Rowan County Clerk Refuses After Supreme Court

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The real question is if a couple gets married in Kentucky, and then they move to another state; and they get a divorce. Are they still sister and brother?
How long are we gonna have to have debates about gay marriage? Is this on track to be a decades-long whine fest like schmaschmortions or is it just a fad like the fight over Terri Schiavo?


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This will be talked about for decades as a political talking point. Just like abortion, which will never become illegal, is still talked about by people who don't even care about it to get support from people who still care about it for some reason.

There is one thing though that I never understood: How come there hasn't been a massive anti-divorce movement? It causes "broken homes", messes with the "sanctity of marriage" blah blah blah, but I never ever see that brought up as a talking point. Would think some southern states would rally around it but they never have. o_O
In a veritable sea of shining rubes ripe for the plumbing this "clerk" who makes 80 grand in some backwoods county is parlaying that into even more cash and power. I'm telling you that farming these rubes is a racket. You can make out like a bandit if you know all the keystrokes to Dixie and can drag your knuckles on a bible when a good thumping is called for. This is almost like stealing. I see people all over the place doing it, too. Heck, one entire major policial party has conned these poor dirt farmers into propping up a bunch of rich yankee bankers. You just can't possibly understand how easily these simple folk are to con and swindle. PT Barnum would have built a 10,000 acre church to farm these rubes in.
"New data shows that U.S. divorce rates are higher in Southern states such as Alabama, Kentucky, and Texas. This information is important to church leaders since these states are located in what is traditionally known as the "Bible Belt." However, these same leaders squabble over whether or not Christians are truly part of America's growing divorce problem."

I can see that these gay couples are destroying the sanctity of marriage. Good thing we found a woman that's been married 3 times from the Bible Belt to champion the sanctity of marriage. That won't come off as hypocritical in the least. Very credible.

Somehow they are always experts on what everyone else is supposed to do but don't quite get around to applying their warped morality on themselves?
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If she thinks she's following God's law on marriage in her own life, having been married four times, then she's obviously never read that obscure part of the Bible know as The Sermon on the Mount. She should read it now that she is going to have the time.
1:05 p.m.

A federal judge has ordered a defiant Kentucky clerk to jail after she refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning told Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis she would be jailed until she complied with his order to issue the licenses. Davis said "thank you" before she was led out of the courtroom by a U.S. marshal. She was not in handcuffs.

Davis has refused to issue marriages licenses for two months since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. She argues that her Christian faith should exempt her from signing the licenses.
She knows the rubes are going to raise a fortune for her and give her all the attention she craves for the rest of her life. Not a bad gig for a backwoods clerk if you happen to find yourself in the enviable position of playing hero to folks that are begging to be duped. Fairly impressive for a 3 time divorcee to worm her way into being the self appointed protector of the sanctity of marriage. It takes a special kind of audience to be that gullible.
I still don't understand. None of it. Bitch ain't have the power to deny marriage, first of all. Second, the whole marriage deal makes no sense in regards to the government. It's very weird. Third, this is Rowan Co. They voted for this lady. Is government going to reform Rowan Co or the entire state of KY if they don't like our beliefs? The whole situation could be fixed by a 3rd grader.
Kudos to Judge Bunning for doing his job. Sounds like a smart man, he should have ran for governor instead of these two clowns we have on the ballot.
That would be ironic if her cell mate is a lesbian. What can she refuse to do then refuse to eat (pun somewhat intended)?
Great day!!! That beyotch gets thrown in jail and Tom Brady is going to get to play football. USA...USA...USA
I think they were instructed not to issue licenses.

I can't get over incredibly stupid the reaction to TEH GHEY MARRGE has been. Now there's a judge in Tennessee that won't let people get a divorce because of it. "Idiocracy" is a documentary.
I can't quite figure out why people can't separate Biblical marriage from legal marriage. Kim Davis wasn't asked to perform an ordinance of the faith, she was asked to issue a legal document that happens to share the same name.

What's wrong with issuing the legal document but standing by your belief that their marriage isn't recognized in the eyes of God? I'm sure there are Christians who are married but have never had a marriage certificate signed. How is that any different?

Maybe I'm just too simplistic though.
I applaud her stance. You can call her names and be glad she is in jail. I doubt all those on here rejoicing have the guts to take a stand like she did. You make little comments and feel superior. I respect her stance.
I wonder how long she sits in there before she gives in. If there wasn't a spotlight shining on her, I'd say she'd change her mind before bedtime. But, since she's got a golden ticket on the talk show and televangelist circuits, as well as what I'm assuming will be a some sort of book deal, she'll probably hold out for a pretty long time...otherwise you kind of eff up your marketability as a martyr.
I applaud her stance. You can call her names and be glad she is in jail. I doubt all those on here rejoicing have the guts to take a stand like she did. You make little comments and feel superior. I respect her stance.

The act of standing up for your convictions, by itself, is not automatically respectable.
She should just quit her job. It's like a christian nurse working for a doctor that suddenly decides he wants to start performing abortions. There's no way to get around the conflict of interest.
The act of standing up for your convictions, by itself, is not automatically respectable.
Doesn't matter what you or I think. She believes what she believes. She took a stand well knowing what could happen. Very few people that would do that. You don't like her belief. So what.
When did Christians get into an arms race of "crazy" with Muslims?? It's as if they felt the crazy Muslims were gaining too much ground so Christians decided to amp up their craziness.

Seriously. Step outside of your bubble and look how crazy some of these people have become. It's the 21st century for crying out loud
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Wasn't it Henry David Thoreau who decided to go to jail for something that he felt so strongly about. And when a friend walked by and asked why he's in jail, Thoreau responded, "Why are you out there?"

I do tip my cap for standing up for something that you believe in. I certainly wouldn't have acted like she has, but she does display guts.
When did Christians get into an arms race of "crazy" with Muslims?? It's as if they felt the crazy Muslims were gaining too much ground so Christians decided to amp up their craziness.

Seriously. Step outside of your bubble and look how crazy some of these people have become. It's the 21st century for crying out loud

How many other places is this happening? Zero. This is one person who is doing this.
Doesn't matter what you or I think. She believes what she believes. She took a stand well knowing what could happen. Very few people that would do that. You don't like her belief. So what.


Exactly what I just said. That act of standing up for your convictions, in and of itself, does not earn you respect. Lots of people throughout history have stood up for their convictions when they shouldn't have.
I wonder if they'll be a gay riot in Rowan Co. and if so what will it look like.

Rainbows painted on buildings?
Redecorating of downtown?
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