to end careers vs. Porter out on the field. Poor Bengals fans. I've never seen such a desperate, pathetic bunch.

well Shazier did try to end the career of Bernard
the Steelers have been a dirty team for a long time
Again, generalization. You should say MOST Steelers fans if you feel that way.

I'm not going to stop rooting for a team based on behavior I don't agree with from individual coaches or players. Now if the organization is corrupt or dishonest as a whole, I may suspend my enthusiasm but I'm not dropping my team regardless. Owners, coaches and players change.

If you are saying the Steelers organization is corrupt, I'd respectfully disagree. No organization is perfect just as no person is. There are many people that hold the Steelers and the Rooneys up as an example of the right way to do things. We've certainly let many players go that had troubles with the law.

If I was a Card fan, I'd be ashamed of what was going on and I'd suspend and mute my enthusiasm. Almost go into hiding! But I respect any fan that sticks by their team through thick and thin.
I'm not comparing the Steelers and UL they aren't even close. My point is that Pittsburgh is just as responsible for the disgrace that the rivalry has become. My argument is that I haven't seen Steelers fans own up to that. The Bengals fans I know have. I'm sure there's a lot of fans on both sides with their heads in the sand. Just from my experience it's been more on the side of the Steelers. I haven't seen very many Steelers fans blame Porter or Munchak for their actions. I cited Porter getting the game ball as evidence of that.

The Steelers are certainly not corrupt. I have very little problems with them as a whole. My biggest complaint has to do with the rivalry. They've gotten very little flak for their role. Joey Porter getting the game ball is a joke. It seems that it's just Cincinnati that gets blasted when it's really on both sides. The fact that the Steelers are a very successful franchise is the reason for some of it.
I think most Bengals fans will own up to their faults in the rivalry. However, I haven't seen much from the Steelers doing the same thing. Joey Porter got the game ball from the playoff game. That shows you what type of organization they have. Bengals fans will tell you Vontaze and Adam Jones are head cases. Steelers fans won't admit that their coaches pulling a player's hair or going on the field to taunt the other team or dancing on the sidelines while Gio lays on the ground waiting for the cart is wrong and uncalled for. They play it off because they've won Super Bowls. That's the problem most Bengals fans have with the Steelers fans.
This. I'm a lifelong Bengals fans. Never wavered even when they sucked. Do they have players with issues? Hell yes.

We probably lost a super bowl because one of our key players missed the damned game he got so coked up the night before.

I have no problems with people being Steelers or Cowboy fans. Lots of people my age became fans of those two in the 70s and have stuck with them.

As long as you aren't bandwagon I don't care who you root for. Just don't be a bandwagon fan or an asshole. Brewdoggy isn't a bandwagon fan.
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What I mean by bandwagon is a fan that has zero connection to the franchise or the state that the franchise is from. I'm not gonna lie I'm a bandwagon lakers fan. I've never been to LA to Cali for that matter. But I like the lakers. They suck and I still like them. At the same time though I have no connection to the state or LA so therefor I'm not going to claim myself as a True LA fan like others from the area might be. Which is the same with you all and your steelers fandom. And what I got from the 2 previous posts. The bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area. And since they suck and because its pitt's rival I'm a Pitt fan. Or I'm a Pitt fan cuz my brother is a Cowboys fan. That's called bandwagon. No connection at all to the state/area/franchise. And Ben roethlisrapist disagrees with how you feel about Pitt and UL fans. You root for a sex offender the same way UL fans root for sex offenders/adulterers. And the person who is a Reds fan because of the big red machine and a Pitt fan because of a wr qb connection. Sounds like a bandwagon fan to me.

You clearly are incapable of understanding what a bandwagon fan is. There are lots of sports fans who have no connection to any NFL team. So using your logic, either they have no right to become a fan of ANY team OR they are a bandwagon fan of whatever team they choose.
Actually, I must add that you are incapable of reading and understanding the English language, if your takeaway was that I choose the Steelers because "the bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area". I stated the complete opposite. Being from SouthCentral KY, I was no where close to being near Cincinnati. At the age of 6 or 7 I doubt I knew if the Bengals sucked or were good, I doubt I even knew who they were. In fact, a quick little Wiki-search shows that the Bengals were pretty good (10-4 & 11-3) about the time I choose the Steelers as my team, throwing yet another wrench into your idiotic assumptions.
For those who want to dispute it. How in the freaking world is this not targeting? Explain. Steelers fan somewhere explain.

Did you watch the actual play? It was a very unfortunate play! But Bernard turned into the hit. Not saying Shazier is not partly to blame, as you shouldn't put your head down to make a hit (dangerous to you and the other player, and you lose sight of the other player). I think it was clearly not "targeting" or illegal, it was just bad tackling technique.
Did you watch the actual play? It was a very unfortunate play! But Bernard turned into the hit. Not saying Shazier is not partly to blame, as you shouldn't put your head down to make a hit (dangerous to you and the other player, and you lose sight of the other player). I think it was clearly not "targeting" or illegal, it was just bad tackling technique.
I haven't read the entire rulebook, but isn't it against the rules to lead with the crown of your helmet? That's clearly what he did. I don't think it was malicious in intent, but it certainly led with the crown of the helmet.
I know five fans personally that have been fiercely loyal for 3 decades+ that threw in the towel after the disgrace that is Burfict.

Burfict is a head hunter no doubt, NFL football has become so panzied-ass that is almost intolerable. Crying over his "too rough play against my wittle team" is just a wuss bucket chant.

Pacman is the idiot, and more than just the playoff game.
Burfict is a head hunter no doubt, NFL football has become so panzied-ass that is almost intolerable. Crying over his "too rough play against my wittle team" is just a wuss bucket chant.

Pacman is the idiot, and more than just the playoff game.
If Jeremy Hill holds onto the ball Burfict is the hero of that game.
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I'm not comparing the Steelers and UL they aren't even close. My point is that Pittsburgh is just as responsible for the disgrace that the rivalry has become. My argument is that I haven't seen Steelers fans own up to that. The Bengals fans I know have. I'm sure there's a lot of fans on both sides with their heads in the sand. Just from my experience it's been more on the side of the Steelers. I haven't seen very many Steelers fans blame Porter or Munchak for their actions. I cited Porter getting the game ball as evidence of that.

The Steelers are certainly not corrupt. I have very little problems with them as a whole. My biggest complaint has to do with the rivalry. They've gotten very little flak for their role. Joey Porter getting the game ball is a joke. It seems that it's just Cincinnati that gets blasted when it's really on both sides. The fact that the Steelers are a very successful franchise is the reason for some of it.

I really don't have any problem with any of this JBHolmesfan, other than you saying Steeler fans should blame Porter or Munchak. What's to blame them for?! Now do I condone what they did? No, other than Porter. He clearly shouldn't have been on the field but that's the ref's call, not his. He knows the game and obviously accomplished his goal of goading the Bengal players into responding. That's on them honestly, they should have known better.

I think where things get confusing is that there is trash talking on both sides. Some fans won't admit to anything their team did wrong and revel in the misery and complaints of their rivals. I know when our team or our players do wrong and will admit to it when it happens. What does that really matter though? If the refs or the league don't punish it what are we, as fans, supposed to say. There is nothing we fans can do about that or about Porter getting a game ball. All we can do is chuckle at how he is still winning games for us! I know that bothers Bengal fans but I know if the shoe was on the other foot, like it has been very occasionally, it happens.

It's kind of the opposite of most UNC fans I think. As a whole, they deny their school did anything at all when clearly they did. Even if the NCAA refuses to punish them.
If Jeremy Hill holds onto the ball Burfict is the hero of that game.

i'll go a step farther
if ML would have just had them take a knee 3 times and burn the steelers timeouts and then kick the FG, then i think the Bengals win
Pittsburg would have had to score a TD with no timeouts
I really don't have any problem with any of this JBHolmesfan, other than you saying Steeler fans should blame Porter or Munchak. What's to blame them for?! Now do I condone what they did? No, other than Porter. He clearly shouldn't have been on the field but that's the ref's call, not his. He knows the game and obviously accomplished his goal of goading the Bengal players into responding. That's on them honestly, they should have known better.

I think where things get confusing is that there is trash talking on both sides. Some fans won't admit to anything their team did wrong and revel in the misery and complaints of their rivals. I know when our team or our players do wrong and will admit to it when it happens. What does that really matter though? If the refs or the league don't punish it what are we, as fans, supposed to say. There is nothing we fans can do about that or about Porter getting a game ball. All we can do is chuckle at how he is still winning games for us! I know that bothers Bengal fans but I know if the shoe was on the other foot, like it has been very occasionally, it happens.

It's kind of the opposite of most UNC fans I think. As a whole, they deny their school did anything at all when clearly they did. Even if the NCAA refuses to punish them.

You didn't have a problem with a coach pulling an opposing players hair? :scream:
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I haven't read the entire rulebook, but isn't it against the rules to lead with the crown of your helmet? That's clearly what he did. I don't think it was malicious in intent, but it certainly led with the crown of the helmet.

And that I agree with you on.
You didn't have a problem with a coach pulling an opposing players hair? :scream:

On the contrary: 'Now do I condone what they did? No, other than Porter.'

I did have a problem with that and will admit it was wrong. Not sure how you thought otherwise as I cleary stated it as I've shown above.
Bandwagon Fan
Anyone who claims they are a "fan" of a particular sports team, even though they had no prior support for/interest in the team until that team started winning. These types of fans only show playoff interest, have probably never watched a regular season game, don't own any type of team merchandise, nor would they buy any.
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I really don't have any problem with any of this JBHolmesfan, other than you saying Steeler fans should blame Porter or Munchak. What's to blame them for?! Now do I condone what they did? No, other than Porter. He clearly shouldn't have been on the field but that's the ref's call, not his. He knows the game and obviously accomplished his goal of goading the Bengal players into responding. That's on them honestly, they should have known better.

I think where things get confusing is that there is trash talking on both sides. Some fans won't admit to anything their team did wrong and revel in the misery and complaints of their rivals. I know when our team or our players do wrong and will admit to it when it happens. What does that really matter though? If the refs or the league don't punish it what are we, as fans, supposed to say. There is nothing we fans can do about that or about Porter getting a game ball. All we can do is chuckle at how he is still winning games for us! I know that bothers Bengal fans but I know if the shoe was on the other foot, like it has been very occasionally, it happens.

It's kind of the opposite of most UNC fans I think. As a whole, they deny their school did anything at all when clearly they did. Even if the NCAA refuses to punish them.
In the mid-2000's when Bengals players were getting arrested seemingly everyday I think a lot of fans had problems with that. Mike Munchak pulling the hair of Reggie Nelson should be embarrassing for the organization. I'm not saying you should lead a crusade to get him fired but that's a huge reason why the Bengals were as mad as they were. The Bengals lost their cool. Plain and simple. That being said there's no excuse for what Steelers COACHES did. To reward Joey Porter for doing what he did was wrong, in my opinion. Obviously doesn't change the outcome of the game, but it goes back to the responsibility thing. If Pittsburgh had just won the game without the theatrics that ensued, I don't think we'd be talking about this right now. Bengals fans would be like well we suck in the playoffs again. This time, I think there's a lot for them to be pissed about regarding the Steelers. You can't rip on Adam Jones and Vontaze Burfict while discrediting the actions of the coaches because like I said that was a huge reason they were so mad. Again, both sides should be embarrassed with the way the end of that game was handled.
In the mid-2000's when Bengals players were getting arrested seemingly everyday I think a lot of fans had problems with that. Mike Munchak pulling the hair of Reggie Nelson should be embarrassing for the organization. I'm not saying you should lead a crusade to get him fired but that's a huge reason why the Bengals were as mad as they were. The Bengals lost their cool. Plain and simple. That being said there's no excuse for what Steelers COACHES did. To reward Joey Porter for doing what he did was wrong, in my opinion. Obviously doesn't change the outcome of the game, but it goes back to the responsibility thing. If Pittsburgh had just won the game without the theatrics that ensued, I don't think we'd be talking about this right now. Bengals fans would be like well we suck in the playoffs again. This time, I think there's a lot for them to be pissed about regarding the Steelers. You can't rip on Adam Jones and Vontaze Burfict while discrediting the actions of the coaches because like I said that was a huge reason they were so mad. Again, both sides should be embarrassed with the way the end of that game was handled.

I agree.

You have to admit though, if the shoe was on the other foot on the Porter deal, you'd be chuckling to yourself about it. To calmly walk out there and just say a few words that evoke a reaction like that and change the whole game! Players need to have discipline to understand situations and not react the way they did.

As I said, Porter shouldn't have been out there and the refs should have nipped it in the bud but we see it all the time in sports, especially in UK games! Refs screw up ALL the time. Players can't react emotionally and make things worse. It's a hard thing to do because your heart and soul is in the game. I know, I've been there. At a completely different level but I've been there. Anyone who's played organized sports has.
What I mean by bandwagon is a fan that has zero connection to the franchise or the state that the franchise is from. I'm not gonna lie I'm a bandwagon lakers fan. I've never been to LA to Cali for that matter. But I like the lakers. They suck and I still like them. At the same time though I have no connection to the state or LA so therefor I'm not going to claim myself as a True LA fan like others from the area might be. Which is the same with you all and your steelers fandom. And what I got from the 2 previous posts. The bengals suck and I don't want to root for them because I'm from the area. And since they suck and because its pitt's rival I'm a Pitt fan. Or I'm a Pitt fan cuz my brother is a Cowboys fan. That's called bandwagon. No connection at all to the state/area/franchise. And Ben roethlisrapist disagrees with how you feel about Pitt and UL fans. You root for a sex offender the same way UL fans root for sex offenders/adulterers. And the person who is a Reds fan because of the big red machine and a Pitt fan because of a wr qb connection. Sounds like a bandwagon fan to me.

So what you mean by bandwagon fan is something totally different from what it means?

For those who want to dispute it. How in the freaking world is this not targeting? Explain. Steelers fan somewhere explain.

As a falcons fan, i have no dog in this hunt.

Before your posts, i had assumed the bengals got the short end of the stick. But congratulations, you achieved the exact opposite in your rant. I now believe it was called properly.

The hit on the running back was not a defenseless receiver as he took a few steps and turned.

And then you say burfict was just playing eye for an eye game.. well thats the absolute dumbest thing ive ever heard. The last drive of a playoff game is the exact opposite of when someone would play that game. Or at least, any non bungle.

Play defense, get a stop and then complain about the refs after you send the steelers packing.

You seem like the perfect fan for last years bungle team.