Steelers Gay William tries to troll Calipari

So what you mean by bandwagon fan is something totally different from what it means?

As a falcons fan, i have no dog in this hunt.

Before your posts, i had assumed the bengals got the short end of the stick. But congratulations, you achieved the exact opposite in your rant. I now believe it was called properly.

The hit on the running back was not a defenseless receiver as he took a few steps and turned.

And then you say burfict was just playing eye for an eye game.. well thats the absolute dumbest thing ive ever heard. The last drive of a playoff game is the exact opposite of when someone would play that game. Or at least, any non bungle.

Play defense, get a stop and then complain about the refs after you send the steelers packing.

You seem like the perfect fan for last years bungle team.
It very well could've been called spearing or leading with the crown of the helmet. It wasn't malicious nor was it on a defenseless receiver but it could've been a flag nonetheless. Either way, the Bengals absolutely blew that game. As a Bengals fan I can't argue otherwise.

You're a fan of a team that started 6-1 and missed the playoffs. I wouldn't make much fun of the Bengals. The Falcons and Bengals are on the same scale in the ineptitude department.