Rowan County Clerk Refuses After Supreme Court

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The gays need a leader like the blacks have Al Sharpton. Who would be a good gay leader?
This woman is a loser and so is everyone else who thinks they can force their bogus religon on anyone they please.
pst, you are such a simpleton. 2 weeks ago she was as nobody as nobody could be in this country. today she is the most discussed elected official in the nation outside of Obama.

Think she's not gonna make a bunch of money off this "stand" she is undertaking? Helluvalot more than you will ever see in your lifetime.

she's playing 3D chess while all the rest of you are playing preschool checkers
pst, you are such a simpleton. 2 weeks ago she was as nobody as nobody could be in this country. today she is the most discussed elected official in the nation outside of Obama.

Think she's not gonna make a bunch of money off this "stand" she is undertaking? Helluvalot more than you will ever see in your lifetime.

she's playing 3D chess while all the rest of you are playing preschool checkers
Exactly, she is up there with Hawkings, Einstein, Tesla,Edison, etc. A true pioneer. I think she is thinking 4th dimensionally.
I wonder if they'll be a gay riot in Rowan Co. and if so what will it look like.

Rainbows painted on buildings?
Redecorating of downtown?


But at least it won't be filled with illiterate, sister-fister, toothless hilljacks in sleeveless T-shirts like a supporters of Kim Davis rally.
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I'm a Christian, I am supposed to abhor violence, you know turn the other cheek. Do you think these rubes would respect my stand if I refused to issue gun licenses on religious grounds?
So according to Ben Carson, Republican Presidential nominee #2, spending time in prison causes homosexuality. Does that mean Kim is gonna be turned to the Pink side? That would throw this whole thing for a wicked loop...
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It's 5:19. In about 40 minutes Kim will be receiving her third "hot" of the day. Then it's off to the cot. By tomorrow, she'll be lookin' for some fits, kicks, and a brim.
If Hillary were President, none of this would have happened. Believe it. Vote it.
I applaud her stance. You can call her names and be glad she is in jail. I doubt all those on here rejoicing have the guts to take a stand like she did. You make little comments and feel superior. I respect her stance.

I was reading along in an attempt to find out where the mood had gone since I'd read last. Imagine my surprise when I came across this gem. You have just singlehandedly given every person that has ever done anything wrong, amnesty. You are awesome, glad you get to vote.
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So how far reaching is this "contempt of court" deal? Can I have public utility officials thrown in jail if they don't fix my damned water pressure in 2 months?

I got a constertushunal right to more psi, dammit.
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I was reading along in an attempt to find out where the mood had gone since I'd read last. Imagine my surprise when I came across this gem. You have just singlehandedly given every person that has ever done anything wrong, amnesty. You are awesome, glad you get to vote.
Glad I do too. Great country we have. Even someone like you can enjoy free speech. Being clueless is a choice you made.
Glad I do too. Great country we have. Even someone like you can enjoy free speech. Being clueless is a choice you made.

Let us say for the sake of argument that I am in fact, "clueless". What does that make you since I have a much better understanding of "free speech" than you do?
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When did Christians get into an arms race of "crazy" with Muslims?? It's as if they felt the crazy Muslims were gaining too much ground so Christians decided to amp up their craziness.

Seriously. Step outside of your bubble and look how crazy some of these people have become. It's the 21st century for crying out loud

Muslims murder gays, pretty sure that's a little worse than not granting a marriage license.
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Let us say for the sake of argument that I am in fact, "clueless". What does that make you since I have a much better understanding of "free speech" than you do?
Being arrogant doesn't make you right. I oppose same sex marriage. This woman didn't want to support it in anyway. She took a stand and I respect that.

Do you support same sex marriage? If you do, you have that right, but you can't force others to accept it. She was in a very tough position and she decided to not go against her faith.

The ridiculous comparisons to racism and hitler are unworthy of a reply.
Being arrogant doesn't make you right. I oppose same sex marriage. This woman didn't want to support it in anyway. She took a stand and I respect that.

Do you support same sex marriage? If you do, you have that right, but you can't force others to accept it. She was in a very tough position and she decided to not go against her faith.

The ridiculous comparisons to racism and hitler are unworthy of a reply.

Being arrogant doesn't make me wrong either. Goes without saying that you are anti same sex marriage. I am too to a certain extent. I thought civil unions were good enough to get the legal benefits of marriage without stepping on the toes of another group that I also don't agree with.

Because of my disdain for both groups I am able to form an unbiased opinion on the matter. You cannot do that.

By giving the license she isn't necessarily condoning the union, she is just collecting a piece of paper and a fee.

As soon as the government starts telling particular clergymen that they must perform the service, I'll be on your team.
I'd like to renounce my comparison of Davis to Rosa Parks. It was a joke, but for those who don't know, besides having a better cause, Parks was about 800x a better person in the community than this lady. That said, Davis agreed to the job before the supreme court radically changed the meaning of marriage. Marriage had been between a man and a woman for the last 2000 years and the left up and decided that didn't matter anymore. So yeah, I'm behind her, and I don't care if she's trash. She at least has conviction, which went out the window for the democrats a long time ago.
Being arrogant doesn't make me wrong either. Goes without saying that you are anti same sex marriage. I am too to a certain extent. I thought civil unions were good enough to get the legal benefits of marriage without stepping on the toes of another group that I also don't agree with.

Because of my disdain for both groups I am able to form an unbiased opinion on the matter. You cannot do that.

By giving the license she isn't necessarily condoning the union, she is just collecting a piece of paper and a fee.

As soon as the government starts telling particular clergymen that they must perform the service, I'll be on your team.
I stated very clearly I was against it. And don't think they are not already infringing on religious freedom. It will not stop here. They don't want it mentioned from a pulpit in church and will try to stop it there as well. Already are. It happened in Houston. Gods word is not subject to man's law and never will be.

You applaud this as a victory. It is not. It's another brick in the wall of freedom being removed. Just beware when something you strongly believe in becomes a crime when you are told you must conform. You won't be as joyful then.
I'd like to renounce my comparison of Davis to Rosa Parks. It was a joke, but for those who don't know, besides having a better cause, Parks was about 800x a better person in the community than this lady. That said, Davis agreed to the job before the supreme court radically changed the meaning of marriage. Marriage had been between a man and a woman for the last 2000 years and the left up and decided that didn't matter anymore. So yeah, I'm behind her, and I don't care if she's trash. She at least has conviction, which went out the window for the democrats a long time ago.
Why do you always feel the need to attack the democrats? Or the liberals? And throw out generalizations as if they don't apply to the side you support? It would have been more admirable and Christ like (sacrifice) had she respectfully stepped down.
I stated very clearly I was against it. And don't think they are not already infringing on religious freedom. It will not stop here. They don't want it mentioned from a pulpit in church and will try to stop it there as well. Already are. It happened in Houston. Gods word is not subject to man's law and never will be.

You applaud this as a victory. It is not. It's another brick in the wall of freedom being removed. Just beware when something you strongly believe in becomes a crime when you are told you must conform. You won't be as joyful then.
Freedom being removed? She is an elected official who used her beliefs to justify denying people their rights according to the law. She never had a leg to stand on. She can still go to church on Sunday and pray all the live long day. No one is stopping her.
Muslims murder gays, pretty sure that's a little worse than not granting a marriage license.
And there have been plenty of documented cases of gays being murdered for who they are. It's an escalation. Just like murderers. One day they are killing frogs and birds for fun next day. .... Is that extreme yet? maybe not yet. but it's going that way. You can't drill that kind of dogma into someone and expect them to not EVENTUALLY go that way. It'll all be in the name of "God".
She should have stepped down Wayne. Once the rules changed, if she wasn't willing to play by them, she should have stepped. She was elected to serve the people of the county.
I stated very clearly I was against it. And don't think they are not already infringing on religious freedom. It will not stop here. They don't want it mentioned from a pulpit in church and will try to stop it there as well. Already are. It happened in Houston. Gods word is not subject to man's law and never will be.

You applaud this as a victory. It is not. It's another brick in the wall of freedom being removed. Just beware when something you strongly believe in becomes a crime when you are told you must conform. You won't be as joyful then.

They are NOT infringing on HER religious freedom. She stills has as much as she ever has in the four years she's claimed it. Even though she has gone directly against the church in her personal life, she is attempting to force her newfound faith on someone else.

Freedom OF religion also means freedom FROM religion. She has no right at all to force her beliefs on another. They are not forcing her to marry them, they are asking she perform the duty she agreed to perform when she accepted the job. If the terms of her employment change, she must accept the change or leave. Just that simple.
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