Rowan County Clerk Refuses After Supreme Court

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Were is the statute requiring the service?

No marriage shall be solemnized without a license therefor. The license shall be issued by the clerk of the county in which the female resides at the time, unless the female is eighteen (18) years of age or over or a widow, and the license is issued on her application in person or by writing signed by her, in which case it may be issued by any county clerk.

Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 402.080 (West)

You can assume the "female" portion of the statute will be interpreted in a manner that complies with Obergefell until the wording can be officially changed.
Those are each of them wonderful examples of where the institution of marriage has been discussed to a philosophical extent during case rulings. Lovely research from a poetic paralegal point of view. But in none of those examples is there a mandate for an action on the part of the states or to any office of a state.

The June 26 ruling on behalf of same sex marriage does not limit itself to philosophical banter. Rather, it mandates action to the states to ensure a process for same sex marriage is licensed. It doesn't do this by discussing the inherent liberty alone, nor by stopping at what the court has "long recognized." It says you will f'king damn well do this when it comes to same sex marriage (sanction it).

If you try to explain to a monkey how to tie a pair of shoes, and the monkey responds by digging shit from his ass and throwing it at you, then continuing on is pointless.
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Can't wait till Artificial Intelligence is invented.

"Judge, I ain't giving no murruge license to a robot. God didn't say anything about murrying your computer"

Clerk Casey from Casey County wanted the Governor to create an online system to issue licenses to same sex couples.
Beshear should give them the FU and put all the county clerk duties online and install terminals in the clerk offices.
Called it the Casey-Davis Automated Clerk System and dissolve 120 $80,000/year average jobs.
That's nearly three times the median wage for Rowan county residents not including benefits.
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Clerk Casey from Casey County wanted the Governor to create an online system to issue licenses to same sex couples.
Beshear should give them the FU and put all the county clerk duties online and install terminals in the clerk offices.
Called it the Casey-Davis Automated Clerk System and dissolve 120 $80,000/year average jobs.

Not a voter in Ky anymore, but damn. That is a great idea. Save the tax payers a lot of money.
Would that apply for AI too?
The person solemnizing the marriage or the clerk of the religious society before which it was solemnized shall within one (1) month return the license to the county clerk of the county in which it was issued, with a certificate of the marriage over his signature, giving the date and place of celebration and the names of at least two (2) of the persons present.

Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 402.220 (West)

The certificate shall be filed in the county clerk's office. The county clerk shall keep in a record book a fair register of the parties' names, the person by whom, or the religious society by which, the marriage was solemnized, the date when the marriage was solemnized, and shall keep an index to the book in which the register is made.

Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 402.230 (West)

Each county clerk shall use the form prescribed by the Department for Libraries and Archives when issuing a marriage license. This form shall provide for the entering of all of the information required in this section, and may also provide for the entering of additional information prescribed by the Department for Libraries and Archives. The form shall consist of:

(2) A marriage certificate which provides for the entering of:

(d) A signed statement by the county clerk or a deputy county clerk of the county in which the marriage license was issued that the marriage certificate was recorded. The statement shall indicate the name of the county and the date the marriage certificate was recorded.

Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 402.100 (West)
Good for her. The supreme court is not some supreme being, even though they think they are all gods.

Doesn't your bible say give Caesar what is Caesars and God what is yeah your bible even understands seperation of church and state. Try again.
All she is looking for now is her big fat bigot check that she'll get on some ghost written book deal that warped christians that don't understand their own teachings will buy because they think she is a martyr.
For such a wealthy and intelligent individual, you sure use wrong words frequently.

I lost an eye in a military accident, makes typing difficult but no excuse. I'll try to do better. No sure how you surmise my wealth - maybe you're just easily intimidated.
The person solemnizing the marriage or the clerk of the religious society before which it was solemnized shall within one (1) month return the license to the county clerk of the county in which it was issued, with a certificate of the marriage over his signature, giving the date and place of celebration and the names of at least two (2) of the persons present.

Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 402.220 (West)

The certificate shall be filed in the county clerk's office. The county clerk shall keep in a record book a fair register of the parties' names, the person by whom, or the religious society by which, the marriage was solemnized, the date when the marriage was solemnized, and shall keep an index to the book in which the register is made.

Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 402.230 (West)

Each county clerk shall use the form prescribed by the Department for Libraries and Archives when issuing a marriage license. This form shall provide for the entering of all of the information required in this section, and may also provide for the entering of additional information prescribed by the Department for Libraries and Archives. The form shall consist of:

(2) A marriage certificate which provides for the entering of:

(d) A signed statement by the county clerk or a deputy county clerk of the county in which the marriage license was issued that the marriage certificate was recorded. The statement shall indicate the name of the county and the date the marriage certificate was recorded.

Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 402.100 (West)

Each of these activities occur downstream of the license issuing service. Good information. Great research. As for the requirement for using the form, there is a Kentucky statute that says something to the effect of operators of motor vehicles shall be in possession of proof of insurance when operating a motor vehicle. But that does not create a requirement to operate a motor vehicle.
Okay, I'm done with you idiots. Enjoy your thread.

you're being very un-Dude.

You've done a great job of researching statutes that provide requirements for augmenting activities. I'm impressed by your effort. Just want to make clear that by no means am I on the side of this Rowan clerk simply because I asked if there is concrete law mandating the service. Obviously there is a statute mandating a specific form, and a process for implementation, and for collection of fee - therefore it is reasonable to assume an understood mandate for the service itself.
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Doesn't your bible say give Caesar what is Caesars and God what is yeah your bible even understands seperation of church and state. Try again.

Pretty sure it also says something about adultery being a sin. Seeing as this "fine, upstanding Christian woman" was married to her first husband when her baby daddy (and future 3rd husband) knocked her up, she may qualify for being stoned to death in the non-smoky way. Guess she didn't read that part...
What's your point? If I do something wrong, does that preclude me from ever holding anybody else accountable for anything else?
Rosa Parks didn't follow the law.
Good call.

So you're comparing a woman who discriminates against gays and fights for her right to deny basic legal rights afforded by the constitution vs a woman who was discriminated against for being black and denied basic legal rights afforded by the constitution.

That's a really good point. They are so close to the same thing.

This is the kind of stupidity we face in this country...
Good call.

So you're comparing a woman who discriminates against gays and fights for her right to deny basic legal rights afforded by the constitution vs a woman who was discriminated against for being black and denied basic legal rights afforded by the constitution.

That's a really good point. They are so close to the same thing.

This is the kind of stupidity we face in this country...

Our perhaps I'm just trying to get a rise out of you whiney libs who are getting bent out of shape over one hick in Rowan County.
Oh, and the constitution says nothing about letting gays get married. Nor does it mention anything about abortion.
I lost an eye in a military accident, makes typing difficult but no excuse. I'll try to do better. No sure how you surmise my wealth - maybe you're just easily intimidated.

Sorry to hear that. But apparently it hasn't stopped you from reading voraciously - or at least bragging about doing so. As for your wealth, why would I be intimidated? I live in one of the wealthiest areas of the country. It was actually a shot at you for your earlier comment about your income.
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Sorry to hear that. But apparently it hasn't stopped you from reading voraciously - or at least bragging about doing so. As for your wealth, why would I be intimidated? I live in one of the wealthiest areas of the country. It was actually a shot at you for your earlier comment about your income.

Ah, the Noam Chomsky discussion, and my fatal error of pointing out that Mr. Chomsky considers me a "wage slave" for a six figure salary, while trying to point out that Mr. Chomsky himself enjoys a significantly highr compensation package from his employer, MIT, his book deals, royalties, etc. Nowadays, a six figure salary really isn't that big of a deal, but for the discussion being had at that time I thought it was useful to combat Mr. Chomsky's labeling. It was a constructive discussion being had at the time, but apparently many persons we reading with both eyes wide open, looking for anything useful, at least what they might consider useful. I'm pleased that you found something about me useful for you.

Do not be sorry for me, please. And if you want to point out more of my typing and grammar flaws, please do. Some people like to do that sort of thing and I certainly don't want anybody to be deprived. I'm here for the entertainment, so too should you. I do not read as extensively as I once did, as I no longer travel as extensively as I once did. Most people only read with one eye anyway. The other eye is just watching (what I've been told so many times). Fortunately it was my non-dominant eye. Put your hand over your non-dominant eye and you can probably read no problem. You might even find it relaxing. But reading without your dominant eye may be difficult.
All of this is really irrelevant to the argument, but I can give some detail of the process. To reiterate, the actuality of the process is not predicated on issuance of a certificate but the approval of it. The law does say a clerk issues a marriage license -- the law doesn't say that the public at-large cannot issue their own license. Whether the document is validated is a different thing entirely.

Point being is this -- if John and Jane Doe had a copy of a blank license and brought it in, the marriage would be validated regardless of whether it was issued by the clerk (and it would not be considered forgery). The clerk functions much like a notary in this regard. It's not about the license, it's about the information on the license being certified as true and filed as a legal document. That is all a marriage license is -- a government approved recognition that a marriage took place.
How long are we gonna have to have debates about gay marriage? Is this on track to be a decades-long whine fest like schmaschmortions or is it just a fad like the fight over Terri Schiavo?
How long are we gonna have to have debates about gay marriage? Is this on track to be a decades-long whine fest like schmaschmortions or is it just a fad like the fight over Terri Schiavo?

99% of the country is over it and on to fighting over transgender kids using locker rooms. Then there is Rowan County, Kentucky...
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