Rupp Rafters NBA Legends GM Draft Round 10 Aike OTC

The timing for these polls is not ideal. I have to think a lot are going to get lost in all the Reid Travis, and NBA draft decision threads. It is what it is though.

I would wait a day. Everyone is on stay or go watch today. Followed either by muted celebration or vociferous complaining.
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The timing for these polls is not ideal. I have to think a lot are going to get lost in all the Reid Travis, and NBA draft decision threads. It is what it is though.

That's why I haven't started a thread and am not pushing for anyone else to. I'd also like for more than four participants to acknowledge that they're still alive.
I would wait a day. Everyone is on stay or go watch today. Followed either by muted celebration or vociferous complaining.
and then another day because the roster breakdown threads will abound.
Maybe I missed it, but you y'all specify the rules the teams would be playing under? Modern NBA? 1980s? Pre shot clock?
Maybe I missed it, but you y'all specify the rules the teams would be playing under? Modern NBA? 1980s? Pre shot clock?

I think the understanding is that this would take place now but with all of the players transported via time machine. So today's court, three point line, shot clock, etc.
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I think the understanding is that this would take place now but with all of the players transported via time machine. So today's court, three point line, shot clock, etc.

I would go a step further and say it’s fine to conjecture about how some of these players would perform in the modern NBA with modern training, etc.

For instance, I wouldn’t take a guy from the 60s and say that he couldn’t shoot threes. There weren’t any, of course. But saying that someone is a great shooter who would adapt to any era is fair game.

In other words, do whatever you want.
I would go a step further and say it’s fine to conjecture about how some of these players would perform in the modern NBA with modern training, etc.

For instance, I wouldn’t take a guy from the 60s and say that he couldn’t shoot threes. There weren’t any, of course. But saying that someone is a great shooter who would adapt to any era is fair game.

In other words, do whatever you want.

Maybe. Within reason. But that also comes with the inverse, which is that their stats and winning wouldn't have been as good alongside bigger and better competition.

You can't say Mikan would have been a three point shooter and say he'd still average 25-15 or whatever in the post.
Maybe. Within reason. But that also comes with the inverse, which is that their stats and winning wouldn't have been as good alongside bigger and better competition.

You can't say Mikan would have been a three point shooter and say he'd still average 25-15 or whatever in the post.

I’d say it’s a feel thing. Like everyone knows that Dolph Schayes would rule the modern NBA. For instance.

All seriousness (because this is serious stuff), if I want to send Dolph Schayes in for 2 minutes a half to throw elbows and grab a couple boards, fair enough. But if I wanted to start him, I should get roasted for that.

But whatever. My team is incredibly well suited for any era of basketball, so bring it on.
I’d say it’s a feel thing. Like everyone knows that Dolph Schayes would rule the modern NBA. For instance.

All seriousness (because this is serious stuff), if I want to send Dolph Schayes in for 2 minutes a half to throw elbows and grab a couple boards, fair enough. But if I wanted to start him, I should get roasted for that.

But whatever. My team is incredibly well suited for any era of basketball, so bring it on.
Y'all can use whatever criteria you want. I'm just voting for whichever team has Jordan.
Monday. The draft deadline decisions would have cluttered everything up too much. Matchups have been set for a while.

Monday morning, start posing your threads. Or don't and we'll just eliminate both teams.